Detailed Displays for Your Dept 56 Houses – Dept56Displays

Detailed Displays for Your Dept 56 Houses ‘” Dept56Displays

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Elizabeth Dinger, the author of the popular Display Tips for Collectible Houses, has written another best seller ‘” Displaying Your Collectible Houses ‘” Displays By Number.

Many have commented on how life-like her displays always look and how mesmerized they are as they just stand there and gaze. Taking in everything in her displays is always a joy!

Forget about all those flat and dull displays. By following her plans you can now create eye catching and memorable displays because this new ebook will show you everything you need to make beautiful displays.

This ebook was written with you in mind. We want you to be able to create these exquisite displays in your own home so every attempt was made to document as many details as possible.

Each of these designs are unique and new. Every display Elizabeth makes is different since she rarely ever creates a display the same way twice. She has been making these displays for 25 years so she has a lot of good ideas she is trying to pass on to you.

Once you get this ebook, you will see for yourself exactly what we are talking about. There is no misinformation here. It is 100% “real” information that comes from the heart and creative mind.

This ebook took a long, long time to create for you and we promise that you won’t be disappointed one bit.

Well, each display comes with a detailed diagram (showing exactly where to place every piece) and a bunch of photos so that you can see the display from many angles. We call this technique “displays by number”.

You have heard of, and have probably done, “Paint By Numbers”, where you are given a picture to paint ‘” except the picture is more than just an outline or silhouette. The picture is divided into different areas and each area has a number in it. Your job is to paint each numbered area with the color of paint specified for that area. For example, number 1 may be red, and number 2, may be blue, and so on. When you are all done painting each area as instructed, you will have a ‘professionally painted picture’ with intricate shading, which really looks pretty good.

Well, that is the intent of this e-book ‘” to diagram the details of a display such that you know exactly where to place each figure, house or accessory. Then, when you are done, you will have a beautiful display that will draw the admiration of your friends and families (and you don’t even have to tell them your “display by number” secret.)

The ebook has 20 displays of all sizes from the simple table top display to shelf displays, cabinet displays on up to the elaborate full 4 ft x 8 ft display, which encompasses some 30 houses.

You may be saying to your self how can I follow her displays when we may have different houses or accessories?

What this means is that the diagrams do not specify a particular house or accessory to use, they just specify where and how to display it.

All you have to do is take this diagram, and if you happen to have the same house as in the display, you can either use that house or substitute one of your own. As a matter of fact, no where in the diagrams does it ever say which houses are where. The only way you know which houses are used is if you look at the photos.

Same thing goes with churches and accessories. The diagram shows you where to place the accessory, whether it be a boy, girl, man, lady, animal, cart or some action accessory. You simply use whatever you have in the appropriate place.

If you would like a free sample of a Displays By Number diagram with the recently released Candle Shop and Wines and Spirits, simply fill in the following information and hit the button.

(Please note that you will have to confirm your e-mail request that you will receive momentarily before the Free Display By Number can be sent!)

The other thing these diagrams will show you is different elevations. Nothing ever is really flat. This holds true in making displays. You may want something in the background to be a little higher or you may want your line of houses to vary in height to make it look more natural.

Well, these diagrams will denote which things should be elevated and how much they should be raised. All you need to do is find something similar in height and size and you will all set.

As an example, shown below is a sample diagram showing you a portion of a large display. Along with this diagram are a photo, showing a close up, and a portion of the “key” defining what the symbols mean.

(Please note that due to the large number of high resolution photos in these ebooks, the files will take about 22 megabytes of disc space on your computer.)

First, here is a copy of the Table of Contents showing what kinds of displays you will get plans for:

Farm and Church Simple, But Sure, Seasonal Display Off To A Fire On A Frigid Night Country Farm Vignette

Country Church Busy Barn Yard Scene A Simple Country Display New England Country Scene City Scape Down By the Old Mill Stream Mixing It Up With Holiday Flair

A Ride through the Country A Busy Morning in Gate-Leg Square Circle of Churches Winter At the Pond Rockin Round The Christmas Tree The Land of Plenty

Second, you get an introduction to the ebook describing some aspects of laying out your displays, what you should be aware of, and how to do some other things. You will also get a chart, which will be your “key” to showing what all the symbols stand for.

Third, you get 20 detailed diagrams showing where and how to place each house, church, accessory or person… Read more…