Delectable Dessert Recipes – Living Healthy With Chocolate

Delectable Dessert Recipes ‘” Living Healthy With Chocolate

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Discover How To Feel Your Best While Treating Yourself To Cookies, Cakes And Chocolate With These Simple To Make, Nutrient-rich Dessert Recipes

I also wanted to let you know that as a special thanks I’m offering my entire cookbook master recipe collection to fans only for 45% OFF!

You will get this gorgeous 139 page book loaded with mouth-watering dessert recipes that will completely change the way you eat, think & feel about sweets.

Every recipe includes a beautiful photograph taken by Adriana herself, so you can see just how savory every dessert is and how to best present them.

Each ingredient in each recipe of this cookbook has been carefully selected to provide the maximum number of micronutrients, beneficial fatty acids, and anti-oxidants in order to deliver the maximum amount of solid nutrition with every bite.

Click the “Add to Cart’� button below to get the special discount ‘” Save $15.76 (45% off) ‘” $34.95 value!

Choose From These 9 Categories Of Simple To Make, Mouth-watering Treats That You Can Whip Up In Less Than 30 Minutes:

Here’s a sneak peek at just a few of the dessert recipes you will find in the Living Healthy With Chocolate cookbook ‘” you will get over 100!

With clear, step-by-step instructions you will be able to make the healthiest and most delicious desserts that will get rave reviews from friends and family every time!

Ready to start cooking these delicious dessert recipes? Click the “Add to Cart’� button below to get your special fan discount!

“Perfect beyond perfect. The mint flavor is exactly right (my husband and I are both *zealots* about mint chocolate pairings and have tried every chocolatier’s version… this recipe is GOOD!!!)’�.

“You are inspired! These are the best brownies I’ve ever tasted! These are the perfect treat. Thank you again!’�

“Are you kidding?? This recipe is AMAZING! I made it yesterday and we loved, loved, loved it! I wasn’t sure if my husband would like it, he likes coconut but isn’t crazy about too much of the shredded texture in things, but he LOVED it. In fact, this morning he texted me and asked me to email him the recipe! A bunch of guys he works with are also on Paleo and apparently he has been raving about it to them. Funny…envisioning a bunch of military guys sharing recipes……but, this is a really nice treat! Thank you Adriana!’�

“My husband and I made these last week but skipped the chocolate chips, AMAZING!!! I now have my favorite go to “sweet.’� Thank you!!’�

“Delicious! I made these today and they are amazing. Easy to make, very moist and great flavor. I will definitely make these again.’�

An ebook is a cookbook in a digital format. The great thing about it is that you can read it on your computer, smart phone, tablet or any other electronic reading device you prefer.

You can search the exact recipe you want without having to flip through all the pages. You can print out the recipes you use frequently or perhaps wish to share with a friend and there is no excess paper waste generated. You can scale the font larger or smaller, flip the orientation, click on the links, read it offline and have it with you anywhere you go.

If you’re not satisfied with the ebook after 60 days, just let me know and I’ll refund your money.

Here is how it works: Order today and you will gain instant access to download the Living Healthy With Chocolate eBook. If within 60 days you are NOT cooking delicious dessert recipes and healthy gluten-free treats that are helping you feel more vibrant and energetic than ever before, simply send me an e-mail for a full, complete refund… no questions asked!

How long has it been since you could just sit down and enjoy savory desserts without guilt? Too long? How does a delectable slice of Raspberry Chocolate Truffle Pie or a Fudgy Chocolate Brownie sound? Remember: they’re Paleo, grain-free, gluten-free, and soya-free! Go on, now ‘” you know you’re just itching to get started! Read more…