Custom ebook cover design ‘” Killer ebook cover graphics
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The same is true on the internet, probably more so. That’s because everything on the Net is two dimensional. If you want to make a good first impression, to build trust, and create value in your customers mind, then you have to present your product in a way your customer can relate to.
You have to present it in a way that makes your customer want to reach into their screen and pick it up. If you can do that, make the product jump and say, hey! look at me! I’m real, buy me now! Then you will make more sales. It’s as simple as that.
Now, check out some of our ecover designs and styles below, then compare them to what you are currently showing your visitors. Then imagine how many more sales you could be making right now if you had your product, ebook or ezine wrapped in a KillerCover.
Ebook sales volumes are exploding. As competition heats up it is absolutely essential for you to stand out from everyone else. A KillerCover Ebook Cover designed exclusively for you will ensure you do stand out, and sell more!
Whether you sell your ebook or give it away free, you will be amazed by how many more downloads you will get if you have a KillerCover Ebook Cover on it. Don’t believe me? Go ahead, try it, click here to download one of our FREE ebook covers. Put it on your site where people will see it, then keep an eye on the downloads.
Now imagine that it is your ebook that is being downloaded. All because of a simple KillerCover Ebook Cover.
Vaughan Davidson is, in my opinion, one of the best graphic designers in all of Internet marketing. I consider him to be my secret weapon in the business world. While other people are running around with their own homemade graphics, my business has a consistent and professional image thanks to his graphical genius.
Whether you need e-covers, print covers, header graphics, or PowerPoint slides for screen capture presentations, Vaughan Davidson should be the person you contact first.
If you are selling something other than an Ebook, then a KillerCover eBox is the perfect way to present it to your customer. People have been buying things in boxes all their lives; they feel comfortable buying that way.
It’s for this very reason that a KillerCover eBox makes your job of getting the sale that much easier. You are presenting your product to them in a familiar way. A way they know and understand. When you present something in a way your customers know and understand, you make more sales. Simple as that!
You can use a KillerCover eBox to present just about any product or service. Software is the first thing most people think about, but KillerCover eBoxes have been used to sell subscriber only sites, multimedia courses, online services and multi products in one pack.
WOW! I don’t know how you do it. I tried using so called “Generators” but the final project would always come out “Fuzzy!” I saw these great looking graphics all over the web and I said “I need that!” That’s how I heard about I describe what I wanted and it’s like you read my mind (the creative part of my mind that I’m still trying to find). I promote a professional product and there’s only one place to go now. No question, I am a customer for life.
The competition for ezine subscribers is getting more intense by the day. It used to be enough to have a “put your email address here’� box on your home page. Now you have to offer free gifts, reports and ebooks. And that’s not even working like it used to.
Now there is a new way, a way that 99% of your competition hasn’t discovered, yet. Those that are using it are reporting a flood of new subscribers. These people have given their ezine or newsletter the appearance of a magazine.
Everyone loves reading a magazine, that’s why they’re so popular. And, by giving your ezine or newsletter a magazine style cover, people feel good about subscribing. In fact, they want to subscribe. They feel they are subscribing to something more than an email in their inbox once a week. They are subscribing to something solid, something real. When you get your customer in that frame of mind, your subscriber rate will skyrocket.
Thanks for the “KillerCovers” you sent. I think you’ve done a fantastic job. I love what you’ve done.
I must say it’s always a pleasant surprise when you deal with suppliers who actually do what they promise. (I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say this is rare these days!).
You’ve definitely over delivered. The $117 I spent with you was money extremely well spent. Thanks again, I’m sure I’ll be in touch again shortly for my next KillerCover.
What happens if your product does not suit one of the three standard KillerCover ebook cover shapes? Simple, we have 16 other shapes you can choose from. Everything from spiral bound reports to CD/DVD labels. Click here to see the other KillerCover ebook cover shapes that are available.
If you want to turn your new Killercover ebook cover into a professional looking brand and web site then you need the Killer Web Site Brand Pack. Here is what is inside:
In other words, the Killer Web Site Brand Pack lets you easily and simply create… Read more…