Crested Gecko Secret Manual- Crested Gecko Care

Crested Gecko Secret Manual- Crested Gecko Care

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Your gecko does not have a good bodyweight; for example, if the rest of the body is bulky, yet the hip bones are protruding

You notice obstructions in the flaps of the gecko’s skin, or dried mucus or faeces around the ears, nose, mouth or vent

Just because a crested gecko does not need to be played with and walked every day like a dog, or require the occasional toy or bag of catnip, do you think caring for these little creatures is going to be easier?

Do you think you are going to have hours of enjoyment every day watching your crested gecko hunt and play? Are you expecting to develop an undying bond with a crested gecko that wants nothing more than to ride around on your shoulder all day?

Many people have been extremely misinformed on how to raise crested geckos… it has become absurd…

It is incredibly urgent that you hear what I have to say if you want to stop making the critical mistakes so many other crested gecko owners are making today…

In a moment ‘” I am going to show you the basic yet CRITICAL MISTAKES thousands of crested gecko owners make as well as quick-fix tips you can use INSTANTLY to get your beloved gecko back to optimal health!

I admit I love these crested geckos, or cresties, as I like to call them. I have kept and bred them for over 10 years, which makes me one of the most recognized authorities when it comes to these little reptiles.

Unfortunately, most people do not have the same level of expertise. They buy a crested gecko from their local pet store and expect it to be as easy to take care of as a goldfish. These people usually end up making all kinds of awful mistakes that seriously endangers the well-being of their beloved crested geckos!

To understand why crested geckos need such care and special attention, it is important to know their history. The crested gecko originally came from New Caledonia, a small group of islands located off the northeast coast of Australia, halfway to Fiji…, which means…

Imagine plucking a crested gecko from its natural habitat in the tropical jungles and forests, where it never truly gets very cold… and putting them…

Unless you live in a lush tropical rain forest, I doubt your garden has the appropriate conditions…, which means you must “create’� an artificial environment that is similar to a crestie’s natural habitat.

This is where all the problems seem to come in with crested gecko owners. Most people have no idea how to give their geckos everything they need… nor do they have any idea of the expenses involved! Since the equipment you set up must mimic their natural habitat… rearing a crested gecko can be a costly hobby!

Fortunately, over my 10 years of raising crested geckos, I have come up with a number of shortcuts and tips that can save you some serious money… but still provide your crested gecko with a top-notch environment!

Sure, you can read website after website and browse dozens of forums about crestie geckos and you still will have no idea about the best to care for them… because most of the people that are posting on such websites or forums are just as inexperienced and ill informed!

Why waste your time trying to learn something from newbies when you can pick the brain of an experienced crested gecko owner and breeder… someone who actually makes a living doing just that?

Why worry if you are doing everything right… when you can know all of the proper techniques to provide optimal care for your crested gecko?

Pet store owners and professional breeders do not want you to read this secret manual. The reason for that is once you read what I have to say about caring for crested geckos…

You will NEVER pay full price to ensure your crested gecko is getting all of the fruit supplements that it needs

I have tried offering compact versions of my manuscript to pet store owners to provide to their customers…

They All Had Some Second-rate Excuse About Pet Owners Not Being Able to Understand “So Much Information”!

For that reason, I turned to the Internet… by offering it to you in an instant download. Therefore, if you are considering getting your own crested gecko, or even if you already own one… you will know right way if you are doing everything in the best interest of your beloved gecko.

Your Crested Gecko Secret Manual was a real revelation for me. This whole time I thought taking care of my crested gecko was no different from taking care of any other pet.

You went into minute detail in this manual about how to take care of crested geckos and I suddenly realized there is so much that I did not know!

You covered everything a crested gecko owner should know; from selecting a healthy gecko, providing proper housing, feeding the right foods, breeding your own crested geckos as well as the most common diseases affecting crested geckos.

Here are a few of the things that you will learn about in my book just on selecting crested geckos to help you choose the best one:

3 ways to know for sure whether your crested gecko is male or female (even some pet store owners get this wrong, which can lead to a number of unexpected problems in the future)

Why you should NEVER buy a crested gecko from a pet shop with overcrowded stock (you will just be throwing money down the drain)

4 additional sources, other than local pet shops, where you can get a crested gecko (generally for a lower price and a healthier gecko… if you know where to go)

The dangers of keeping a juvenile crested gecko… and how you can avoid them by simply taking the time to monitor and observe your gecko

Why to look… Read more…