Clash of Clans gamers guide

Getting StartedBuilding your very own village!

Defending your resources and honor! Looting the Noobs! And much more!
This is a FAQ for Sons of Anarchy2 and other Clash of Clans players that hope to improve their gameplay.
This Lens is not supported by Supercell and does not share in the opinions or thoughts of the games creator.
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The BasicsClash of Clans is a game produced by the company Supercell. The premise of this game is to build a village join a clan and then smash other players heads in for their resources they worked so hard to obtain (waiting and playing other games while the collectors do everything).

So getting Started, you will find that you have a town hall that has random (useless) villagers coming from it, builders hut and some resources. Hopefully you are following the in game guide at this point and you dont need any further info.

Now, you may ask how can I grow my village to a booming pinacle of Roman or Persianic might and begin ensuing havock upon the masses and that is what this lens hopes to achieve.
My name is KilroyKT I am a member of the Sons of Anarchy2 Clan in clash of Clans and my goal here is to expound upon how to be a cohesive member in a clan and how to build your might without wasting time.

Follow (1)Clash of Clans Game Suggestion Box – No… Only the really bad ones are burned to heat my home… 20 commentsGo to last commentanonymous 2 years ago
Great write up, thanks. Really appreciate hearing thoughts on pro/cons of different units. One thing I have noticed is that wallbombers don’t always seem to head in a straight line to wall, sometimes they attack a wall off to the left or right, really annoying

Dfault 2 years ago
Great work! You have forgot to write about breakers in the upgrade section.
Kilroykt 2 years ago Hub Author
@Dfault: Will do
anonymous 2 years ago
i need help getting trophies and my parents wont let me buy them wat do i do
anonymous 2 years ago
i ment i need help getting gems sorry for confusion
anonymous 2 years ago
If u don’t buy gems u will fail in this game I want to decrease the use of gems and decrease time of building

anonymous 2 years ago
Can some people join my clan? It’s called frozen warriors and I really need help!! My name in the game is called subzero
anonymous 2 years ago
Guys join my clan it’s called operation PEKKA
anonymous 2 years ago
@anonymous: No
anonymous 2 years ago
Please i beg of you that you add just one more square row vertically and diagonally!! please this is very important to my village! it would help my place out a ton! new update please make more space atleast one more row vertically and diagonally!

anonymous 2 years ago
actually make that four more squares… please we need more space… i feel we are limitted to nly a few shapes. please make atleast 4 more rows diagonally and vertically.
im eltattoo. this is also my gamecenter
anonymous 23 months ago
Hi, Clash of Clans is one of my favorites, so that’s why I was buying gems every day. But my friend keep telling me that he uses a hack and I should use it too. At first, I didn’t believed him, but after I was left without money and got beaten, I decided to use it.

So this is the hack: Hope you will like it!
Fernandotorresf 23 months ago
Advertising a clan of which I am a member, the Coalition. We have 50 members at the current time but all that want to join can add my gamecentre and I will talk to the leader; Zac-attack011198. If you also have Fifa 13 on your iPone/iPad/iPod, I have a lens under construction on it.

I will notify when it is done. Have a look at our clan, 18300 trophies, lvl 75+ lvl 5-6 archers only
anonymous 23 months ago
What happens if your the leader of a clan and you leave your clan?
anonymous 22 months ago
Why do I get banned from clash of clans when I didn’t do anything?
anonymous 21 months ago
They should really make like a clanVSclan tournament. Where clans compete for rewards if they achieve a number if victories. The gens rewards that they have now are only going to go to the big spenders where if they give the other players a chance to get gems they mught get encouraged to buy more after they get a taste for them.

The tournament should match clans based on either total trophies and or overall level of the members. Just a suggestion to make this game even better. 😀
anonymous 21 months ago
@anonymous: I agree
DeathFortress 18 months ago
@anonymous: so true
nume 3 months ago
Popa Loc
Jim Jones 2 months ago
You could try here website
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The Layout – Building your walls, to invite others to break them! See all 12 photos Base Layout Now there are many different layouts for a village, you have the Cross for the religious, the Box for the simple thinkers, the Maze for the zany, and then you have the Defenseless for the NOOB!

So how can we avoid total and utter noobery? Quite simple your layout must have these concepts in mind:
1- The Town Hall is the most important in the trophy protection
2- Mortars have a range where they can’t shoot
3– Walls are meant to delay not block
4- Resources are what your enemies are after
5- Diversions allow your defense to work
So that being said attached is my boring layout. I will use this as a way to express good house keeping ideas, NOT the end all be all of defensive layouts.

Looking at my base you can see I have put my Town hall in the center with my Banks surrounding it. The reason this is done is to prevent enemies from having direct access to my stored loot. My mortars are positioned where they can hit you but you can’t stop them and ive given my enemies plenty of things to waste time on. So in future threads i will explain in more depth the function of each base item

Follow (1)Comments – Keep it freindly! 7 commentsGo to last commentanonymous 2 years ago
Its a great game!! Killer wright up Kilroy!
anonymous 2 years ago
Do we want this to be widely available/ easy to find/ unprotected? If so, let’s watch what we put here so it doesn’t do too good of a service… Otherwise, it’s a great start. Any forum like functionality here or do we need to look elsewhere for that?

Dfault 2 years ago
I like yor setup and that is what I am aiming for need to upgrade town hall to get me more walls and defensive units
StrongHammer 2 years ago
I’m going for the maze setup
anonymous 2 years ago
Good job Kilroy very informative won’t be long and SOA2 will be taking over the clash of clans world!!
DeathFortress 18 months ago
Just wanna say, if you do not have patience, this is not the game for you.

trend3 18 months ago
I just found this clash of clans cheats: website
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World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria – PC/Mac Buy Now StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Expansion Pack Buy Now Amazon Gift Card – Email – Holiday Snow Globe Buy Now Upgrading – So much time so little to do! See all 12 photos Elixirs So by now you have become adept at building your perimeters and are needing advice on what ot upgrade first.

You could upgrade gold or elixir, possibly barracks, even defenses…… But you should NEVER upgrade your Town Hall if your defenses arent ready for the next step in buttkickings.
A simple process to go by is to always keep elixir and gold producers max level first. Now i know that you are thinking, “Hey I want the next level in troops right away.” But this is not the best step you will be regretting it later, we are talking the never ending game of catch up here.

So after we have maxed our gathering structures the next step is to fortify defenses max out what defenses u can have e.g. mortars, canons, archers, wizards, and hidden teslas (shhhhh you cant see them). These will not only help deter attacks but ward off the braver more beastly players.

So now can i have my barracks?….. NO you need to pimp that base with some walls because wooden fences are so 1700’s we are talking crystals and gold.

Aaaaaaand finally whatever else u haven’t upgraded is up to you to upgrade and whenever you like from that point forward.
Town Hall – This is where the magic….Doesnt happen! See all 12 photos Town Hall The town hall is an important piece to your village, upgraded wisely gives you access to new buildings and defenses.
Only advice i can give here is don’t upgrade too fast. if you can stay at level 5 town hall till your completely upgraded do so your not helping yourself by upgrading without having the resources or defenses to back it.

Defending this building is paramount to gaining trophies which we will discuss in another thread.
Have fun with this its your biggest expense and most important.
Trophies – Earn them and give them back… It’s ok Lance Armstrong did it! See all 12 photos Trophy Count As promised trophy talk….
Trophies are earned 2 ways:
1- Attacking
2-Defending (successfully)
You will recieve during an attack phase 1 star for reaching 50% destruction of a foe, another star for killing his Town Hall, and lastly 1 more star for bombing them back to the stonages

Defending is important to do just right.. I know it seems silly but you want to actually lose around 40 percent of your base when you are attacked. The reason for this is it will activate the sheild that prevents any further attacks. This is good for when you dont want to lose the resources you just pillaged from someone else.

The trophies you earn will secure your spot in your clan as the Top Dog and if your clan is the best in the world gets you free Gems!!

Additionally the achievement for reaching 1250 trophies is very nice I’d reccomend it!
Troops – Amassing your army! See all 12 photos Troops OK!
So lets get ready to attack some schmuck and steal their lewts.
To do so you want to determine the best attacking force for you. Each troop has its advantages and disadvantages. Lets break them down as far as usefulness is concerned.

Giants- These lumbering mental cases are big fans of your opponents defenses so much so that they have only one desire to seek and destroy them. Pros- Large amounts of health, Attract fire, reasonably priced for their function Cons- Will not stop until defenses are dead so if you are out of DPS they wont finish off any buildings that are half dead.

Breakers- These skeletal kamikaze’s are the back bone of an effective assault on your enemy, sadly being skeletons didn’t give them much of a brain. Pros- Take out walls with ease Cons- Expensive, Weak, and Only go after walls in a straight line so dont expect much manuevering once they are deployed.

Archers- These cost effective hooded hunnies are the workhorse of the lower trophy battles.
Pros- Range can shoot over walls, in swarms can overtake pretty much anything Cons- They are weak to mortar fire and don’t focus on targets well.
Mages- These are high powered ranged attackers with cool robes. Pros- Range can shoot over walls, in swarms can overtake pretty much anything Cons- EXPENSIVE and don’t focus on targets well.

The rest of the troops you can play with to figure out your team. The best attacks usually consist of 4-5 bombers 9-12 giants and the rest ranged attackers. Scale those figures for your camp sizes and good luck.
Please comment on how you attack and how it works below
Attacking! – All your base are belong to us. See all 12 photos Attacking So how to attack and who to attack.

Click the attack button bottom left corner decide between going after the NPC goblins or other real players.
Make sure you only attack people who cna reemburse your costs of attacking them. Ensure you can win your resources or trophies your aiming for. Be leary of the defenses and keep an eye open for traps. These are the steps to an effective attack.
Donating Troops! – Sharing is caring (except for STD’s) See all 12 photos DONATE! Remember to share troops with your Clan members these troops will help them either defend or attack and that is up to them to decide what to do with them. Try to give as much as you take.

Their requests are located in the Clan shat window and sometimes you need to scroll down to go and collect them. Help eachother because the over all clan score matters.
Gems – When you can throw practical out the window…. See all 12 photos Gems Now im not innocent in the spending of cash on online games but this is a sinkhole you need to be aware of.
Gems in this game are a fast used comodity and often used at the wrong time.

If you are goign to buy gems to help with your village follow these simple steps to take your investment to the limit:
1- Use gems to build not to complete this will make them last longer and honestly your not in that big of a hurry this will give you time to collect more resources to invest in another upgrade.
2- Gems don’t grow on trees… ok they do but you will only get a small amount for clearing your property never use gems to clear out debris.

3- NEVER just fill your coffers.. this is an impractical purchase because you may not need all of that and will never use it
4- Avoid spending htem on accelerating anything or even auto completing troop builds… Patience is a virtue.
So gem prices in this game may be steep in appearance they are actually well balanced. Try not to use these gem packs until you are at the higher levels this will save you money. But hey its your wallet and it is the only thing funding future updates so please gem responsibly!

Chat – This is where people come together to….beg…. See all 12 photos Clan Chat Remember chat is a fun avenue to get to know your clan members and alert them of your requests please dont go in there expecting everyone to know how oyu were raised or where you were from.

In some cases there is a language barrier. Be aware that other players can troll and go they just want to be a clan leader to disolve clans dont be that guy play serious and people can be your freind

I hope to add more ot this FAQ in the future please leave your comments bellow. And remember this is a game so keep it freindly.
UPGRADES! – Supreme power is derived from the masses! See all 12 photos Dexters Laboratory! Ok. so my monty python isn’t the best but lets get down to brass tax here.
Upgrading troops, which one and why? Lets take a trip to the SUPERCELL labratory and find out.

First off we have BARBARIANS these dim witted horde type mobs are practically useless against most layouts and dont even measure up to the challenge of an assault so do these last save the money.
Next we have ARCHERS as i spoke of before these are effective in taking down lower ranked villages and should be a priority upgrade for anyones army
GOBLINS these guys are fun but make a B-line for the goods and thats their MO so i would wait to upgrade for a later date unless all your in it for is hte lewtz. Cuz these suckers are fast.

GIANTS are an absolute must in the upgrade arena the stronger your giants the more power you bring to stop the defenses of your opponent so priority 1 here
BA1100NS dont waste your money if you got the time do it but otherwise hit it up last no one will blame you.
MAGES these guys are powerhouses that bring up the higher levels as the new ranged attacker great for wipingo ut your enemies at high levels upgrade these when you have reached 1500 trophies or better

HEALERS yeah not really but if you feel like it have fun I’m sure it wont hurt you…..
DRAGONS oh yes we love our bats with fire breath they will quickly raze your enemies to the ground but remember anti air and archers and mage towers and teslas are after these as well as the clan castle defenders like archers and mages. so be weary of using these too often due ot the expense of it.

P.E.K.K.A.—these are the OMFG bombers of this game they are walls with an engine expensive but really effective so upgrade these at your leasure but please remember they are expensive and can really slow your rate of attack if you want to wait for one.
MAGIC SPELLS — Yep i got nothing here these are based on your attack preference but i would recommend upgrading one of them

Requesting Troops – I Can Has Cheeseburger?! No?! OK… Archers then! See all 12 photos Requesting Troops There comes a time when you will need to go to your clan to request troops. These troops are given by fellow clan memebers it’s often best to request what you need to make your assault or defense effective.

Here is some food for thought on what makes an effective assault and defense request:

Assault—- So here you will find it best to bring with you your clan members Giants and maybe if they have room a few Bombers. The reasoning behind this is that giants take up 5 slots for 1 of them and this will often give you an additional 2-5 depending on clan castle level.
Giants in addition ot your own force allow you some latitude in bringing more DPS classes.
Defenses— This request is fairly simple barbarians and archers no questions asked they can provide you 10 -25 dps defenders who will rip through giants and slow down other DPS classes. Nothing takes out an attacking force quite like a steaming hot pile of archers.

Remember these tips when requesting and you will find that your base will be a little better for the wear. Additionally if your defenders dont get killed you keep them. Request as often as every 15 minutes and have fun, return the favor there is no “I” in team but there is a team in meatsheild!

Win or Lose… It’s how you play the game The BreakdownThis is becoming a catastrophe!Now there aren’t many complex factors that effect this game other than the injection of other peoples problems! So the guy who just attacked you had daddy issues…. so the girl who just got her village rolled over seemed like she was asking for it by the walls she was wearing!

You will find that the best way to get ahead in clash of clans is to be a part of a good clan with active members who will be willing to help you achieve your goals this is a game of teams and will be bringing alot of new and fun things in the future to the table and as those changes arise i will be here to keep this updated.
Look to join those clans with the best records.

Win or Lose you’re a part of a team in this game. The developers are also actively working to make this a game people continue to play use their Facebook to give them your ideas and help it become the App Stores number 1 seller-ish-game!
Please comment and like my site your feedback helps me give the best information!
Q&A – Hypothetical questions i asked myself! See all 12 photos Load the fun! Ok Time for some Q&A (yes I am aware no one has asked me any questions here, and that answering these implies im insane):

Q-What is the best trophy count for farming?
A- The range you would best find players with at least 100k resources usually ranges from the 1100-1300 trophy range these players can sometimes go inactive for a few days at a time making their resources easier to collect
Q-What kind of build is right for my town hall level and my resource need?
A- There is no real answer to this the only advice i can give is to follow this guide and avoid the mistakes of leaving open walls, making the town hall and resource banks easy to hit, and not using defenses where they are most effective.

Q- Do I need to have troops in my clan castle for defense if im going ot log off?
A- Yes this is the most advantageous way of reducing the damage done by attackers. I have found that the best way to thwart giants from an assaulting force is a steaming hot pile of archer arrows! Request as often as you can and never log off without an archer in your Castle.

Q- How often is Clash of Clans updated?

A- I am not a game developer so i cannot provide exact times of updates it is best to stay posted on their Facebook account (Click on the first image in this FAQ! However since i have been playing this game they appear to update sporadically with the seasons in mind but the SUPERCELL staff is good about trying to hear user requests and implement the most fair balance possible for new and old players.

Q- Should i use gems to pay for things?
A- Yes and NO… Game development is driven by your patronage, should that factor into gem purchases maybe. Ultimately the choice is yours to spend the money but be ready to upgrade the things that matter most and I have always found it best to wait for them to finish rushing them to hte top just doubles the cost.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II – Xbox 360 Buy Now Halo 4 – Xbox 360 (Standard Game) Buy Now Xbox 360 Limited Edition Halo 4 Bundle Buy Now Assassin’s Creed III Buy Now Nintendo Wii U Console – 32GB Black Deluxe Set Buy Now Building Stuff to “Look” Tough – A guide for Level 1 to 5 Town Hall DefenseThis video is self explanatory but i think will help those who are in need of some base building guidance.

Follow these simple steps and oyu should be able to protect your resources!
Wall Breaking – Flammy5 guide very helpfulSo i have scoured youtube to locate some of the best examples of gameplay and effective defenses to help you strategize your victories.
Clash of Clans Farming – Not to be confused with Farmville!So a good note to make here is that recent changes have slightly modified the outcome of this play style however the video does hold with it some solid concepts.

1- Tanking your trophies
2- Stealing from NOOBS!
Now with the recent changes to PVP it is a good note to make that you do NOT want to raise your clan castle level too high as this now plays a factor in farming lower level clan castles. That being said the possibility of recieving a weaker player when your trophy count is lower is still a distinct possibility.

The Art of War – PWNing Noobs never looked so easy!The Art of War is a long understood bible of the human psychological condition when waging a battle. This video hopes to prey upon that concept that your enemies have mental issues you can exploit.

This video guide is a great reference on how to bait your foe and give him a spanking for setting foot on your turf!
Flammy Vision – He gives good advice what can i say!Here is another one of Flammy5’s videos about baiting a bad attack. maybe this can help either way he does give good advice and his channels are useful. His Reddit write ups lack imagination but are useful I will try to bring some of htat info here and present it better!

Happy watching!
Do you have an idea for the creators of Clash of Clans? Are the updates for Clash of Clans too slow? Well here is a chance to get your voice heard. Below you can post your ideas for what you would like to have in the game. Any idea none too big or small.
Once there are enough of your ideas out there i will post them to the Clash of Clans Facebook page and add them to thier forums I’ll even send an email off to the games producers. Lets help make this game what it should be the best in the App Store!

An example for you…. Why is it called Clash of Clans? It’s more like Village of Violence there is no clan war system and there is no real clan clashes we need a clan battle system to prove who once and for all is the best clan. The clan war winner will be given a percentage of the resources based on the trophy count won per player…..
this seems like a great idea..

So please…. I NEED YOUR HELP! Post below

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