canine hip dysplasia surgery, fho, tpo, jps, thr, dog surgery
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I wanted to thank you again as your book certainly triggered the whole process! After reading your book, we decided to go ahead. ‘” CB, Venice, Italy
Thank you for your book which I know will definitely help us when we meet with the specialist and also prepare us mentally for what we will be facing. -CC
If you and your dog are facing canine hip dyplasia, this is an absolute must read. Forty dog owners share their story with you!
The surgeon had told me that she would be sedated for just about the whole duration of recovery. I was expecting a sedated dog, but instead, she was quite active….
I felt guilty about what I had done to him, he looked pathetic, helpless, confused and scared……..the recovery was tougher than the surgery…..
I had another dog who was about three years old at the time of the surgery……I was concerned that she might unintentionally hurt him by trying to play with him……so,…….. Read more…