BrightDog Academy – BrightDog

BrightDog Academy ‘” BrightDog

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Created By A Professional Dog Trainer ‘” BrightDog Academy Is The Leading Dog Training Course In The World

There are too many sites and trainers who propose the dominance theory in training and the more voices we get that espouse the truth about canine behavior, the better off our pets will be. Alex’s theories, as presented here, represent how dogs actually learn and help refute punishment based approaches.

1. Aggression Towards People… 2. Aggression Towards Dogs… 3. Biting And Nipping… 4. Excessive Barking… 5. Whining… 6. Chewing… 7. Ignoring Simple Commands… 8. Jumping Up… 9. Digging… 10. Peeing And Pooping In The House… 11. Eating Poop… 12. Bolting Out The Front Door… 13. Suffering From Separation Anxiety… 14. Tugging On The Leash… 15. Begging For Food…

16. Won’t Come When Called… 17. Fear Of Objects… 18. Fear Of People… 19. Fear Of Animals… 20. Humping Dogs or People… 21. Resource Guarding… 22. Stealing Objects… 23. Jumping On Counters… 24. Hyperactivity… 25. Excessive Licking… 26. Jumping On Furniture… 27. Grooming Issues… 28. Unpredictable Behavior… 29. Getting Along With Other Household Animals… 30. You Have A New Puppy Or Dog And Are Lost…

If your dog is disobedient, or frustrates you by digging up your lawn, being aggressive towards people and other dogs, jumping, barking, peeing in the house,whining, or whatever, I want you to know one thing first…

I know that if you are reading this page that you are probably looking for a way to turn your and your dog’s life around. I am proud to say that you have found exactly what you were looking for.

I know that there are tons of obedience classes out there but on top of them being incredibly expensive I am sure that they bring a lot of anxiety on for both you and your dog.

Plus, you are wasting hundreds of dollars on something that is outdated and is potentially causing more harm to your dog then good.

At last! You’ve just discovered an absolute goldmine of information (including some well kept secrets) about how to obedience train your dog by communicating with Dog Language and by playing on his natural canine instincts so that he WANTS to obey you and enjoys learning new things. The other great thing is that you’re about to make training time great fun BOTH for you AND your dog.

And these methods have been proven over and over again to be successful in training even the most stubborn dogs! These methods and techniques, applied correctly, will work for you, guaranteed. I bet you’ll even impress yourself!

Is your patience wearing thin with a dog that won’t behave the way you want him to? What if you could get your dog to become that well-behaved, happy companion that you’d always dreamed he’d be?

For over the past 9 years I have devoted my life to what I love doing, and that is training dogs and more importantly their owners.

I am a no nonsense Professional Dog Trainer with years of experience behind me. I call myself a dog trainer and coach, with emphasis on the coaching part because the truth is that is the more important part of what I do.

My real job is training dog owners and teaching them the best ways to make living with their dog enjoyable.

Anyone can train a dog, that is the simple part, all dogs learn the same way. Training the humans however is where the challenge can usually arise. Many trainers don’t take the time to put themselves in their clients shoes and don’t fully grasp how they owner feels.

I take all of these things into account when I designed my training course, as well as when I’m working one on one with people.

I am a PROFESSIONAL DOG TRAINER and coach with REAL LIFE credentials. Let me tell you there is a solution to literally any behavior problem you can think of, and odds are I have dealt with them all before.

There is a HUGE FLAW in conventional dog training. Most people go to a dog training class for an hour once a week, or hire a trainer to work with them in person.

The problem is once a person leaves the class, or their session with their trainer is over, in just a matter of days its almost impossible to remember 100% of everything they learned. If a person practices something wrong because they didn’t remember the right way to do it, or didn’t have a way to review the information, they can slow down the training process or create new problems.

With my video course there is no risk of that because you can always go back and review what you learned to ensure that you are doing it properly and always moving forward with your dog.

What if I told you that I am giving you access to my entire 150 Training Videos and all of the PDF’s plus access to me on my private message board for just a little over $1 A DAY?

That’s right… You can become a member of my Dog Training Program that consists of 150 comprehensive training videos plus access to me that you can access 24/7 from either your desktop, tablet, or smart phone for just $37/month, and you can cancel at anytime!

A complete dog training course (basic through advance levels) that is offered in your local area will probably cost you close to $1000 or more once you complete it and the higher levels and there is no way for you to review what you learned and if you practice what you are taught incorrectly you will cause more harm then good.

You are gaining access to 150 comprehensive videos that start with newbie steps and then build off of them thus enabling you and your dog to grow with every lesson without having to pay for each new lesson… Read more…