Blueprint-X Money Making Formula
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A lot of unsuspecting online ‘marketers’ (a.k.a. scammers) are about to be embarrassed and exposed, right here and now. It’s their turn to lose thousands now ‘” but it’s YOUR JOB to read every word that follows to make that happen.
Not only will my 7 specific scam warnings save you hundreds, or even thousands of dollars in your search for what really works to make serious money online.
…I’m going to show you how to FINALLY get on the fast track to bringing in a substantial cash flow online using a very simple, but powerful income & cash flow formula that uses actual tested and proven *marketing principles*…
I can guarantee that more than a few very successful people would love to see this page permanently blacklisted.
The reason is, it exposes in painful detail, many of the outright lies and scams that are preventing YOU from making the serious money you deserve online.
In fact, I’m SHOCKED and APPALLED at what I’ve witnessed grow into a very disturbing trend over the past year especially.
My focus has always been to produce quality products and membership services that actually HELP people succeed online.
I have sites that have been around for years, helping people build successful incomes online, from the comfort of home.
I truly have a passion for seeing people obtain and enjoy the kind of lifestyle I personally lead. After all, I was once in your shoes, so I know what it’s like then and now.
I’m certainly not perfect, but I think long and hard ‘” sometimes for months ‘” just coming up with an idea that I truly believe will be beneficial to my customers.
I work from home as a one man operation. I set my own hours. I’ve paid off houses, I’ve paid off a sports car, a luxury SUV, a 24 foot pontoon boat, recreational vehicles… You name it.
I do it all from home, choosing not to make millions MORE running around the country doing seminars and charging hundreds per hour for consultations.
I used to be a factory worker ‘” even used to hate computers! . And then my (now) ex brought a computer home one day. And after dabbling on eBay for a year or so, I launched my first “ebook website”, and shortly after started raking in cash like crazy.
The point is, I’ve been around the block. I’m an expert at what I do. Many in Internet circles recognize my name.
Some of the biggest names in online marketing today ‘” people like Russell Brunson ‘” have been members of my sites and students of mine.
So I’d like to believe that I have earned enough respect for you to pay attention to what I’m about to disclose…
Honestly, an entire book could be written on this topic, but seeing as it’s now 3:56 a.m. as I write this, I’ll cover 7 of the BIGGEST LIES going on literally left and right every single day…
(And I mean, things are really running rampant, almost as if there’s a silent contest to see who can have the biggest product launch, but with the quality of HONESTY thrown right out the window)…
If a seller tells you there are only 300 copies of a relatively low ticket ($37 ‘” $97) product available, it’s probably BUNK.
These same sellers are simultaneously encouraging their affiliates to sell THOUSANDS of copies ‘” and that’s exactly what happens.
Now some may consider this acceptable marketing, but I call it deception. If you’re telling people that there are only 300 copies available (no ‘ifs’ ‘ands’ or ‘buts’), guess how many copies you should sell?
This is one of the BIGGIES. Affiliate marketing (where you make commissions selling other peoples products) is extremely popular, and rightly so. It’s an excellent way to make money online.
Now, what scammers are doing as they’re supposedly showing you “income proof” from using the affiliate system they’re pitching to you, is showing you income from the sale of the program itself (NOT from actually *using* the program they’re selling).
Proof of income is a GOOD thing. There are many ways to make money online, and it’s nice to see proof that your mentor is successful and has made the money he or she is claiming.
But *not* if you’re being intentionally misled as to where and how that income was generated.
Another trick to watch out for: The spend “$10,000 to make “$10,000″ trick. That’s where a marketer will spend crazy amounts of money on his latest system, just so that he can make sales and therefore be able to show you “proof of income” with his system…
Sure, he made the $10,000. But he also SPENT $10,000 on advertising to get those sales. So he profits zero. And loses zero ‘” except that he now has the valuable so-called proof to get you to buy into his system. (And this approach can be used for false claims of up to $150,000 per month or more.)
This is unbelievable. Did you know that you can BUY a live video testimonial on sites like Fiverr or Elance for as little as 5 measly bucks?
…Meaning, you can find people willing to make false income claims for ANY product or system, and create totally false testimonials, for a few bucks. Here’s one of the little schmucks that I just found on Fiverr as proof:
But what’s amazing is that some of the most popular so-called money making programs online are using these fake testimonials AS I WRITE THIS.
One popular program out there has a college kid claiming he made $250,000 in 45 days with the program he was paid $5 to endorse! (They have the fraudulent video… Read more…