Blog Curation Blueprint ‘” The Complete Video Course on Blog Curation.
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Irrespective of the route you took to come to this page, one thing is for sure ‘” You are a Blogger! But there is something that is haunting you..
Let me ask you a few questions? If you answer any of these in a “Yes’�, then you are at the right place.
I dragged myself to keep writing for another 2 years but the result was nothing better than what it was..
In 2011,I stumbled upon a blog called Huffington Post and was amazed at the amount of content it was churning out everyday. One thing was sure.. it was not one person doing it.
As I kept browsing through the blog, I clicked on one article that took me to a different blog and I found that part of the content was the same as on Huffington Post..
I have been hearing about the penalty from Google for duplicate content and that you should even avoid displaying complete articles on you home page because that acts as duplicate content to your individual post pages etc..
Arianna Huffington was a celebrity in spite of the fact that her blog was full of duplicate content..
It meant that there was something legal about using other’s content.. Duplicacy or, copying content was a term that had something else also associated with it. There was a thin line of difference between copying content and what Huffington Post was doing..
Also, the fact that Google hates Duplicate content was incorrect. There was something specific about the duplicate content that Google hated.
There were numerous such questions but with very few answers. So I knew I had to research and dig deep into this to understand what was so different about what Huffington Post was doing.
Orators and Speakers have a habit of using quotes from famous people in the exact same way that they has quoted. Was that copying?
Books from a lot of authors also used this method of copying quotes. But it did not fall into the category of “COPYING’� or, “STEALING’� because of the following ‘”
This was precisely what Huffington Post was also doing. They were using content from others but only after blending with their own thoughts and after giving due credit to their original author.
I spent hours and months studying and researching blog curation. I even joined a few courses (and I paid a fortune for that ‘” Monopoly, you see) and started my first curated blog..
3 months down the line and my blog was an authority blog. It has close to 4,000 subscribers, a ton of comments, was ranking on the first page of Google for a handful of competitive keywords.
Blog Curation Blueprint is a complete step-by-step video course where I teach you everything that you need to know about curating content ‘” from researching niches and keywords to installing a wordpress blog and finding content for your blog.
This module deals with the introduction to Blog Curation, the do’s and dont’s and the basic guidelines to follow.
This module deals with identifying the niche to build the blog in and goes into explaining in details as to how to research a niche.
Once you have identified you niche you will have to research your keywords to be used in your blog posts. This module teaches you how to do keyword research, how to find keywords for your topics so that they rank on the 1st page of Google.
This part deals with installing and setting up your blog by installing the correct plugin, the right themes and so on..
Once you have identified your niche and setup your blog, you need to find affiliate offers that you will promote in your blogs. Ultimately making money is the goal, Isn’t it?
These modules discuss in details on various methods used to find relevant content to be curated, how to curate and post these to your blog.
The final module discusses in detail, how to generate traffic to your blogs and how to make money out of them.
Just Click the big Yellow Button below and you will be taken to a secure order page where you can place your order.
Let Your Blog not die just because you are not able to create content for it. Profit from the huge amount of information that is already available on the internet.
Take the Blog Curation Blueprint course for a spin and learn how to can build a huge business out of it. You still have 60 days…Remember.
PS: I am not pulling down this page in the near future. So you need not worry about that but you really need to worry about what you did differently in the last month or, so that will change your fortunes. If your answer is “NOTHING’�, then this course here could change that for you.. Read more…