Betta Fish Care Ebook: Betta Fish Facts & Secrets, Keeping Betta Fish Healthy
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If you Answered “Yes” to the Above Question, Then You Shouldn’t Even Think About Getting a Betta Until You Read Every Word On This Website!
Betta fish get sick easily ‘” however with the correct diagnosis and medication this problem can be quickly solved.
Betta fish CAN live for up to 5 years …however poor tank conditions make them sick way before that time.
Bettas love to show their amazing colors when the water conditions are “just right” …unfortunately there is heaps of WRONG information out there on how to do this
If you keep betta fish or are wanting to keep betta fish then this is going to be the most important website you read all year.
There is an amazing new guide called “Betta Fish Secrets”. It covers everything you need to know about keeping healthy Betta fish and breeding them.
Imagine having the best shaped, most colorful bettas in your tanks. Your friends will be amazed. People will think your an expert when they see pictures of your fish.
Wouldn’t it be incredible to take the hassle out of keeping betta fish and save time knowing exactly what to do to make sure you’ve got happy, healthy bettas
Wouldn’t that be great, not having dark, sluggish bettas hiding away in the corners of your tank or around the back of the filter.
Bettas are easy to keep but only if you know how to make them happy and stress free.
You see 90% of problems with bettas start from stress, be it water quality, tank mates, moving them to another tank etc
Ever fish carries disease bacteria around with them and betta’s normally have more than other fish due to been from swampy murky water.
The key is to make sure that bacteria doesn’t turn into a disease and I’ll show you exactly how.
Now a lot of people say loads of different things about betta fish so before I go on let me tell you why you should take my advice:
Now You Can Discover For Yourself The Truth About Betta Fish Using Tested Techniques That Most Betta Fish Owners Never Know
‘Betta Fish Secrets’ is packed with helpful advice and I know you’re going to be overjoyed after reading it. Just look what a couple of betta lovers had to say after reading this amazing ebook…
‘Betta Fish Secrets’ has to be the best resource for betta fish care and breeding online or offline. I’ve read a few and this blows them away by a mile.
Thanks for writing such a great ebook on betta’s. I’ve found the answers to so many questions I had unanswered before reading this. I now feel confident about starting a breeding project and I’ll be using your breeding techniques for sure”
I’ve followed your advice and now my betta’s are more colourful than ever. There health seems to have improved loads thanks to your advice.
I’m also going to start using your easy maintenance tips to speed up caring for my fish… this is going to save me a few hours every week.
What’s it worth to have an experienced betta fish breeder by your side telling you how to do it every step of the way. This amazing information in written in plain English. Which means it’s dead-easy to read and understand. And logically laid out.
To get this information for yourself would take you years of reading and keeping betta fish plus lots of wasted money on betta fish.
That’s right, a fraction of what it’s really worth and what it cost me to even compile this information. Why would I make it so affordable? Simply because my costs to deliver it to you are so low.
So I figure I’ll be able to offer this fantastic resource of information (which will help you become a betta fish expert in a matter of days instead of years) to more people. And make my investment back over time.
$37.77 is a drop in the ocean compared to what you could be saving by not taking my advice. It will also save you years of stress overcoming problems with your fish.
But you must be quick. I expect these 30 places to fill up in the next 24 to 48 hours so there’s no time to waste.
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This is the ultimate treasure trove of betta fish advice and techniques from keepers all around the world and has taken be months to compile and weed out the fluff only to be left with the best info.
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