Become A Knitting Superstar! – Complete Video Knitting Course
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Many attempt very com-plex projects but give up as they really don’t under-stand the ter-mi-nolo-gies or abbre-vi-a-tions used in knit-ting patterns…
Wouldn’t it be great if some-one took all that infor-ma-tion you need and put it some-where you can eas-ily access?
I have more than ten years of expe-ri-ence knit-ting and teach-ing knit-ters like you how to knit faster, more eas-ily, and more confidently.
I’m a mem-ber of the Knit-ting Guild Asso-ci-a-tion and the Inter-na-tional Coach Fed-er-a-tion, and my pas-sion and secret to teach-ing suc-cess is being there for YOU, to guide you and encour-age you every step of the way.
I cre-ated KNIT-Free-dom to bring my most pop-u-lar knit-ting classes to the world, giv-ing every-one a “front-row seat,” so that any-one could expe-ri-ence the amaz-ing changes that my local knit-ting stu-dents were so excited about.
The more you prac-tice along with me, the more your brain will assim-i-late these skills, until you are able to knit things you never imag-ined pos-si-ble, while watch-ing a movie, car-ry-ing on a con-ver-sa-tion, and mak-ing new friends in your knit-ting circle!
I’ve writ-ten and filmed a pretty ground-breaking knit-ting course, “Become a Knit-ting Super-star” – The Ulti-mate Video Knit-ting Course.
So before I go any fur-ther, I want to do some-thing risky and tell you that you don’t have to actu-ally buy this course to increase your knit-ting skill and confidence.
There are hun-dreds of free videos avail-able, as well as dis-cus-sion top-ics in the KNIT-Free-dom Forum, blog posts at least twice a week, and free pat-terns avail-able to newslet-ter subscribers.
You could use any of these resources and improve your knit-ting right away, and you have a right to do that!
The most impor-tant thing to me is that you get the infor-ma-tion you need to start enjoy-ing tak-ing risks and explor-ing new knit-ting challenges.
But, if you keep read-ing, you’ll have a chance to get three very impor-tant resources that could sky-rocket your knit-ting improvement.
Every-one in your won-der-ful knit-ting group is aston-ished at your rapid improve-ment, and thank-ful for all the help you’ve been giv-ing them in fix-ing their mis-takes!
You skim the pat-tern, mak-ing sure it is well-written and includes the key ingre-di-ents you need to know.
You select the per-fect yarn for your skin color, your body shape, AND your bud-get and head home for a glo-ri-ous, relax-ing, and per-haps chal-leng-ing evening of knit-ting.
EVEN if you’ve never made this type of gar-ment before, you have the con-fi-dence to knit it, because you’ve got all the skills and resources you need at your fin-ger-tips.
In as lit-tle as a few weeks to two months you’ll be doing the SAME things with com-plete confidence.
You can just pre-tend I’m sit-ting right next to you, explain-ing how to do every-thing – I never rush, and some-times I make mis-takes – just like in real life!
…Yeah this is amaz-ing, but I bet all these will cost me a lot of money; I just want to learn knit-ting with-out spend-ing my entire life savings!
But wait…Act Now and you can have this amaz-ing course for only $77, that’s a $100 price cut…
I don’t want the price to be an issue pre-vent-ing you from obtain-ing this valu-able sys-tem and being able to learn every-thing I have to share.
I’m going to let you take two months to try out this course! Your expe-ri-ence is guar-an-teed to be amaz-ing – if you don’t absolutely love all the new skills you’ve learned, and tell all your friends about how great it is to be a Knit-ting Super-star, you get your money back right away!
I’ll even per-son-ally help you get the resources you need. Just let me know – I am here for you.
As you develop your con-fi-dence, you will find your-self start-ing more com-pli-cated and intri-cate projects that your peers could only dream about.
I’m not look-ing for a huge mass of fol-low-ers – I’m look-ing for a small hand-ful of knit-ters who want to become suc-cess-ful at knitting.
Those who are will-ing to put in the effort to make their dreams a real-ity – peo-ple who sim-ply need the right infor-ma-tion, moti-va-tion and coach-ing to help make it happen.
If you are one of those peo-ple, then join me as we embark on a won-der-ful jour-ney that will take your knit-ting skills to new heights… Read more…