Barbecue Recipes – BBQ Recipes – Barbecue Cookbook – Competition BBQ Secrets

Barbecue Recipes – BBQ Recipes – Barbecue Cookbook – Competition BBQ Secrets

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From: Bill Anderson           Chatham Artillery BBQ Team

Dear Friend: I remember when I first sunk my teeth into a “competition quality”, slow smoked rib… I could not believe what I was tasting! Tender, juicy, rib meat that just melted in my mouth and exploded with flavor.

I immediately wanted to find the nearest barbecue restaurant owner and kick him in the butt for feeding me tough, dry ribs all these years. Heck… I actually thought those restaurant ribs were pretty good until I tasted a competition rib. It’s a whole different ball game. These barbecue recipes and these BBQ competitors are professional and they work hard and take pride in their “art”. I’m sure you have seen those BBQ competitions on the Food Channel or Discovery Channel so you know what I’m talking about. In 2009 and 2010 we won 8 Grand Championships. Now that may not sound like much at first, but we are not one of those teams that competes every weekend. As a matter of fact, we could seriously claim to be one of the winningest teams in BBQ history (if it was a quality contest instead of a quantity contest). You see… those 8 Grands came in about 16 KCBS sanctioned contests. Actually it was 7 KCBS Grands and one FBA Grand. Anyway… that’s a 43% KCBS win rate. Nobody else even comes close to that win rate! The top three KCBS Team of the Year teams in 2010 had win rates of 27%, 19%, and 32% respectively. If you go by win rate, Chatham Artillery BBQ blows everybody out of the water! But unfortunately, TOY results are calculated based on how well you do in your top 10 contests, so you can see why a team that only competes in 8 has no chance at all.

The problem we had when we first started out was the lack of quality information and detailed barbecue recipes on how to slow smoke really great, competition quality meats. Sure… anybody can slap a rack of ribs on a grill and cook some “average” ribs, but trust me, that will get you a last place “booby prize” in every BBQ competition you enter. We are going to show you how to cook championship ribs in your own back yard or while tailgating at the stadium. We are going to give you…

In your new book, “Competition BBQ Secrets”, you’ll get the “impossible to find” important information like exact times and temperatures needed to barbecue like the pro’s. When we first decided to compete on the BBQ circuit in a few competitions, we started to look around for information and barbecue recipes on how to do it right because we knew we were not going to win any competitions with the trash we were cooking. Our first ribs were tough, our chicken was rubbery and tasted like a used tire, our butts were dry, and our brisket was not even edible. To be honest with you…

So… we bought a BBQ book or two, looked on the internet for some barbecue recipes, went to the Big Pig Jig as spectators, and we even bought a DVD made by a “professional” cooking team. I can’t even explain to you how disappointed we were in these barbecue products! The books were 50% to 75% stuffed with useless recipes and they did not even tell you the important “secrets” of time and temperature. The DVD was a joke. It showed a guy preparing for a contest and showed him and another guy working a smoker, but they never gave any of the all important details on how to actually do it. We were disappointed going to the Big Pig Jig too. We had fun and it was a great event, but we found out that you can’t even taste the competitor’s BBQ. So, we decided to…

That’s right… we learned the hard, expensive, and long way. We dove right in and started testing different barbecue recipes every weekend. Testing different times, temperatures, rubs, sauces, glazes, marinades, brines, injections, woods, charcoals, fire techniques, water pans, and many other techniques to produce better slow smoked barbecue. We entered our first “backyard” barbecue competition and while we were there we gathered some tips from some very friendly, more experienced competitors. We spent hours and hours on the internet and BBQ forums searching for a tip here and a good barbecue recipe there. I’m telling you… we screwed up a lot of ribs and butts in the process. And slow smoking chicken and brisket right is even harder! The bottom line is…

I have been doing competitive BBQ cookoffs for 5 years around Austin. I have a shelf full of cookbooks and your e-book is by far the best I own. I use the rib recipe to the letter and have had great success with it. Last week I tied for 1st in ribs at the Hays County Fair in Texas. That qualifies me for the national BBQ cook-off in Meridian, Texas next week. I have also won in 2 other major contests following your recipe in the past year.

As an aside – I have been cooking the super-trimmed briskets lately. They are not less tender, juicy, etc than cooking a whole brisket. A lot less cooking space too! Since we only turn in 7-9 slices, sort of makes sense.

Thanks, Dave Bliss Texas-Que-Step

Well I’ll be! After three years of cook-offs, one trophy here, one trophy there. I bought your book, I read the dang thing at least five times. This past week-end, the Family Tradition cookers took reserve grand champs for the first time. IBCA cook in Willis Texas, 2nd chicken, 3rd ribs (highest ever), 9th in brisket. I look forward to your next email and any new books and recipes.

Just wanted to let you know what I bought your book a couple of weeks ago and we did a competition on November 9/10… Read more…