– The Complete Beginners Guide To Making Money On eBay!
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There’s no need for you to learn HTML, how to do joint ventures, how to do article marketing, how to research a niche, and no need to spend many hours getting an internet business up and running.
1. This course is in real time. You’ll see exactly what a click, what I edit and how I sell on eBay. This way, you get to see the whole process from start to finish.
2. This course is laser focused on beginners. Most eBay video courses only briefly cover beginner material and then just skip to talking about advanced stuff. I literally take you by the hand and show you each step in this video tutorial.
In essence, this course provides the foundation you need. Once you have this foundation, making money on eBay becomes much simpler.
There are a lot of excellent eBay courses out there so I’m not going to say that this is the best. But, I will say this…
After literally weeks of hard work, I finally manage to create a series of video tutorials just for you!
You’ll get access to a total of 28 videos exclusive coaching videos.. starting with the basics like registering an eBay account, sprucing up your listing, and going all the way through to setting up multiple accounts in different niches to maximise your presence… and much more.
Making your first appearance on eBay or any new platform for that matter can be a daunting task. There are certain steps you must take to ensure you’ve set up your account properly. The last thing you want is to get to have everything ready for listing but eBay returning you an error stating that your account is not up to date! The videos in this module will ensure you’re up and running ready for business!
Once you get into the swing of things you may be tempted to start selling products that other eBayer’s are selling! Don’t fall into this trap as you may be treading on thin ice! In this module we’ll talk about what’s legal and what’s not fit for listing. Stay out of trouble from the start and avoid cancelled listings, suspended accounts, and even account closure! We’ll also walk you through your listing fees, how to reduce them, your feedback and much more..
There are several types of auctions that you can choose from when it comes to listing an item. In fact, use the word ‘auction’ lightly as eBay allows you to list fixed priced auctions, buy it now auctions, classified ads and much more. In this module we’ll walk you through the various types to help you decide which is best suited for you.
The eBay market place is very transparent when it comes to doing product research. One of the easiest ways of finding out what’s selling on eBay right now is to check the seller’s feedback. Even if their listing is shown as private we’ll show you a way around it! In this module you’ll also discover how to leave feedback for the seller, complete a full buying transaction and even how to set up multiple accounts!
Okay you’ve decided on what you’re going to sell.. now what? In this module, we’ll answer some of the most burning questions such as.. How does one list a product?.. What’s the best time to list the product?.. How many listings should one have active?.. How does one list multiple items to speed up the process?
Congratulations! You’ve made your first sale! You received a ‘notifcation of payment’ from PayPal, your eBay account shows a sale made and the earning bars start rising! It’s time to deliver what you promised! In this module we’ll cover the important aspects such as sending an invoice for unpaid items, shipping your product, automating feedback and much more..
I’m sure you’ll agree that having access to with wealth of videos will give you the confidence and knowledge to start putting your business together with very little hesitation!
“A True Step-By-Step Tutorial That Can Have Anyone Building An Online Business From The Ground Up In Record Time”
Was comprehensive as it gets and yet simple enough for a complete newbie. I must admit that your Internet Marketing Basics video series is a fantastic resource. You really have covered everything from A-Z. A true step-by-step tutorial that can have ANYONE building an online business from the ground up in record time. Nice work!
I’ve read tons of Ebooks about how to start your own Internet Business, but I have never seen anything like this.
This is a full proven step-by-step system on how to get your business off the ground for newbies like myself. After, going thru the videos all I could say is what a brilliant idea. It’s like having a FAQ video right in front of you.
You are practically taken by the hand and given a blueprint on everything you need to do to get yourself started. All I could say is thank you for making such a wonderful product, because you have truly outdone yourself.
As a web host admin and programmer I’m always asked for help in the form of step by step tutorials on how to accomplish certain things online. Now I know what I’ll be sending them. Your video tutorials are simply amazing!
You deliver clear and easy to follow instructions. Step-by-step process for one to succeed. Yes, now anyone can just plainly understand how things work, by -looking- at how it is done.
Let me tell you that you created a great Video Tutorials. I know for fact that 70% of my clients are newbies and doesn’t have any clue on how to setup their own website, domain or any other basic tasks that every internet marketer… Read more…