Aquarium Secrets Finally Revealed
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And don’t miss the FREE 10 minute aquarium care *video* found further down this page that shows you the number one secret to keeping fish healthy from day 1 to day 1001 WHITHOUT spending more money on gadgets and remedies.
Stop Throwing Away Your Hard Earned Money On Filters That Don’t Work By Getting The One And Only Filter You’ll Ever Need Right From The Start! ‘” Find Out How On Page 21.
Never Again Waste Hours Of Your Time On Taking Apart The Entire Tank Just To Clean It (You Shouldn’t Ever Have To Do This People! Ever!). ‘” Find Out How On Page 19.
Many of us think it’s impossible to have the perfect home aquarium: the type you see in tropical fish magazines …fifteen years ago, when I first started out, that’s what I thought too!
But I found out, after years of hands on experience, that aquariums are actually very easy to care for if you simply change the way you do a few things.
If you can spare just a small bit of your time, I’ll show you how to quickly and easily set up the best aquarium ever…even if you’ve never had good “luck” with tropical fish in the past.
Yes; 350 to 900 Dollars is the amount the average beginner basically throws away on what ultimately ends up as a dead or dying aquarium!
Well, I don’t want you to be yet another unfortunate statistic! And that’s why I wrote this book and made the accompanying aquarium care videos.
When you check out my book and watch the aquarium care video lessons, you’ll be AMAZED by how simple it actually is to set up and maintain a thriving freshwater aquarium, a crystal clear underwater paradise.
That’s right! I’m so confident that this book will finally solve your aquarium problems and that it will show you how to set up and maintain the best aquarium ever, that I’m offering you a an amazing no-questions-asked 60 day 100% full refund guarantee.
Hi Luke, I just wanted to thank you for your informative book. I thought I’d never be able to keep my fish alive for more than a few weeks. Also, I was so tired of all the cleaning I had to do. The tank just got dirty every week. Now the fish are happy and the tank looks crystal clear. And I had no idea it could be so easy! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!:)
Hey Luke, I got your book because I wanted my aquarium to look nice like the tank on your website. Well, it was more than worth the tiny investment. I’m so glad I got to follow your advice. The advice you give really does kick-ass (and now, so does my aquarium)!
Hey Luke, how are you? I’m glad that you’re finally putting that noggin of yours to good use. I read your book and I found it to be beyond exceptional! I must say that yours is among the best books (if not thee best) available. I’m happy that there’s FINALLY some good stuff written on the subject for freshwater aquariums. Hearty congratulations on a job well done! Keep up the good work!
Indeed, there are a whole lot of Aquarium books out there… I’ve read almost all of them and I can honestly say that THIS is the best book for beginners and for those who’ve had little “luck” with tropical fish in the past.
I understand why many of us feel discouraged by the hobby. After all, most books on the subject contain disorganized, confusing, outdated, and even recycled material! Such books make me angry too!!!
Applying this breakthrough aquarium care system to your fish-tank does require a bit of scientific knowledge. For this reason, I wrote this book in a way that effectively explains, and basically “translates”, all the scientific jargon so that you can easily put this expert knowledge to work for your aquarium.
Indeed, my sincere desire is to point you in the right direction. Your success is my priority. So below, I’m giving away a free aquarium care *video* lesson!
Before you hit “Play” to start the *video* lesson, let me briefly give you the context since you don’t have the book in front of you yet:
Fish hate rapid changes in water temperature, rapid changes in the amount of dissolved minerals, and sudden increases in pollution (a.k.a. fish waste).
So that’s a potential problem since fish release waste all the time! In fact, they release it not only by defecating, but also by excreting a toxic substance (similar to urine) through their gills.
Both fish poop and the urine-like gill substance contain Ammonia. Ammonia is ultra toxic to fish, and high levels will kill all your fish in a matter of hours.
As a side note, Ammonia is also a key ingredient in household glass cleaners. Think of spraying glass cleaner in your eyes, and you can begin to imagine the pain that fish suffering form “Ammonia poisoning” are in (remember, fish have extremely thin skin).
Well, there’s the hard way that most books talk about, and then there’s the safe and simple way which I explain in detail in my book.
80% of people don’t know about the safe and simple way, so they do it the hard way. They add chemicals to their filter (usually granular activated carbon) that absorb Ammonia.
Well, these chemicals degrade very quickly, and so the tank conditions rapidly shift, back and forth, between clean water, when new chemicals are added to the filter, and dangerously dirty water, when the chemicals reach the end of their life cycle at the end of just one or two weeks …at this point, you may end up with a tank full of floating fish!
Fortunately, nature has provided us with a much… Read more…