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FINALLY: An ‘insider’ at the UK’s biggest and most successful information publisher reveals how to generate a constant stream of new customers

There’s never been a better time to set up an online business… and thanks to modern technology; it’s never been easier to attract new customers ‘” no matter what you’re selling

Today, I’ll show you how to bring hundreds ‘” or even thousands ‘” of active and engaged customers to your own online business with absolutely minimum effort… and WITHOUT having to spend a single penny

After months of research and testing, I’ve identified 27 key strategies for generating new customers.

Some are ideas I’d perfected myself when promoting my own products. Others were entirely new to me…

But they’ve all got one thing in common ‘” every one of them has the power to bring hundreds ‘” maybe even thousands ‘” of new customers to YOUR business.

Today I’d like to share with you all 27 strategies in a special guide I’ve put together.

Each strategy is fully explained with clear, step-by-step instructions for putting it into action…

In fact, each one is simple enough for you to put into action for yourself, often in the space of an afternoon.

I reckon you’re going to love the smart, simple, and often surprising strategies you’ll find inside, like:

These strategies are so simple to action that you could be bringing in a stream of new customers in a matter of days… or even hours.

And that’s why it is so important you have a range of different approaches for generating new customers at your disposal.

Whatever your business; unless you generate a consistent stream of new customers… it just won’t make it.

You don’t need years of marketing experience, you don’t need a ton of cash and you don’t need a lot of time

After seeing so many online businesses fail due to a lack of customers, I’ve decided to do something about it…

To reveal the exact strategies I and my colleagues use to generate new customers for one of the most successful information publishing businesses in the world…

Specifically, I was going to put together a guide that anyone with a good idea could use to market their own business, and enjoy the success they deserve.

But let me tell you ‘” since I made the decision to do this, there’s been a lot to consider!

First of all, it couldn’t be aimed at marketing executives with a huge team of staff at their disposal…

As such, I’ve only included strategies that you can put into action by yourself, from home… and without spending a whole ton of cash.

You’re looking to run a home business, not a bank… so I’ve concentrated on strategies that don’t require tons of cash up-front.

After all, if you’re running a business from home, you might not have a lot of it going spare.

Perhaps you’re retired, and hoping for a little extra cash to help you enjoy the finer things in life.

Or perhaps you’ve just decided to tell your boss to shove off, so you can pursue your business dream full time…

That’s why I knew that I had to make these strategies as quick and as simple as possible to put into action.

So, after a quick brainstorming session, I drew up three fundamental criteria that each of these strategies had to meet:

I started running through all the strategies I’d used myself over the years ‘” picking them apart, breaking them down, and analysing what made them work…

But I didn’t stop there: I also got together with some of the brightest brains in the business ‘” copywriters, marketers, designers…

And before I knew it, I was putting together a comprehensive list of the very best ways to generate customers, grow your business and boost your profits.

Just ONE of these simple strategies could bring 100-500 new customers to your business ‘” EVERY MONTH

In fact, not only do I use them to generate new customers for my own businesses… they are used by ALL of the most successful online businesses'” in the UK and in the US.

And whatever kind of business you’re running, I’m certain you’re going to find something that’s perfect for you, like:

And I know that once you get your hands on it, you’ll be able to use it to help you develop a much bigger customer base.

Because as I say, I’ve personally used these strategies to help grow my own online businesses!

In fact, just recently, using one of these strategies, I was able to get new potential customers visiting my website on an almost daily basis…

Plus, the other day I added another of these strategies to another of my online ventures and recorded my highest ever level of daily sales.

You can forget all this ‘business in a box’ crap that you usually get from online business ‘gurus’ ‘” that is NOT what this is about.

Nine times out of ten, all you get for those over-priced Filofaxes is some vague ideas, a few screenshots of how Amazon works and a long story about how they managed to build an incredibly successful business from the backseat of a Renault Clio parked in a Tesco car park.

Because what they DON’T tell you… or rather, what they NEVER admit… is that the main reason they had any success at all is because they managed to get hold of a massive list of potential customers.

You see, that’s what so many ‘guru’s’ fail to do… they fail to tell you how to get new customers.

Worst of it is, by the time you’ve finished reading their incredible rags-to-riches story and realised they’re not actually going to tell you how to get new… Read more…