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Are You Sick and Tired Of Throwing Money Down The Drain With Marketing That Isn’t Working For You… The Fastest Way To Grow Your Business Is Through Building Win/Win Partnerships And We’ll Show You Step By Step How!

Are you one of the 95% of people that are currently leaving thousands of dollars on the table because you’re not generating referrals or creating new opportunities from your network each day?

If You Would Like To Know How We Can Change This Instantly Then Please Spend The Next 3 Minutes With Me…

Unfortunately it is more than likely that you too are leaving money on the table and are missing out on 10 / 20 / 50 new opportunities each year. Opportunities that should be adding thousands of dollars to your bottom line.

After starting many businesses in the past that slowly moved along, much to my frustration, I knew that there must have been a better way.

Here I was using social media ads, Google pay per click, paying for SEO, handing out flyers, going to networking events and handing out business cards at events and even doing some cold calling. Which was one of the worst things I’ve done!

It was not only hard, it was not giving me any return on my investment and worst of all I was not growing my business very quickly at all.

I knew there was a way to get lots of customers and clients at once rather than 1 by 1 by 1 but I didn’t know how.

So I studied everything I could on networking, referral marketing, joint ventures, affiliate programs, customer reward systems, referral groups and everything else in between.

I have bought hundreds of books, done dozens of courses, listened to many audiobooks and even met face to face with the so called experts.

Bit by bit I took what I learnt and created different systems, processes, templates, checklists and action plans, all of this allowed me to build my own referral system.

Our new referral system allowed us to attract over 400 referral partners and took our marketing agency from 0 to 12,500 clients in 3 years.

I’m sorry to say that if you have been told that by going to networking groups, referral groups or association meetings, that you would get new business week in and week out, you have been lied to.

I have learnt that getting referrals is a process and there is a simple system to follow to ensure that you to can get the same results that I have got.

It does come down to knowing what to do and the steps to do it in. So many people think you can go from start to finish without the stepping stones.

I believe these are the 4 most powerful systems that all businesses owners should be using in their own business.

And when combined will add thousands to your bottom line and ensure you are creating more referrals and opportunities than ever before.

Don’t worry if you only need a handful of referral partners or if 5 new opportunities would fill up your business rather than 400. The great thing is you can turn these systems on as soft or as hard as you like.

By following our systems you will instantly increase the number of referrals you get, plus you will grow your network with the right sorts of people and most importantly use your network to create new opportunities like never before.

Let me quickly go through each of these systems so that you see why I am so excited about putting this together for you.

The Referral Marketing System teaches you step by step how to build a referral marketing system into your business, it is not just any plan, BUT the plan we used to create over 400 referral partners that grew our marketing agency from 0 clients to over 12,500 in just 3 years. However, if you want 3 referral partners, 7 referral partners or 15 referral partners who pass you referrals, then this system will work perfectly for you. You choose how soft or how hard you turn the tap on.

The JV & Cross Promotion System is what every business should be doing every month. This system will generate as many new opportunities you want each month. We have seen people create 2, 3, 10 opportunities and we have seen people create 20, 30, 50 opportunities for the month. If you look at every big listed company they grew their business through partnerships. Well now you can to!

Everyone knows the power of LinkedIn, yet very few people actually know how to use it to build engagement and create powerful connections and opportunities on a daily basis. Through just 15 minutes a week we can create anywhere between 5 and 14 new opportunities to generate new business. People just don’t use this platform like the way we show you.

98% of people go to networking events thinking that it is all about them and it is about creating sales. These are the same people that get very little from networking events. We believe you should generate at least 5 figures worth of business from every event you attend, sure it might not be immediately but if you follow our system you will see it over the next 60 / 90 / 120 days.

These 4 Systems will show you step by step what to do, how to do it, when to do it and provides you with the exact system that I personally use in our Referral Marketing Guru business today.

I know this looks like so much information and you’re probably wondering how on earth are you going to learn all this as well as run your business.

Everything has been created in short 7-12 minute steps, I have done this on purpose so that you can take a step, learn it and then begin implementing it straight away.

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