Affiliate Profit Predator

Affiliate Profit Predator

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Dear Friend, If you’ve been looking for a way to legally raid the affiliate companies for thousands of dollars a day while only putting in less than an hour a day, then this may be the most important letter that you’ve read this year.

Let’s just say that you’re willing to put a little “work in” and spend 10 or 20 minutes setting up this cash pumping affiliate system, exactly as I show you how to do step by step…

… you would have everything you need to rake in insanely high earnings ranging of $7,749… $10,500… $25,6710 … and even $50,125 per Clickbank account… month in and month out like clockwork.

… you would have successfully mastered a system that will continue to pay you for the rest of your life regardless of what affiliate company you use it with… effectively making you an underground super affiliate and you’d be earning more than 95% of all other people in the world’s population.

… just by putting in that small amount of “elbow grease” mentioned above you would have set yourself up to achieve all of this faster than you ever thought it could happen.

Sure, I understand, you may be saying to yourself… “How come I’ve never heard of you before in all the emails I get from my guru of the day?”…. This very question is the reason why you need closely follow everything that I’m about to tell you.

The gurus have one goal in mind… To “hypnotize you” with fancy talk, slick pictures of them in front of their “leased” million dollar mansions, “leased” $100,000 cars, and pictures of them with their other guru buddies.

Let me tell you something that you may not have realized… For every 1 guru that you see or get and email from about some new “magic button” product… there are 10 other guys just like me quietly making a killing in niche markets outside of the “make money niche”. All making the type of money most of the fake gurus could only dream about…Why?

Because it cost them to keep their image up. They have a brand to maintain. When they say they’ve made $100,000 on a particular product, they’re forgetting to tell you that they had to pay out all of their affiliate commissions, launch broker, tech manager, and ohh lets not forget the big one…their JV partners.

At the end of the day, they’re lucky to see $40,000 of that $100,000 that they’re bragging about.

For underground super affiliates like myself, who have mastered the art of FREE traffic and don’t give a crap about Fame (we just want the fortune), when we make $100,000 our profit is no less than $90,000 (10% goes to operation expenses, outsourcers, etc).

This is an 100% Guaranteed Step by Step System. Once Setup… The Profits Roll In On Autopilot…You’ll Have A Recession Proof Income System That Funnels Free Traffic Using A One of A Kind System That Doesn’t Rely On…

Don’t get me wrong, there are alot of gurus out there that actually do drive, Bentleys, and take several high end vacations a year… And yes a few of them do this working the “4 hour work week”.

I know this for a fact… some of them are my best friends. These are the guys who consider a $50k month is considered a “bad month”.

There’s nothing wrong with living well and treating yourself. Actually, it’s nobody’s business what you do with your money.

The problem I have is what alot of the other guru’s are doing. The ones that are making the same amounts of money, BUT, they are doing it in a dishonest fashion, leveraging the ignorance of newbie marketers to make them wealthy.

Everyday we get all kinds of “silver bullet” systems sent to our email inboxes. You’ve probably tried to make money online with all kinds of special systems and courses that flood your email inbox every day, right?

As a matter of fact, you’ve probably tried more than you’d care to admit. I know when I was first getting started, I personally spend over $27,000 in courses and seminars over a 12 month period.

Alot of it had to do with information overload, but a lot of it was because most of the fake gurus, pumping this “crap” out there couldn’t make a legitimate dollar online if their lives depended on it.

Their sole source of income comes from selling products on how to make money using methods they don’t use (go figure) , with the sole purpose of keeping you buying from them! The trick is, They NEVER tell you what it is that actually makes them their money, they just tell you tactics that may make the average person some money. That’s a big difference.

Most of These Gurus Have Figured Out That It’s Far More Profitable Teaching You Generic Tactics That It Is For Them To Actually Apply and Use Those Generic Tactics In The Own Marketing Campaigns.

I’ve already shown you proof of how the majority of those “wanna be” marketing millionaires manipulate their customers with deceiving income figures…

So is it any surprise that there so called “bullet proof” systems end up doing nothing but waste your money. The “big secret” that most of them reveal to you is that you need to buy even more useless information to make their “system work.

Part of the problem is the fact that most of these guys are lazy and outsource the creation all of their “so called magic bullet” systems. You think you are buying a personal account of a system that has actually worked for that guru, but you are actually buying the creation of some third world writer.

Don’t believe me? All you have to do is go… Read more…