Affiliate Black Book : Affiliate Training Program
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My wife has learned what my mother has learned – don’t ask my opinion if you don’t want to hear the truth!
Affiliate Black Book will teach you how to build a lucrative online business by leveraging the assets of others so that you can focus on what matters – selling and marketing – without working ridiculous hours to achieve a meager return.
This program is different because A) it actually works, B) it’s not based on here-today-gone-tomorrow gimmicks and C) it teaches an aggressive methodology you won’t find anywhere else.
In the end you will have the REAL skills and mindset necessary to build a legitimate online business.
I already hear the whining and crying – “But this is work Mr. X. I was hoping I could do nothing and money would magically appear in the mailbox.”
With my program you CAN make a quick buck, but it’s more important to teach you to become a master marketer using the exact system I have used, am using and have taught thousands of others to use.
If you’re a lazy do-nothing, looking for the latest done-for-you push-button shortcut this isn’t your deal cupcake – as if that fairy tale existed.
This is a sophisticated (though simple) system for smart people willing to sow the seeds of true success. This is a system that will reap rewards for you, for years to come, with minimal maintainence (read that as true, automated income).
But it’s not a magical sugar pill – if you want to be in the game – nevermind dominate it – that requires more than a half-assed effort and if you’re not willing to make that effort then move along.
Seriously, if you think you deserve “market domination” and a 6-figure income using push-button software and $1 spun articles then you deserve to get chumped.
I’m literally handing you a complete affiliate formula that has nothing to do with anything else you have ever read, spelling out the road map to 6-figures*, promoting products you don’t even own.
My “bombshell” formula is pretty much foolproof – which is to say almost anyone West of the fool line can make it happen. Affiliate Black Book takes you step-by-step through the whole process, guiding you every inch of the way until you copy my exact affiliate marketing business system.
The secret is the very reason that over 99% of affiliates lose money, chasing fools-gold shortcut after fools-gold shortcut, while a powerful minority make an absolute killing each and every day from affiliate marketing – the SMART WAY.
That means they do the heavy lifting, assume all of the risk, produce the most difficult sales, and then give up all of the power to someone else.
*IF* you’re having success as an affiliate – and you probably aren’t – I can almost guarantee that for each $1 you’re earning, you could be earning $5-10 more.
There are 5 Levels of asset development and profit in most sales funnels. Most affiliates only see profits from “Level Two” – a few are building an asset on “Level One”.
In the Affiliate Black Book I’ll teach you how to build a BACKSTORY and show you the way to turn a $30 ebook sale into the potential of producing a sale in the thousands – all acting as an affiliate.
Right after I had my first $100,000 month I attended a conference as a featured speaker. Rich Schefren presented and pitched his Business Growth System as the answer to all my aspirations.
I forked over $5,000 for the privilege of learning all about his system – and that was the start of my own gradual descent into marketing hell.
I’m not dissing on Rich or his program – it’s worked for some, and it’s obviously worked for him.
But for me? I traded a system I could work from my own home with monthly income increases that averaged 10% and more PER MONTH for an office, full-time employees, management headaches, increased overhead, weight gain, higher blood pressure and inevitably depression.
No more. I’m back at home – or the park, coffee shop, or wherever I LIKE to be. I employ no full-timers. I have a more efficient system and a team of freelance professionals.
You don’t need to take on bigger responsibility to achieve bigger results. You don’t need a bunch of business theory or recaps of business books. What you do need is a smart system – a smart plan – that allows you maximum leverage.
Traffic and conversion are the two-sides of IM and all products, or services, being pitched at you fall into one of these two categories – or maybe they promise both, as a system like here.
You need to orient yourself with traffic and conversion so you can begin to make some choices, to see how things fit together.
I’ve made almost no money from HUGE traffic – and I’ve made very good money from relatively little traffic.
Huge traffic is untargeted traffic, unless it comes to you from specific sources (which, in high likelihood are presently out of your reach so you don’t need to be concerned with them).
I could not care less about big numbers when it comes to traffic. The smaller the keyword lists involved the better, IMHO.
“Free traffic” is worth less than “paid traffic”, that’s why it’s “free” – except, it’s not. I have PROOF that 4 top 10 organic listings in Google are worth one-quarter what ONE paid listing is worth –
“Free traffic” takes longer to generate (and since time is money that’s VERY EXPENSIVE), and offers little to no control.
I laugh at everyone freaking out… Read more…