Have you ever been so frustrated with your current gym exercise program that you’ve wanted to quit?
Have you ever felt like you’ve been training so hard, all the time, that you’re just spinning your wheels chasing results that aren’t coming fast enough?
With your busy lifestyle, can you afford to spend that much time that “the experts” say you need to spend in the gym to get the results you want?
Are you doing those exercises correctly and in such a way that you are inducing the absolute best fat burning response possible?
Are you doing those exercises the same way athletes would PRACTICE them?
That is…Are you doing them perfectly, using the MxT method and never, EVER training to failure?
The Problem With Most Fat Loss Programs…
Have you ever bought a program, dove into it, got your butt handed to you and – maybe – even lost some weight only to stop a few weeks later because the time commitment was too great?
After all, training 6-days-per-week and sweating your butt off would cause anyone to lose weight…up to a certain point.
Then, what happens a few weeks after?
Usually a combination of THREE Things Happen…
You quit because the workouts took up too much time.
You try to keep going and get more and more frustrated and angry because your fat loss has come to a grinding halt.
Because of the high frequency and volume of repetitions involved in these types of workout, YOU GET INJURED – and that COMPLETELY stalls your fat loss progress.
You were putting in the same effort, but for little to NO RETURN whatsoever.
There you are spinning your wheels again.
The truth is that 99% of fat loss programs like the one I mentioned above DO NOT WORK because they fail to address the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR in determining whether you remain feeling frustrated, defeated and downright angry OR if you finally – once and for all – drop that spill-over-your-belt gut…
So what is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR to Advanced Fat Loss?
Or more specifically, The SKILL of Strength…
STRENGTH is a skill…
That’s right, STRENGTH is a skill that needs to be practiced and it’s probably the limiting factor that is preventing you from having the body of an athlete.
STRENGTH is the hidden key that every hotshot trainer on TV and phony infomercial program does not incorporate into their training.
Why? Because it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get stronger training at 110% intensity Every-Single-Day.
In the same way that you have to use a Macro-Rhythm Style of eating to burn fat, you have to use a similar type of rhythm in your kettlebell practice to get STRONG.
And the cutting edge way to getting stronger is so simple that it’s not glamourous and has no sex appeal.
It’s a truth in the fitness industry that everyone forgets about.
“Alright Chris, you’ve got my attention. But how can I get an athlete’s body if I don’t have the time to practice strength everyday?…”
Well, even though you don’t have “the time” – remember I know what you mean, I’ve got 5 kids – you can still get an athlete’s body in a fraction of the time with a properly designed fat loss program that emphasizes being STRONGFirst…
What you need is a program routed in athletic training principles – STRENGTH – but designed specifically for ADVANCED FAT LOSS.
“Introducing The Complete Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss System by Chris Lopez
If you were to hire me as your trainer for 12 Weeks to transform your body the way The Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss Program can and has for many of my one-on-one clients, it would cost you over $5000 at my current rate of $150/hr.
That doesn’t even include your flight costs to get to Toronto (where I live and work), your accommodations, all the Organic food and groceries you’d have to buy and the other living costs.
When you add it all up, you’d be spending more that $10,000 to achieve the results by using the techniques in The Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss System.
If you add up the cost of the manuals and videos above, the complete face value of The Kettlebell Evolution Advanced Fat Loss System is over $230 – a fraction of what you’d have to pay if you hired me one-on-one.
But my mission is to show as many people as I can that the kettlebell is an incredibly powerful tool for achieving an athletic looking physique that not only looks great, but performs as well.
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