Discover how easy it can be to build muscle, enhance your movement, and become the ultimate athlete-capable of anything, all in less time than you already spend at the gym.
My name is Max Shank, and my job is to help people get better every day. But it took me years to earn this privilege.
When I started my journey I wasn’t athletic at all.
In fact, when I was 18, I was unable to do a single pullup or bench press 95 pounds–and worse, I couldn’t even come close to touching my toes. Truth be told I was a rather pathetic excuse for a man; weak and riddled with sore, stiff, inflexible joints.
I knew that I needed to make a change, so I tried everything. Over the last 10 years I’ve tried tons of different training methodologies including, but not limited to, Crossfit, Kettlebells, Bodybuilding, and Powerlifting – without a single method getting me the results I truly wanted.
I am competitive and do not accept anything below excellence in my endeavors. My good friend Brian once said in reference to my competitiveness that, “Max would beat a six-year-old at tea parties.”
Guilty as charged, but this unquenchable thirst to be the best at everything is what helped me find out what movements, philosophies, and training styles have the highest carryover to other activities-allowing me to finally have it all.
In the past 5 years I have excelled in competition at several very different sports, largely due to overall athleticism. From Muay Thai, and Jiu Jitsu to Highland Games World Championships, this has been a product of smart training and planning. This success has allowed me to travel the world to teach other coaches and athletes how to do the same.
The key is that I haven’t married myself to one training methodology or philosophy. It’s been a Bruce Lee experience.
To become the Ultimate Athlete, you have to do things differently.
A gymnast trains 6 hours per day. Olympic Weightlifters train twice a day for 2-3 hours. All of the best athletes in the world treat training like a full time job. If you have the time to spend, you should follow their plans-because they work.
However, if you’re like me, and you don’t have (or want) to dedicate hours and hours per day on the same discipline, you need to put it together differently.
The Ultimate Goal is to do LESS, but be able to do MORE. This is exactly what helped me put this program together. The desire to be good at everything.
This right here is exactly what helped me put this book together. The desire to be good at everything.
It is impossible to consistently practice everything, so we must train smarter.
One simple example that I cover in the book is the HANDSTAND.
If one can master strength in different types of handbalancing, they will also be able to press and lift heavy weights overhead. However, if one spends more time just working with weights, it will not carry over the other direction to handbalancing gymnastic strength. So focusing primarily on handstands will allow you to do both handstands AND press heavy weights overhead-thus more carryover, and better efficiency of time. It is through this principle of carryover that you can do LESS, but become an ULTIMATE ATHLETE and be able to do ANYTHING.
Excelling at a wide variety of activities requires a strong foundation in basic human patterns. Before you are a fighter or basketball player, you are a human. Using principles that emphasize and refine overall athleticism at a human level, you are able to jump into any sport or activity, and with the smallest amount of practice, dominate. This is what it means to be an Ultimate Athlete.
So what’s in this book anyway?
The key to strength, flexibility, and health over the long term. A philosophy that can be applied to any training methods.
How a few simple movements will give you a grip that could crush a potato and help keep your elbows healthy
The simple key to gaining the endurance you need for YOUR sport
The easiest way to cut through all the programming confusion and set up your workouts for ultimate efficiency and success
How to convince your nervous system it’s safe to give you up to 50% more strength instantly!
The fastest way to improve your posture and flexibility
The two muscle groups you need to be focusing on to unlock all of your athletic potential
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