Anxiety Protocol Program Review

Anxiety Protocol ebook free download

Psychiatry doctor and former anxiety sufferer teaches you the same methods he has used to treat patients successfully for over 15 years

What type of anxiety do you suffer from? You might have more than one. Or maybe you just have general anxiety.

Not to be confused with General Anxiety which is quite a normal life reaction, people who suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder will experience exaggerated worry and tension. They often expect the worst when there is no reason to. It starts slowly, during your teen or young adult years. The symptoms may get better and worse, but it will manifest itself more during times of stress. If the symptoms are mild, you can hold a normal job and function socially, but if symptoms are severe one can have difficulty carrying out the simplest of daily activities.

Hello, my name is Dr. Carlo Carandang, I am a child and adult psychiatrist who has specialized in Mental Health for over 15 years. I have seen every type of patient, and one that has constantly come time and time again to me is one who suffers from Anxiety. Anxiety is the most common mental illness. There are about 40 million Americans over the age of 18 who suffer from Anxiety.

I’ve personally suffered from Anxiety during school and also during my professional life. In school I would always worry before tests and presentations, and no matter how much I studied, and prepared, I always felt like my entire world was going to collapse around me. I understood stress, but this was no normal stress, and it never went away, even after everything was done, I would constantly worry about the next one, never even able to get a good night’s rest.

I didn’t even have anybody to talk to, I felt like it was shameful. If I’m going to be a doctor and help people, how could I be suffering from the very same ailments that my patients need help with, so I would often keep everything bottled up inside, which is quite possibly the worst thing that I could do.

The thing is, anxiety doesn’t only happen to bad people. It happens to normal people who are creative, caring, and intelligent. Someone with anxiety didn’t do anything wrong, but society can often shun us and make us believe that we are defective.

This led to me having many sleepless nights, poor studying, and just bad overall health. It was getting the worst of me, and went past medical school, but also into my professional career. I had nonstop worries, if it wasn’t one thing, it was another, bills, health, relationships, kids, research reports, deadlines, the list just dragged on and on, even if I had solved the problem, a new one came up. If you really look at it, it wasn’t always an external cause, but it’s the way my body coped with the problem that was the real issue.

Based on my experience, I knew that this could be solved, it had to be solved. I’ve done it for my patients, and I’ve seen it done over and over again, so it wasn’t really acceptable to me that I had to suffer. I didn’t want to take medications any longer the side effects were horrendous, but instead I actually wanted to get rid of the problem at the root. I knew that I was not alone, and that other people were going through exactly the same thing as me. I didn’t want to take medications, I know full well the side effects and that my I could get rid of my anxiety without taking medications. It could be done with most cases of anxiety, even serious ones.

I’ve researched pretty much every possible thing about anxiety that I could find, and there were a couple things that were pretty shocking to me. The first thing is that there was really no comprehensive anxiety book detailing treatment methods including natural, and prescription medication. The only things I found on the internet were people selling “techniques” which were supposedly cure-all’s for anxiety, panic attacks, etc. I personally believe they are shills. Most doctors are out there with no resources, and it’s no secret that the ones who educate them are drug companies. Yup, the very same people who sell the drugs educate them about the symptoms that it supposedly treats4, 5. I’ve personally never liked this principle, and knew that it wasn’t in the interest of the patient, but for most doctors it is very difficult to resist the fancy dinners and outings. But it’s not always the doctors’ fault, most of them honestly believe they are receiving independent information.

So armed with the fact that there wasn’t much out there, I had to gather everything up myself, and in a way that I knew would benefit myself and any future patients that I treated. I wanted a treatment plan that would stand the test of time. Some of the things that I were looking for were:

Safe – Safety is my #1 Goal. For example there are natural supplements that are highly effective for anxiety and are proven to work very well, but taking them would put your health at risk. You should be careful what is put in your body.
Fast – Fast Long Term Relief as Well as Techniques That Will Help Give You Relief Instantly for situations like panic attacks
Effective – If a technique is not effective it would be of no use. I wanted something that I could be glad that if I put my time into, it would give me exponential returns.
Proven – Evidence Based with Research to Back it Up
Works for All Types of Anxiety
Based On Newer Research – Mental Health Research has come a long way over the past few years, and if you base it on research done decades ago, it can actually be detrimental.
Self-Treatment – I wouldn’t always be able to be with my patients, there were self-treatment methods which did wonders. In fact, most of the treatment is really done at home. I just needed to know which ones were most the best, and which would be easy to use. It needs to be so simple, and not very time consuming.
Natural Supplements – Natural supplements for anxiety work. That is a fact, but which ones work, and which one’s do not are important. Here I go into research on all the natural supplements that I can find.
Using my years of experience, and researching every possible detail about anxiety that I could find, I was able to create a treatment plan that I was proud of. Who was the ideal test subject for this? I tested it on myself, and saw what worked, and what didn’t work. I tweaked, and optimized it some more. Of course testing it on yourself isn’t exactly a scientific test, but the basis of the program was using effective proven methods as well. I had to be very specific in the method that it was executed. I didn’t want to just sling a bunch of mud against the wall and hope it sticks.

I showed this to my fellow Psychiatrists, and they were all pretty excited when they saw it. It was unlike anything out there. The only problem was that they knew if regular General Practitioners got their hands on it, that nobody would be going to Psychiatrists for anxiety as it was that detailed. They urged me to write it and only for Psychiatrists, not for regular doctors, because they found that it was so amazing. Look at what these doctors say about the final product.

I initially took their advice and was going to write a book strictly for Psychiatrists. This would also ensure that patients get an expert to look them over and make sure it’s not more serious. That is always a great idea, but when I spoke to other friends including therapists, psychologists, general practitioner doctors, they told me that the book is so helpful, it can touch and change the lives of so many people and to not be able to put it into as many hands as possible would be a sin. They urged me to make the book so easy anybody could follow it.

That’s when I decided that instead of making a book for doctors, I should make a book that everybody can use. A doctor can use this book and help their patients tremendously, because of the vast amount of information in it, but any average Joe off the street would be able to use the information within the book as well.

What everybody wants is a quick technique to help treat you, but this is not a simple technique. This is a collection of multiple techniques that have taken me years to write and compile. Many of these online anxiety programs have only 1 simple technique that is supposed to be the cure-all for anxiety, but you cannot use the same thing for everybody. If you are driving, do you always turn right? Do you always go at the same speed? No, sometimes you need to make a left turn, drive on the local roads or the highway. Some people need meditation, some people need exercise. I go into the details, and what you should be looking for. Anybody who claims that you only need to do their one thing is probably full of it. I give you many options and you should choose the ones that work for you.

What does using the techniques in my book mean for you or the loved one who you buy this book for? It means that you no longer have to have the fear of leaving the house because you might get a panic attack. You won’t be stuck in awkward social situations. No more worrying about going up in front of your class or presenting at important meetings at work. Business trip? Holiday Plans? No problem. What about the fear of getting stuck in traffic? Or getting on airplanes? These are all issues that I have helped people with, and there is no reason you are any different. You clearly are here because you want some change in your life.

I said it before that anxiety disorders are a mental illness. But you do not have to suffer from it any further. You can treat your anxiety disorder. There are countless people who have successfully recovered and are completely normal. You can be also.

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