Outlaw Strength Coach teams up with one of the biggest STEEL BENDING BAD ASSES on the planet to bring you the DVD that will show you how to mangle objects which were never meant to be bent by human hands…
We will show you the techniques and training methods to blow your current personal bests out of the water, as if the Mighty Atom was right there whispering the step-by-step instructions into your ear.
I know what you are thinking.
You’re thinking this all sounds too good to be true.
You’re thinking how can I learn to bend a horseshoe in just seven days?
You’re thinking how can these guys possibly help me improve like this?
The truth is this all of this is 100% fact!
You see, success in Bending Horseshoes is based on 3 Things:
1. Having the right shoes to bend and the material to protect yourself from injury
2. The strength and endurance to get the bend started and to work your way through to the finish
3. The right technique to make sure you maximize the strength you already have that is being driven into the shoe
And guess which of these 3 KEY FACTORS is the most important of them all?
We will walk you step-by-step through the process of a horseshoe bend, going through everything at a manageable pace so that you can soak up all of the information on horseshoe technique like a sponge and then put it all into action as we go. We even include slow motion re-caps of the integral parts of the bend so that you don’t miss a thing along the way.
In this section we go over the four main stages of any horseshoe bend. They are:
The Kink – This is the initial portion of the bend. The stronger your kink, the less work you have to do throughout the rest of the shoe bend. We’ll show you proper shoe placement against your thigh, hand placement, and joint angles that will have you opening horseshoes quicker than Popeye can open a can of spinach.
The Sweep – This is the transitional stage of the bend where we move the shoe from the side of the thigh to the top and start opening it even more, further showing it who is the boss. This part is where you start to build triceps that will make a bodybuilder jealous. It’s also where a lot of horseshoes will stop you dead in your tracks. We will show you how to power through the sticking points.
The Crush – This is the part of the bend where the horseshoe gets flattened like it was run over by a steam roller. This one takes even more triceps and shoulder strength, but we’ll also show you how you can use your core strength and leverage to work through this stage while also keeping a straight face, like an innocent man, wrongfully accused of weakness.
The Leg Crush / Heart – This is where you make the bend most memorable to your friends, family, and audience you bend for. We’ll show you how to take the shoe past 100 degrees and turn it in on itself. The farriers and blacksmiths in your area will be asking you to work for them on the weekends due to your unbelievable horseshoe dominating power!
Without a doubt, the best way to get good at horseshoe bending is by bending shoes. There’s just simply no other way to become a good horseshoe bender. However, we picked out the High Impact Exercises you can start using right now for maximum Grip and Full Body Strength gains! Your friends are going to wonder what supplements you’re taking and how they can get in on some of the action.
I wanted to make this an abdsolute no-brainer for you, so I packed an unparalleled amount of information into this DVD in order to maximize the value to YOU!
I combed through the archives of my years and years of footage and found the very first legitimate horseshoe I ever bent. The most important thing about this is that I am being coached by another excellent horseshoe bender and performing strongman, Dan Cendioza! You’ll be amazed at just how similar the instruction from Dan is to that from Mike, even though both came from completely separate schools and backgrounds in horseshoe bending.
I scoured YouTube and I downloaded all of Mike’s most important horseshoe bends so you can see just how far he has come, how he has consistently improved his technique and how he has continued to climb the ladder of horseshoe bending success!
I took stills sent to us by “The Horseshoe Destroyer,” David Wigren and recorded a concise video so you can compare this master horseshoe bender’s technique against your own in order to best put what you learn into action.
For some of you, this may be the first time you have ever heard of Horseshoe Bending, and you may be wondering why someone would even want to do this.
There are many benefits to bending shoes and I wanted desperately for people to be able to take advantage of this great exercise, so the idea for this video was born.
Conquering the Impossible: Horseshoes are made to be durable and resist wear, so to be able to straighten them and tie them into a knot, it’s as if you are defeating the undefeatable enemy!
Excellent Core Strength Builder: While the hands, and arms are extremely important for horseshoe bending, the level of core strength needed to bend horseshoes is unparalleled by other strength feats.
Horseshoes Build Horseshoes on Your Arms: The straining and dynamic effort associated with horseshoe bending can’t be beat, even by the most rigorous of conventional bench pressing programs or the most demanding bodybuilding routines.
Builds Character and Mental Toughness: Horseshoe Bending takes hard work, dedication, a strong will, and a remarkable heart. You have to be able to deal with struggle and with failure, but the feeling you get when you bend that next level of shoe for the first time is indescribable.
Incredible Grip and Wrist Strength: It was once an accepted belief that Bending would take away from your Grip Strength, but Mike Rinderle totally blew that myth out of the water coming just millimeters away from crushing a #3.5 gripper after more than a year away from grip training. He did this by focusing on bending alone!
Chicks dig it: Just imagine how impressive it will be to the girls in your class or the ladies in the office when you wrap up a horseshoe and bend it right before their eyes. Horseshoes bent into a heart shape are second only to chocolate as a gift on Valentine’s Day!
Tendon Strength: Horseshoe bending requires high tension throughout the body, and with this comes tendon strength, the kind of strength that will set you apart from others at the gym and will keep you injury-resistent in your workouts.
What shoes are right for beginners to start with in order to hone their technique
What makes a shoe easier, harder, etc.
Where to get shoes
A large progression of shoes showing what are considered, beginner, intermediate, expert, and elite shoes
Different parts of a horseshoe
Small shoes vs. large shoes
A huge wrapping secret that alone could mean the difference between successfully bending a shoe and not bending it
How to wrap and what material to use
The importance of wrap direction
How to save time and speed as you wrap your shoes
Wraps used for popular certifications
Different types of padding that can be used
How to train more often and with more volume by using the correct padding
The secret motorcycle technique that will allow you keep the shoe in the correct position to impart maximum force
Straight arm vs. bent
Using your core to drive into the shoe.
Posting vs. pulling (advantages and disadvantages of each)
Where to place the shoe on your leg to lock it into place
How far do you need to kink the shoe
Why proper hip drive can result in the biggest kink
Old School vs. New School Techniques for the Sweep and Crush (A.K.A – the Milfeld Method)
How to position your hands to direct the force and “open” the shoe vs. just pushing on it.
The “secret V” that will allow you to open up your goal shoe
The importance of using your entire body to knock the shoe into submission
Hand and wrist movement that doubles your sweep strength
What constitutes a legally bent shoe
Why your leg position and how you use your lower body could make all the difference in your shoe bending
How to hold the shoe to get the best leverage
How to recover off-center bends
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