Lose Your Belly Fat Pdf Review

Lose Your Belly Fat system review

Nothing is more frustrating than having stubborn belly fat that will not go away, no matter what you eat or even how much weight you lose.

It prevents you from wearing the clothes you really want and stops you from feeling comfortable, attractive and confident.

Well, let me tell you it is not your fault!
Belly Fat is unique in that it is designed as a quick and efficient storage site for energy (fat). It is highly sensitive to stress, exercise and starvation, and this makes it your bodies first choice when it comes to laying down fat.

It does NOT respond to mainstream weight loss diets – pushed by the BIG food and fitness industry – that focus on long exercise and calorie restriction.

These diets turn on what is called your “starvation protection m , you would think exercise would do the trick, right?

Unfortunately, aerobic exercise does the exact same thing. Your general weight loss exercise like walking, cycling and jogging. This type of exercises releases Cortisol that tells the body to store energy (fat), lower its metabolism in order to save energy and metabolize (destroy) muscle.

Sounds bad right? Well, what you may not also know is that belly fat has been scientifically linked to many health problems, such as; bloating, heart burn, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia. Scary, ha?

So by trying to lose belly fat you are unintentionally gaining belly fat, and putting your health at risk. That’s is why belly fat is so damn stubborn!

Fortunately for you, I am a certified AFLCA Personal Trainer with a Bachelor of Science In Sports Performance and working off belly fat is one of my key areas for research. I’ve found that belly fat is the quickest fat to lose, but only once you know how.

Secret #1: Eat More. Yes, you heard right. You need to eat MORE not less. I know that’s exactly what so called “experts” tell you, but listen up…

When you eat more you are telling your body that you have plenty of access to energy (food) and that you are not in risk of starving. This turns off the “starvation protection mechanism”.

When this happens your body reduces your belly fat hormone Cortisol and releases hormones like Leptin that tell your body to boost it’s metabolism, burn fat and build lean muscle.

Of course I’m not saying eat whatever whenever. Only certain foods will release Leptin and some foods can increase your stress hormones like Cortisol. So you need to know exactly what you’re doing.

Secret #2: Keep Exercise Short. I know it sounds too good to be true, but when you perform long aerobic exercises you raise your stress hormone Cortisol which leads you to gain belly fat.

Short exercise sessions on the other actually lowers Cortisol levels and burn off belly fat.

Just to make it even better…studies show that shorter intense exercise helps raise your metabolism for hours after you finished and burns more fat overall.

Now, obviously the above is just a short explanation of some of my secrets. I do NOT recommend that you start eating more and exercising less… unless you fully understand the details contained in my program the above wont work.

Now for the first time you can get access to all the secrets that has helped me and my paying clients lose belly fat and develop slim and attractive stomachs without expensive supplements, without starving yourself and without a gym membership…

The Lose Your Belly Fatâ„¢ program is everything I and modern science know about getting rid of belly fat squeezed into one concise guide.

There is no pointless filler. It’s simple and practical step-by-step information from cover to cover. Here is just
a little taste of just some of the information you’ll find in side your copy:

Lose 8 inches from you waist within 60 days
and reveal the sexy midsection you
desire (and deserve)
Discover how to burn 2 times the fat from
1/7 the effort using a new discovery in
anaerobic (yes anaerobic, not aerobic)
Learn how to eat more delicious food, more
regularly, and yet lose far more belly fat than
any mainstream calorie restriction diet
Discover the forbidden foods (and drinks)
that you simply can NOT afford to eat if you
ever want to lose belly fat
Discover the smart way to exercise that
doesn’t burn belly fat while you do it, BUT
it sure burns it after you’ve finishe
Learn how WHEN you choose to eat food
actually deter mines
whether the body will store your meal as belly fat or burn it as energy
Discover the specific yet very uncommon dietary fat that has been proven to
actually help reverse belly fat accumula tion by it self and improve your overall
health Discover the specific yet very uncommon dietary fat that has been proven to
actually help reverse belly fat accumula tion by it self and improve your overall
Discover how lack of quality sleep and stress actually increases your belly fat
storing hormone cortisol and how you can decrease this hormone using some
simple strategies
Discover a common ingredient at your supermarket that actually ahs been
proven to release fat stores specifically from your stomach so that you can burn
them up with exercise
Discover why sit-ups are a complete and utter waste of time when trying to lose
belly fat and what you can better do with your time to get a trim stomach
Why you always seem to gain back the fat you’ve lost and how to GUARANTEE
you keep it off PERMANENTLY
Discover the fat burning drink that has been scientifically proven to burn up to 10
pounds of fat a year without any exercise – best of all you can find it in ALL super
Discover the specific and common DANGEROUS dietary fat that is hugely re
sponsible for developing belly fat and how you can rid it from your diet

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