RegUtility ‘” Best Registry Cleaner For Windows 7/Vista/XP
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The registry is where your computer stores information about the configuration of your system and your programs so that the operating system (Windows) can use it. The registry is structured as keys and each key relates to a program or setting on your system. Windows reads the keys and uses the information to launch and run programs.
Optimize your system with the pre-setting of the optimization. Increase your system performance by making more RAM available for your applications and the operating system. Provide a total solution for the uninstalling task,remove unneeded applications on your computer.Reduce complex and resource-draining programs that launch during the start-up of your PC.Correct Internet connection problems resulting from buggy or improperly-removed Layered Service Provider (LSP) software.
Cleanup and optimize your Registry by finding and removing these invalid data reference Make your system run faster by removing unnecessary files from your hard drive, deleting data that you don’t need, and freeing up valuable space.
Give you the option to create a backup file(s) that can be used to undo the changes. Backup your Windows driver files that will be available to you the next time you need to reinstall the driver or the whole operating system. Backup your favorites to avoid your favorite websites missing.
RegUtility is much faster than a number of other Registry cleaners I’ve tried. It comparing it against similar programs I found it does a better job. It also does an excellent job of making the Registry smaller and more efficient.
I am running Windows Vista Business SP1 on a AMD Athlon 64 Bit chip with 1 Gig of RAM ‘” System started slowing down and I tried out Powersystem optimizer. I have to say I have used a variety of cleaners in the past, and none have equaled the results I obtained by using this software! My computer boot-to-use speed has dramatically increased.
RegUtility is much faster than a number of other Registry cleaners I’ve tried. It comparing it against similar programs I found it does a better job. It also does an excellent job of making the Registry smaller and more efficient.
Finds large amount of problem, optionally make a full backup, partial backup and fixes all of them! Simple, easy and it also comes with a registry defragmenter after massive cleaning of registries. How hard could that be? This product is definitely worth the money.
I am running Windows Vista Business SP1 on a AMD Athlon 64 Bit chip with 1 Gig of RAM ‘” System started slowing down and I tried out Powersystem optimizer. I have to say I have used a variety of cleaners in the past, and none have equaled the results I obtained by using this software! My computer boot-to-use speed has dramatically increased, and the system’s overall performance has improved greatly across the board!
I have had my laptop since 2005. From the day I purchased it, it was unbearably slow! Since using this program my laptop finally has the speed of a brand new machine!
I’m running this app from time to time to clean up stuff from my reg. It works great for me and I’m not a pc expert of any kind. What I need is a button to click and let the app do the rest.
RegUtility is much faster than a number of other Registry cleaners I’ve tried. It comparing it against similar programs I found it does a better job. It also does an excellent job of making the Registry smaller and more efficient.
Finds large amount of problem, optionally make a full backup, partial backup and fixes all of them! Simple, easy and it also comes with a registry defragmenter after massive cleaning of registries. How hard could that be? This product is definitely worth the money.
I have had my laptop since 2005. From the day I purchased it, it was unbearably slow! Since using this program my laptop finally has the speed of a brand new machine! Read more…