Customizable CSS Templates by Lisa Irby
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See a few designs I created using the original templates as starter guides. You will also receive these templates to customize as well.
Because there are so many different headers and backgrounds that come with the templates, the design options are endless. Choose from any of the high-quality headers and make your site pop with a fun, textured background.
Instructions are provided for adding/positioning images, banners, logos and AdSense code into your headers if you wish!
These templates were designed for static HTML and CSS websites, so they are not directly compatible with WordPress, Blogger, etc. However, you are free to use the headers and backgrounds for your blog if you wish.
Take a look at themes used for Atenolol side effects and Metoprolol side effects in order to decide the style to use for a healthy website. There are plenty of other similar drugs descripton sites like Simvastatin side effects or Yaz side effects which does not use any CMS.
These templates will also give you a better understanding for CSS so you can learn how to position elements like banners and social networking icons on your blog.
Blogs are cool and current, but if you don’t understand CSS, editing your design can be a major headache! The Easy Starter Templates will help you understand and unlock the power of CSS in a user-friendly way. It’s much easier to learn CSS through a simple, static HTML site than a blog.
It’s simple! Just place an order at (existing customers can renew an existing order) and the templates will be available from the “thank you” page immediately after you order.
You are entitled to use these templates for your site(s) only. Templates may be used for personal or commercial use. is not responsible for “fixing” or correcting any template issues that occur as a result of code manipulation.
You agree that I am not responsible for your individual template modifications or any design consultations. Read more…