Art Needlework 1895

Art Needlework 1895

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You can begin recreating vintage needlework for yourself and those you love immediately! They are only a click away. Dear Friend: Do you love Victorian Needlework and love the idea of being able to have it in your home?

Do you like using authentic patterns and instructions to ensure the end result of all your hard work is truly Victorian?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then this may very well be the most exciting message you’ve read all day. Here’s why…

This book’s 120 pages are packed with black and white photos, descriptions, instructions and patterns. There are some great vintage advertisements, too! You’ve got to see this book to believe it.

This digital VINTAGE book has been enlarged to a full 81/2″ x 11″ – much easier to read than the original 73/4″ x 93/4″ printed in 1895. The pictures are much clearer and larger, too! This is a great help when trying to follow the instructions. The original book’s print size is so small that it is VERY hard on your eyes and it is easy to miss a step in almost any project you try. Now with the larger format, you can read and follow the directions with ease.

AND… because you can print out the project you are working on, you won’t have to fight keeping a book open to the desired page. Nothing drives me nuts faster than trying to work on a project and the page keeps flipping or the book won’t stay open. I’m sure you know what I mean. No more propping a book open with whatever you can find to keep it at the page you need! Your printout can be placed just about anywhere for easy reading.

These features alone make this digital book SO MUCH EASIER to use than a conventional book. Not only will your eyes thank you but you will find it much more relaxing and fun to actually work on the project.

This digital book is easy to navigate. Now there is a Table of Contents plus an Index (something not found in the Original) to help you find just what you are looking for. This book is NOT just a SCAN of the original pages. With scanned copies, when you enlarge the page to make it easier to read or see a picture more clearly, the print gets blurry and you are unable to read it. With this e-book you will find this is not an issue. It has been re-typeset (except for the advertisements) in larger type to produce top-notch clarity for ease of reading. All the pictures have been scanned, enlarged and meticulously digitally remastered so you can see as much detail as possible. They are often much clearer than the original pictures!

This book is hard to find and even if you can find it for sale, you will find you have to pay an average of $50.00 plus shipping and handling – and that’s for a book that is probably ripped, falling apart, marked up or brittle from old age. Now you can get this antique book and all its information and patterns downloaded to your computer today with none of the drawback of ordering and waiting for a physical book!

Victorian ladies made such marvelous items for their home and now you can do the same! Each and every project is sure to delight you. Give your home Victorian elegance – designed for Victorian ladies – made by you!

If you love Victorian as much as I do, you will find hours and hours of enjoyment reading and recreating vintage needlework for yourself and those you love – just the way our great-grandmothers and their mothers did! Get this delightful art needlework book TODAY!

As soon as your order is processed (takes about 45 seconds), you’ll be taken to the “Download Page” where you can instantly download the entire book.

This information-packed guide normally sells for over $45.00 in its offline “physical” format (if you can find it).

But now “The Last and Best Book on Art Needlework” is now available to you as a downloadable ebook directly accessible from the Internet.

I’m offering it at this low price because this entire “Internet sale” is part of a marketing test I’m trying out. That means you can get it now for just $14.77.

You’ll be thrilled with “The Last and Best Book on Art Needlework” …and you’ll be overjoyed by how much fun it is to make truly authentic Victorian Needlework projects that will provide you with enjoyment for years to come.

This Victorian Embroidery and Crafts edition, first published in 2008, is an unabridged republication of an edition of the work originally published c. 1870, author and publisher unknown.

This fantastic ebook is valued at $12.97, and is yours FREE with you purchase of The Last and Best Book on Art Needlework for only $14.77. So, click here and get your discounted copy of “The Last and Best Book on Art Needlework”… AND… The Ladies’ Work Book right now.

But wait, just to be sure that you feel completely satisfied with your purchase, take a look at my risk-free 60 day offer..

There you have it. Click here to get your copy of “The Best and Last Book of Art Needlework” AND “Ladies’ Work Book” right now.

You can be downloading and starting your own wonderful Victorian Needlework project in just a few minutes! Read more…