Log Bed Plans

Log Bed Plans

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A monkey could use the plans you are about to buy here. You may not realize it yet but you are about to access every bit of information that you need to build your very own log bed.

If you’re like me, you’re not sure whether to dive into a project like making a log bed right now but the truth is that amount of delight you will receive by looking at the bed you made year after year will be worth it.

Are you beginning to see how valuable this information is for you? These plans will help you to craft your very own log bed as though you were a professional designer yourself.

I was angry. I had wasted years looking for the right log bed plans to fulfill my family’s tastes. We had fantasized about owning our own log beds for years. I had tried to start the project several times but to no avail. I didn’t have the right information.

I was so fed up that I decided to ask an engineer to put together the plans and instructions necessary to finish my project. You’ll be glad that I did that because now you can have those plans for a fraction of the cost I forked out for them.

You will think it is worth at least $50. For me it was worth hundreds but you need to save your money for supplies, so I decided to give you these professionally-drafted plans for only 27.77!

As a promotional deal though, I am going to offer you this set of plans for only 19.95! That’s right hundreds of dollars worth of value for only $19.95! Think of it, you can have the benefit of professionally fixed and fashioned designs that cost me hundreds of dollars to secure, for only $19.95! Starting next month the price is going to go back up to $27.77, so don’t put this decision off. This price is good only through November.

You will love your log beds as much as I love mine. They create a feeling of wholesome country comfort no matter if you live in the city, the suburbs, or the frontier. Once you’ve built your log bed you’ll have to tell me how much you love it. Read more…