Best Man Speech – Instant Wedding Speech
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You might not have a single word written yet, even if the wedding is only a few weeks (or worse, days) away. You don’t really know what to talk about (or how to organize your thoughts). And, even though you wouldn’t dare admit it to anyone else… you’re kinda freaked out about it.
Maybe you’ve sat down and tried to come up with a great speech (probably more than once). But even though you feel like writing your “best man speech” should be easy… you just stare at a blank document and can’t figure out what the heck to say!
And as you’re staring at that blank screen, you start to panic about what’s going to happen if you don’t nail down your speech fast!
My friend, I need to let you know that you’re not the only guy who has ever stressed out about writing a best man speech. In fact, the vast majority of guys who are asked to give best man speeches are flat-out terrified of it… simply because they don’t want to ruin the reception or end up looking like a fool!
And who can blame them? Most of us have just about zero experience delivering a speech to an audience. And how many guys do you know of who have ever written a speech before, period? Right… not very many!
So doing this “best man speech” thing requires us to wade out into some pretty treacherous-looking waters.
Listen, I know it sounds like a pretty uncomfortable ordeal right now. And just about all of us have been to a wedding reception where the best man drinks buckets of alcohol to keep from spiraling into a panic attack, then gives an incoherent, flat-out embarrassing speech that he’ll probably never live down.
What if you could take all of the stress out of delivering an awesome best man speech by knowing exactly what you’re going to say when you take the microphone… and knowing that you’re going to get a thundering round of applause when you finish your speech?
What if you had the best works of some of the best speech writers on the planet right at your fingertips… so that you didn’t have to come up with a single word of your speech unless you wanted to?
And what if you could save countless hours of sweating over your best man speech – and take the microphone with complete confidence – for much less than you’d spend for a single hour with a speech coach?
In just a moment, I’m going to tell you how you can lock down your incredible best man speech just moments from now. But first, allow me to introduce myself…
My name is Gene Pennifold. You may not have heard of me before, but there’s a good chance you’ve heard a speech I’ve written. You see, I’ve been working as a professional speech writer for more than 20 years… and I’ve written more speeches during that time than I count.
Although I’ve written many different types of speeches (and still do), one of my favorite types is the wedding speech. I enjoy creating speeches for weddings that are remembered long after the reception is over.
I’ve discovered that LOTS of guys dread the idea of writing best man speeches. And I’m always happy to write speeches for guys who come to me (for a handsome fee, of course). But let’s face it, there are just not enough hours in the day for me to write a custom speech for every best man out there who needs me.
So that’s why I decided to put together a collection of ready-to-go speeches penned by some of the most sought-after speech writers in the world. I decided that it needed to contain best man speeches for different situations (you wouldn’t want to give the same speech for your roommate’s wedding that you’d give on your brother’s wedding day). And they needed to be so good that you could use them “right out of the box” without anyone ever knowing you didn’t write them yourself.
I’ve had the fortune to work with some incredibly gifted speech writers – the kinds of people who get offered thousands of dollars to craft unforgettable speeches. And I got them to agree to include their most amazing best man speeches in this collection.
When you open your download link just moments after you complete your order, you’ll have full, unlimited access to all 25 of these professionally written, engaging speeches. Heck, you could be ready to give a memorable, heart-felt speech by this time tomorrow if you wanted to!
These aren’t tired, cliche-ridden speeches you’ve heard a dozen times before. I insisted that every speech that made it into this carefully curated collection must be 100% fresh and original – NO exceptions!
You’ll find perfect ready-to-go speeches for any situation, so that you can give a speech that feels authentic – like you wrote every word yourself. No one but you has to know that our expert speechwriters actually created the speech for you!
And you have full rights to modify any of the speeches in this collection. That means that you can change just a sentence or two to make it a bit more personal… or you can even use parts of different speeches in this collection to create your own unique masterpiece!
I mentioned earlier that I’ve been in the speech writing business for quite a while now – more than 20 years. I’ve written countless best man speeches for guys… Read more…