TreT-Style: Extreme-training by the method of TreT!
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Most people used to see only cats on the trees, roofes and fences, but not dogs JAs a matter of a rule, any dog will stop immediately when it reaches even a low fence or barrier.
It will keep barking discontentedly at somebody who is standing on the opposite side of the unapproachable fence. The dog even will not try to overpass this obstacle. The nature rule the roost like this and most all owners of dogs are 100% sure that their pet will never be able to solve the following task!
TreT is a brilliant reassurance ‘” as it seems like he is ready to jump on you out of the picture and appear just next to you.
You will definitely take objection and say: “Yes, my Fenya maximum can jump on the sofa, but for him it is impossible to jump on the tree or a fence! How is it possible for him to be able to do the same tricks as TreT does?”
I along with TreT will help you to train your dog all tricks which TreT can do and everything what you have seen on the video! I will share out with you my unique technique of the training TreT. With the help of this training technique you will be able to teach your dog unbelievable things!
Of course, personally I and TreT will not be able to come to you. That is why I decided to present my vast experience of TreT’s training in the format of tutorial video course, so that people from all over the world can practice an interesting science of dog’s parkour with their pets, which was named by me and by people holding the same views as “TreT-Style” ‘” in TreT’s honour , can be considered to be the founder of the present discipline
During the whole year I have been planning, preparing and shooting the necessary material in order to explain you my own method of TreT’s training in an affordable, interesting and spectacular way.
The following tutorial video course will open all secrets of the training of TreT and will prepare your dog to perform difficult tricks of dog’s parkour ‘” as perfectly as TreT does!
If you keep practising systematically on this tutorial video course with your own dog, you will be able to open the hidden potential (and fantastic), about which neither you no your dog.
There is no “water” in the course! Despite the small size of the video (~1,5 hour), there is a great amount of useful material in it!
You will not have to spend a lot of time for mastering the video-course ‘” you will be able to learn all the material and to start doing practical classes just afterward, which is very important!
Besides it is very interesting to watch the course because it has a plenty of wonderful tricks in TreT performance! You will not get bored!
There will be no need for you to think over the way of how to start mastering TreT-Style ‘” you will get direct instructions for every stage of trainings of the following course!
Just after studying the material of the course, you will need the further action plan ‘” the following plan you are going to get in electronic as well as in paper version.
Speaking about the electronic version of the training program you will need to use the computer or you should print it our but in case with paper version you will be able to start your trainings immediately ‘” all you need to do is just to take the brochure with you when you go for the walk with your dog and start following all instructions which are described in the following book!
If something happens to the paper brochure, for example your beloved dog has crunched it J you will be able to print the plan of the trainings out from the electronic version without facing any kind of problems.
It is much easier to work with paper variant and it is highly recommended to to use the following paper variant while practising this video-course ‘” the main reason is is because it is very practical (you can take it with you when you go for the walk).
If any kind of questions arise or you face any kind of difficulties with mastering or practicing of the material of the following video-course, I will definitely help you!
This is a closed community which will be open only for my clients ‘” there will be no external people in the community!
For this reasonable price you will get my and TreT 4 years experience of many hours of every day trainings, planning and photo and video shooting in a converted but quite convenient for compherencion form, that will not take awat a lot of your time on learning and at the same time it will let you to master the whole material and start practical trainings very soon!
In fact the services of an ordinary dog’s training cost several times more expensive! In most cases it is the price for ONE-TWO lessons of a general dog’s training course in a good club!
As you can see, even the simplest training of your dog is not a cheap thing… There is no need to speak about special training?!
Besides you will not be able to find anywhere else similar services of education of what TreT can do ‘” this is a unique method of training!
Everything is very simple ‘” I want as many people as possible to get their dogs involved into a wonderful world of TreT-Style! I would like TreT to have worthy followers and I will be very happy if exactly your dog will become the next hero of dog’s parkour!
I think that you do… Read more…