Dog Training Zone – Dog Obedience Training

Dog Training Zone ‘” Dog Obedience Training

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Frustrated pet owners! If you want to have a healthier, happier dog, if you want to obedience train your dog now, and stop him from relieving himself on your carpet, chewing up your designer shoes, nipping at your guests and a whole lot more, then here’s…

Are you frustrated by your disobeying dog who poops and pees all over the house, chews up everything in sight and jumps on every guest? Or do you have a new puppy but don’t know where to begin with potty and obedience training?

If you’re like many dog owners, you’re looking for (immediate) relief. Your experience is not unique. Believe me! For example, if your dog is…

P.T., our 100-pound lab and golden retriever mix, was exactly like that when he first came into our family. Like you, we wanted to train him to avoid these problems.

Now you can use a breakthrough new book for people just like YOU and me. It details a simple, step-by-step training system you can use to house, potty and obedience train your new dog or puppy in no time flat!

And if you want your dog to obey your every command, this book is definitely for you. Because “Dog Training Secrets!” shows you how to teach your dog or puppy to come to you, sit, stay and heel… Starting almost immediately!

And guess what? Because dogs are pack animals, and naturally want to please their owners, your dog will love it too!

Thanks to our super-easy yet unique Dog Training Zone System, made for regular people who are complete novices with little or no experience training dogs, you’ll quickly discover that training your best friend can be fast, easy and fun.

Friends, family and even strangers might even start calling you “The Dog Whisperer” when they see and hear the amazing things your dog can do! Imagine your dog being known and loved by everyone in the neighborhood. And I’m not just saying that because it sounds good, look what one happy owner had to say after she started using the system:

“I got your book a couple of months ago and loved it. I learned a lot, and my adopted puppy Suzy, a 6-month old shepherd/hound mix, already knows all the commands: come, sit, stay, heel, and all the rest. My family and friends were amazed at how quickly I trained her. Thanks for writing this easy to follow book.”

“Your book has helped me tremendously ‘- and my shepherd Libby too. I think it has given me more patience with her and a better understanding of how to train her with love instead of constant scolding. “I owned and operated a pet shop and pet supply store in Detroit for 25 years and have seen and heard all sorts of ways to train. I have also owned 3 Shepherds in the past and this is by far the best training method I have come across. Thank you SO much!”

Imagine … when you walk your dog on a leash, he doesn’t pull and tug you around the block. You stay in control. Your dog not only follows you but even enjoys obeying your every command! Imagine your dog galloping over to you, tail wagging, every time you call.

When you’re out for a walk and come to a street crossing, your dog sits patiently at the curb, and waits to heel by your side across the street.

When you get to the other side, he only takes off after you give him a command letting him know he’s free to walk or run on his own.

Little do people know that NOT training their dog is almost like abusing them. I know that may sound a little harsh, but training your dog does a lot more for your dog ‘” and your relationship with him ‘” than it does for you.

It’s not only for your sake but also for your dog’s own health, happiness and overall well-being. Why? Because a well-trained dog is healthier and happier, and simply leads a better life than one who is not well-trained.

And it’s just more fun for you to have a well-trained dog ‘” you can do more exciting things, enjoy more experiences and share a fuller, richer relationship together.

What’s more, your dog will reward you with even greater love, loyalty and affection… Because his life will be better. It’s truly a win-win situation!

Also, your dog enjoys more freedom if he is well-trained. Since he’s under your voice control, you can take him off his leash more often (where it’s legal, of course).

And with his newfound freedom, he exercises a whole lot more, too! In fact, unlike an under-exercised dog, in my experience a well-trained, well-exercised dog…

For example, have you ever thought how much more fun it is for your dog to go where he wants, rather than stay right next to you on the leash all the time?

You see, a well-trained dog gets more exercise than a dog on a leash. Watch a dog on his leash, then watch the same dog off his leash. And walk the same block. It seems to me that a dog covers 10 times more territory, at a faster clip, when he is off-leash.

Bottom line, training your dog has a lot more benefits than you can ever possibly imagine. A lot more than I have time to delve into here. But keep in mind, that training your dog is easier than you think… When you know how!

Would you like to know the right way? If so, you can have your dog or puppy happily obeying you in no time, thanks to the easy and new training breakthrough that you can start to apply even on your very first day… Almost immediately!

Written in plain, easy-to-understand English ‘” with no complicated instructions ‘” this… Read more…