Cyber Bullying and Stalking Guide Cyber Bullying and Stalking Guide

Cyber Bullying and Stalking Guide : Cyber Bullying and Stalking Guide

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Hi, my name is Chris Bennetts and I have been a victim of a stalker for five years but I am not here to tell my story.

I am here to help other victims deal with all forms of online harassment. As a victim I do understand the impact it can have on peoples lives but more importantly coming from a technical background I am also in a better position than most to provide practical advice and support.

I have 30 years experience in IT working as a computer operator, application programmer, help desk manager, project manager and consultant. I am also a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. More recently I have been working in the areas of online marketing, search engine optimization and internet security.

For the past six months I have been putting together what I believe is one of the most comprehensive guides available dealing with online harassment.

There are lots of organizations out there that provide emotional support to victims and provide general advice but very few give any real practical advice on how to effectively deal with online harassment. If you want counseling and emotional support visit one of these excellent organizations but If you want to know how to take action to put an end to the harassment and get your life back then read on…

There is actually a lot that can be done by a victim to counter online harassment and some of it is not very obvious or easy to find out about.

Google, Facebook, Twitter and most other online service providers simply do not really care about this problem. The response of most of these larger companies is to provide users with the ability to block other users and tell you they cant do anything about it and to try to sort it out with the other party.

Regardless of what they might say their real policy is not to get involved and only do the absolute minimum required under the law. I have been dealing with these types of companies and know how frustrating it is and have through trial and error found the most effective ways to make complaints and force them to take action.

This book includes a number of different response strategies because no single response or strategy is suitable for all situations. While I have drawn on my own personal experience with my cyber stalker I have looked at the entire problem of online harassment.

We look at the primary motivations for harassment and consider the most appropriate response for each. This book will be equally relevant to:

A company executive that is being harassed by a competitor who is trying to destroy their online reputation.

A person that is the subject of a personal vendetta by another person that has moved their grudge online.

Someone that has become the focus of an online sociopath intent on wreaking as much havoc in their lives as they can.

Someone that has expressed an opinion or belief that another has found objectionable and is being harassed because of it

It is a sad fact that cyber stalkers all around the world can hide behind a US law created to protect the rights of American people to Freedom of Speech even when neither the cyber stalker nor the victim live in the US. This can make getting defamatory material removed from a US based service impossible without resorting to legal action. There are other ways to get material removed and I have dedicated five chapters of the guide to exploring each of these.

This is the conventional advice and it actually works a lot of the time but not in every situation and is not as simple as it sounds. Just putting your head in the sand like an Ostrich hoping they will go away will only work a small amount of the time and usually only in the early stages. In the book I explore the reasons why a cyber stalker might decide to stop harassment and how a victim might be able to exert influence on these reasons.

Pursuing the harasser on their own terms is sometimes a necessary strategy to permanently get rid of that person by exposing them and destroying their credibility. The aggressive use of engagement strategies is one key area my guide departs from most others on. This should always be a last resort after everything else has been tried. They should be used to attack the credibility of the harasser and not for revenge but this is not so say they can’t be enjoyable giving them a taste of their own medicine.

There are dozens of books out there on cyber bullying and stalking written to cash in on the current epidemic of online harassment. Many of these books are written by professional writers with no practical experience of online harassment and their only source of information is online research. What you end up getting is the same material regurgitated with much the same advice. What makes this guide different is it is written by a victim who also happens to be technically savvy and has a real interest in helping other victims. You will discover new ideas, techniques and strategies in this book that are not found anywhere else.

If you would like to discuss topics covered in the book or have questions I have created private groups on Facebook and Linkedin.  These groups are by invitation only and will be strictly moderated to provide a safe environment for victims to ask questions and communicate with other victims if they like. Like my cyberbullyingandstalkingguide Facebook page

My Cyber Bullying and Stalking Guide is possibly the most comprehensive book on the subject of online harassment..

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’m so confident that Cyber Bullying and Stalking Guide will help solve your online harassment problem that I’m offering a “No-Questions-Asked” 100% Money Back Guarantee. All I ask is you try out Cyber… Read more…