Discover all Belgian Organic Beers And How To Use Them In A Great Dish
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Back when I still was a small girl (which I am still, quite frankly ;)), my grandfather worked in a drink market. Sometimes I stayed there with him after school time until my mother came to pick me up after work.
I COMPLETELY ADORED this environment! Amazing! Running around between high stacks of beer crates, hiding so nobody could find me and putting empty crates on a cart and ride around with it…
All those different labels in various colours, all the smells and (ok, somewhat later) the tastes… I loved it all.
In short; I was fascinated early on by beers, a passion that remained throughout the years. In my last year of secondary education, the subject of my thesis was (tough guess) beer. Not much later my passion for ecological and biologic living sparked, which led to the decision to change the choice of my regular (daily) beer to organic beer. Why? Because of the rich flavour, free of chemical rubbish, …
Because of my passion for everything ecological, I started the eco lifestyle magazine Visita. When I visited several organic breweries in regards to that, I experienced the relentless fiery passion of these brewers. For some it was because they went through life ecologically responsible themselves, others’ discourse in the matter was that it was self-evident to use natural products exclusively since that benefits the flavour of the beer. And they are right!
Another thing I came to realise was that Belgium, although being a renowned beer country for centuries, with rich traditions in beer brewery, is not as proud of its beers as it was. As well, the average Belgian doesn’t seem to be that familiar with the organic beer phenomenon, while it is far healthier to both body and mind, and also environmentally friendly. Often, the flavour transcends that of regular beers. Every true beer fanatic will recognize the fact that many organic beers have a lot to offer. Furthermore, there is something to be had for everyone: low to high quench factor, white to dark. This is why I decided to bundle these beers in one clear and orderly e-book…
Belgian Organic Beers is a very complete e-book about the rich – but still too little known – culture of organic beers in the small country of Belgium.
As I mentioned earlier on, I also love fine dining (after all, who doesn’t?). Combining beer with food did not seem to be such an obvious thing at first, but my husband and I decided to learn by experiment, with surprisingly delicious results.
Other cooks with a predilection for veggie or vegan cooking went to work with organic beers before this e-book came to be. That is how we gathered a number of recipes and dishes that turned out to be nothing less than a finger-licking sensation. I’m sure you will agree
As a bonus, you can also download an pdf with only the recipes (ingredients and preparation). Easy to print and to use in the kitchen, rather than spilling beer on your laptop or tablet
Please Note: No physical product will be delivered. You will be given instant access to Belgian Organic Beers and 17 delicious beerrecipes after payment. You’ll receive 2 PDF’s that you can open with Acrobat Reader.
This is a very good initiative, Elke! Moreover, it is a well-designed e-book filled with interesting information. And completed with great recipes! As a prospective zythologist, I can only applaud this! !
Being a studying beer connoisseur, I of course purchased this book immediately. It’s well conceived, with clear descriptions, and great fun to read. The recipes provide a great value to this book. I’m glad that I stumbled upon this book. A must for anyone who loves the delicious Belgian organic beers!
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