Buy A Cut Above E-Book

Buy A Cut Above E-Book

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Starting Your Own Lawn Mowing Business is fantastic way to make 3 to 4 times (or more) the average wage an hour. You don’t have to have a college education to succeed with your own Lawn Mowing Business either.

I’m here to help and I want you to grow and build your business, to reach whichever goals you’ve set for yourself.

I’ve done it and I know You can too. I started my lawn mowing business with nothing back in 1992, during the last recession in Canada.

When I was young, my parents always taught me that experience is the best teacher. Like all of us when we were young we thought we knew it all and we had all the answers. Well, honestly I can look back and admit that I didn’t have all the answers back then.

Now, I want to bring you all those hard earned lessons, what works well and can put you a cut above your competition in no time.

All in one, easy to follow jam packed informative e-book. You can start with confidence, understanding and applying what I have learned (a lot of times the hard, costly way) and build a successful Lawn Mowing Business of Your Own.

How much can be made in a day? Well depending on what you set your rates at, the number of hours you are willing to put in a day (for some it may be 12hrs) and the closeness of your customer base I make any where from $70- $150 per hour.

I usually average $800 per day with just myself and one helper (keep in mind you will have to work up to this point) in an 8 hour day but my e-book filled with lawn care secrets and tips will help you get there in a very short time.

If you look around my website you will see that I provide a lot of information for free. I live my life in an optimistic way each day, giving and helping those in need, believing that all my efforts will come back to me in a positive manner.

This e-book contains more information (not included on this site) as well as valuable insights and “the bigger picture” gained by reading this entire e-book.

I am not promising You here something that doesn’t require effort and hard work, anything in life that has any value requires sweat equity.

Right now, out there you may find yourself in hard economic times. You may have been forced into early retirement, laid off or just entering the work force. I know things are tough, I also know that this business can prosper and grow even in these hard economic times.

Any one of you can take the information that I provide in my e-book as well as my website and succeed the first time. This e-book will help pull it all together, you’ll get insight into my over 16 years of experience.

I reveal what worked for me and what can work for you. I want you to learn how to be confident in your lawn mowing business and think on your feet.

We all don’t live in the same country, but we do share the same desire, to effectively provide for ourselves and our families.

In my e-book you will find 200 plus pages on more detailed information involving Staring a Lawn Mowing, Lawn Care Equipment, Lawn Care Logos, Operating Your Lawn Mowing Business, How to Set Your Lawn Care Prices to Compete in Your area, How to Market your Lawn Mowing Business and much more.

I believe in being honest and I stand behind what I sell and I am offering a 60 day money back guarantee that my e-book will provide you with the means to decide if the business is right for you as well as guide to properly beginning and building your Lawn Mowing Business successfully.

I also include “how to’� ways on offering profitable add on businesses that can be used any where in the world.

As a special bonus to those who keep my e-book you can have your business placed in a Lawn Mowing Business Directory, as well as an e-book owner’s only e-mail address giving you private access to me to ask questions, to provide comments or to make suggestions.

Also those who purchase and keep this e-book will get premiere updates at no extra cost as well as discounts on other e-books soon to be available from me.

Act Now!, For a limited time only this e-book is offered special introductory price @ $19.95 a $10.00 discount off of the very soon to be regular price of $29.95. Give your business that edge, be A Cut Above!

This price is extremely low as you will be making more than this on the first lawn you mow after reading and applying my experiences, so what’s stopping, You nothing!

You have my 60 day money back guarantee, free premiere future updates, a listing on my Lawn Mowing Business Directory, a special e-book owner’s only access to me and discounts to other valuable e-books soon to be available.

Still not sure? O.K. then I will add one more excellent reason to buy my e-book right now. You will receive 4 fantastic e-books for free about what to look for and how to build successful Lawn Care websites at no extra cost, That’s Right Free!

What your still not convinced that this e-book will be a valuable asset on your way to Your Successful Lawn Mowing Business?

Here’s what I’m going to do to prove that this e-book is worth every penny, I will give you the first 10 pages free for you to read and decide for yourself how important this e-book will be… Read more…