The Pitbull Guide

The Pitbull Guide

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Alpha Dog Training Audio Lesson ‘” This one lesson will have an immediate impact on your Pitbull’s behavior. It will teach you how your Pitbull see’s you and your family as being members of a Pack, and how you can ensure that your Pitbull see’s you as the leader of that pack.

When a dog is confused about it’s position in the pack, aggression and dominance issues are usually the result.

Awesome material, I cant believe I’ve had PitBulls for over 30 years and now run in to the PitBull guide Thanks big time can’t wait for my next puppy.

You are way cool to do this on your own time for everyone…thank you for your help…God bless

I am the lucky owner of two gorgeous, wonderful pitbulls and your book is making the experience even better.

Thanks for all the helpful information. It’s really great to talk to someone who knows the value of a Pitbull. I recently purchased your book online, let me just say I loved it! There are so many questions I had that you answered for me about behavior, diet and other important issues. For example, I never knew you couldn’t feed a cooked bone to a dog.

You’ve saved both of us from a lot of unnecessary pain. I wish I knew half of what you’ve forgotten about Pits. I think that we (Pit owners) need more people like you who are spreading the truth rather than hype about the breed. If everyone were a little more like you I’m sure there would be far less hysteria about Pits. Lets hope some of your work reaches out to those who make stupid insurance rules or instill fear in the general population through the media.

I would like to thank you for your book, I have had Pitbulls for over 6 years and as you said most people will not change breeds after owning one and I would have to agree. I found myself laughing out loud at many of the things that you have written because they brought many fond memories of time I have had with my dogs.

My husband and I own two adult pitbulls, one male and one female, and almost everything in your book was right on for behavior and traits that we have seen in our dogs. Both dogs are great with our two boys (5,6) and have never been aggressive towards any child. Our kids feed our dogs and the dogs are very vigilant about “protecting’� the kids when they are outside playing or of protecting me if I am home alone. Your book was excellent to read and very informative…

I read it(The Pitbull Guide) all in one day and loved it. My pet’s name is “Ruck’� he’s an eight year old pitbull. Still he’s aggressive but I did try some tricks and they worked. Wow how cool is that. Thank you so much for your guidance and help…

If your book contained no further information than the information on the Spring Pole/Rope it would have been well worth the money.

I downloaded your book yesterday evening and this morning set up the rope from a tree for my 10 month old Boxer, she hasn’t stopped playing with it all day. With my new work schedule and having less time to play with her outside with the lack of daylight I believe this will really help her get out some pent up energy.

Your book is very well written. Your facts are right on. I am always grateful to know another dog lover who is kind enough to share his knowledge with others. Education is something all dog owners need to keep their pets happy, healthy and Safe. Dogs are Awesome creatures and yet so many people misunderstand how much more incredible they can be with a bit of training.

SarA the escaping Pitbull has been the light of my life for over 2 years now. I have NEVER had a better breed of dog. I rescued her on her 1st birthday, and I think she may have rescued me. She is tatooed and microchipped, as she will take any chance to get away from the cushy life she has (? go figure) Thank you for your site and information jackie

I have owned ,bred,& LOVED the American pit for over 60 years ! They are the greatest of dogs ! Someone has said “If you own one you won’t have any other ‘� I AGREE !What they are bred for & the way they are raised IS the difference !Glad many agree with me on these points ! ADVICE: Start with a YOUNG puppy & Raise ’em right ! Read more…