b2 Notifier Premium Edition – Animated Desktop Notifier – Free Animated Desktop Notifier for Mac, Wi…

b2 Notifier Premium Edition ‘” Animated Desktop Notifier ‘” Free Animated Desktop Notifier for Mac, Windows, Linux

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Email notification application b2 Notifier ( Adobe AIR ‘” Windows/Mac/Linux ) tells you when you have a new email message with slick animations and a full message preview. It has multiple GMail and RSS feed support, animations, detailed information popup window, scheduled checking. It is a worthy successor to the popular b2 GMail notifier.

You like b2 Notifier free version, but you want to enjoy all the features the software offers and download all the premium animations? Then b2 Notifier Premium edition is for You! Here is a comparison list of what you will get with the premium subscription:

The free version of the application can be a useful and fun addition to your desktop ‘” and You are more than welcome to use it ‘” but If you want to support the further development of the application, help me make the animation gallery richer and enjoy all the features of b2 Notifier, You should definitely become a Premium member.

You can download the free version from the download page any time, after you have purchased premium version, you will only need to open “Options” dialog of your installed application, go to “License” tab, enter your notifier.b2labs.com login credentials and your b2 Notifier is activated!

The application costs as much as a beer in a pub, or a fassion magazine, but to take all the fear out of it for you, I’ve decided to guarantee b2 Notifier with 100% money back guarantee. I’m going to give you a full 60 days to return it anytime you want for 100% refund. That’s 2 full months. Even if you return it on the 60th day, I’ll give you a full refund. Read more about Return and Cancellation Policy

b2 Notifier is built on Adobe AIR platform, so any platform supported by that technology should run the application ‘” Including, but not only: Windows, MacOS, Linux … All you need to do is to download and install Adobe AIR library from the official page: http://get.adobe.com/air Read more…