The Bible of Cat Health Information

The Bible of Cat Health Information

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“An 87 year old Southern Belle on Her Death Bed Reveals the Truth About…

How to Have Happy, Healthy, Long-Living Cats… Without Spending a Penny on Vets, Medicines or Special Foods!

One of those typical, hot, hazy, mid-July afternoons in the South. We sat on the veranda that extended along the front and side of the two-story white home.

We sat at right angles to each other and our wicker rockers faced out over the lush green lawn. A warm breeze rustled the willow trees before wafting toward the house and cooling our skin.

Colorful gardens splashed the landscape as if they were dabbed on with an artist’s brush.

She paused to take a soothing drink and watched as a passing tractor kicked up dust on the road below.

She was a charming lady. Her eyes were bright and had a child-like twinkle that belied her 87 years.

As she spoke she gently stroked “Henrietta”, her beloved feline companion who was nestled comfortably in her lap.

I was amazed and enthralled as I listened to Emma describe her colorful past and the fascinating history that wove in and around her life and that old estate.

It was some years after that when my own cat “Sunshine” was beginning to suffer from some strange medical condition. No one could figure it out. Not even the vets who just kept prescribing different medications (and running up a hefty bill!)

The conversation hadn’t been about cats at all. Everything else, in fact. But her cats … her cats were included in just about all of her stories throughout her entire life.

Looking back, it was so obvious. My goodness! “Henrietta” was almost 29 years old! “Old General” had lived to almost 40! The other 4 or 5 cats she owned at one time or another apparently all lived to be over 30 years old!

That 87 year old Southern Belle had discovered secrets to cat health and longevity!

How could I have missed it? I began to write down everything I could remember from that conversation.

When I was done writing I began to immediately do exactly what Emma did. I changed “Sunshine’s” diet and took care of her exactly like Emma would have.

And Sunshine is still with me and is as healthy and energetic as when she was a kitten.

Well my friend, if you love your cat, then this is the most exciting message you may ever read!

My name is Chantal Williams. Ever since the day I had that revelation about how to have healthy, happy, long-living cats … I’ve been on a mission. A mission to find out the truth about how to properly care for cats. The real truth … The whole truth… What really works …

More important, during this time, I’ve uncovered a lot of hidden treasures, hundreds of tips, techniques and secrets about caring for cats that no one else seems to know.

I’ve put these tips, techiques and secrets … along with all the “traditional” cat health information you’ll ever need … into a great guide … that will show YOU how to have a happy, healthy, long-living cat … without spending a penny on vets, medicines or “special” foods.

I wanted to know what I could do to help my cat live the life it was intended to live.

I’ve spoken to hundreds of people ‘” from veterinarians to holistic healers, from nutritionalists to herbalists and breeders to successful cat owners.

Along the way I’ve learned a few things … actually, some little known, very interesting, insider secrets … that you need to know to properly care for your cat.

Funny thing happened too. Science finally “caught up” with that “down home” wisdom from Emma Johnson. Well, to be honest, the information may have been there all along and we weren’t using it or applying it properly. But what you will learn about the science of nutrition verifies that Emma was right all along!

Once I had gathered all of this critical information I realized that it just wouldn’t be fair to keep it private.

I love cats and I figured that to help as many as I could I had to share this information with other like-minded folks … like you. So I compiled it into a neat package just for people who love their cats … and called it Cat Health Secrets.

Did you know that most cats only live 10-12 years while their normal life expectancy should be 25-30 years! And we cause it! This premature death is entirely preventable!

Let’s take a short “breather”. We’ll get back to more of what this remarkable book will teach you in just a moment.

If you are the type of person who always does what you’re told, who never questions anything … this book probably isn’t for you.

If most of your information about cat care comes from television advertisements and you truly believe that commercial pet food producers have the best interest of your cat at heart … this book probably isn’t for you.

If you are intimidated by authority figures like medical doctors, teachers or … vets … this book probably isn’t for you either.

Because the book call into question the “common wisdom”. It asks you to at least consider the possibility that there may be another way. It will show you a whole new way of looking at some things.

No I don’t “go off” like some “rebel without a cause”. Nor will the book have you out in the back yard sacrificing a chicken to cure your cat’s urinary tract infection …

If no one ever questioned “the way it’s always been done” and learn to think for themselves once in a while we’d still think the earth was flat! … or the sun revolved around the earth!

Come to think of it, if someone hadn’t questioned the current way of thinking hundreds of years ago….this might be your “reality”…

All of this might sound very bizarre to us today but they were all “real… Read more…