Find plagiarism and duplicate content easily – DupeOff!

Find plagiarism and duplicate content easily ‘” DupeOff!

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* 1 query = 1 request to the search engine API, so a 600 word article that consists of circa 30-50 sentences will count as 30-50 queries.

** Your purchase will be credited to the email you give on the payment form, so if you registered already make sure you give there the same email.

You can easily search for duplication or plagiarism of your content by simply pasting parts of your text into a search engine. This free and easy method quickly becomes tedious and error prone when you have a lot of content to check. Also, most of the time content owners only check the first sentence, but forerunners or content thieves often have deeper parts of your writing.

Let DupeOff automate your search for duplicate content, and you can search in Google and Bing at the same time!

Per sentence or subsentence, state of the art Natural Language Processing algorithms for extracting sentences.

When others copy your content, it will become less relevant as an originating and authoritative source and your efforts in creating this content wont reap you any rewards. You may even be thought of as just another copycat, hence you must stand up and fight with thieves. On the other side of the coin, you should realize that forerunners may have created parts or all of your ideas already, hence you must perform due dilligence in order to avoid wasted effort and punishment down the line. Let’s see some real life examples: Read more…