WordPress Course – WordPress Crash Course

WordPress Course ‘” WordPress Crash Course

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You get two solid hours of online video instruction where you watch my computer screen as I build a fully functional, search engine optimized site .

In this WordPress tutorial series you’ll be able to watch me every step of the way and pause the video to perform the same action for yourself.

Currently there are 37 videos in the member’s area and I may add a few more based upon member feedback. I purposely kept each video short, most are around five minutes. This is so you’ll have an easy reference should you need to go back and review a specific task. You can watch a short sample of one of the training videos below.

I’ve also added a 23 step, quick reference check list for you to refer to after watching the videos. You can print out the list and check off steps as you complete them. This will help you set up your blogs and websites very quickly without missing important steps.

The WordPress tutorial videos are made with a high quality screen capture software and they are in an extra large format so you can clearly see everything I’m doing. You can forget about blurry, hard to understand YouTube videos. I’m also speaking in clear English with no hard to understand accents (well, I guess I do have an American accent).

Other WordPress training courses teach you how to get your blog up and running over a period of weeks. The WordPress Crash Course is presented in a way that will help you get your blog online with all the essential elements and looking great TODAY, even if you are a complete beginner.

I cut out all of the fluff and unnecessary information that you would normally find in other courses. Since it’s a crash course, you’ll learn exactly what you need to know fast and you won’t waste time learning things that you’ll probably never use. I spent over 160 hours making, editing and refining these videos so you could learn everything you need to know in just TWO HOURS! And if you want to review you can come back and watch the videos as often as you like.

Unless you want to be a web designer or developer for a living you won’t need to learn HTML, CSS, PHP or any other codes to build simple blogs and websites.

A good analogy would be if you just want to learn how to drive a car you don’t need to know how fuel injection works or what the pistons do. Of course, if you wanted to be an auto mechanic you would need to learn those things, but you don’t need to know them to drive the car.

It’s the same with WordPress. If you just want to build and maintain great looking blogs and websites you don’t need to spend weeks or months learning everything there is to know about WordPress.

By the end of this course you will be able to easily build and customize blogs, websites and combo sites all with the amazing WordPress platform. And because we’ll be working with the self-hosted version of WordPress, you will own the site that you build and it will be on your own domain.

If you build your site on a non-self-hosted platform such as Blogger.com or WordPress.com you run the risk of having your site removed at some point after you’ve put a lot of work into it. I know because it’s happened to me and many of my online marketing friends.

The WordPress Crash Course was designed with the complete beginner in mind. I start from square one with purchasing a domain name and hosting and take you every step of the way until you have a finished great looking blog.

The videos are very easy to understand and you won’t have any problem following the steps. There is NO technical talk. You simply watch what I do and listen to my simple explanations and then do it yourself.

For the beginner, it’s much faster and easier to learn and use WordPress to build websites than it would be to learn a design program such as DreamWeaver.

Of course you could learn WordPress online for free, but you can’t learn it in two hours. You could spend weeks, if not months, trying to figure out what is important to learn and what isn’t and how to put it all into a logical order. So if the time you have online is valuable or limited then this course is for you.

The WordPress Crash Course is distilled down from many hours of my own personal research and experience and I’ve made it very simple through “watch me do it and copy what I do videos’�

This is not some complicated technical manual that you’ll never complete. Build your first blog or website in a day instead of spending weeks or months trying to learn and you’ll have lots more time to work on marketing your business. And after you do it a few times you’ll be able to build sites in a couple of hours.

If you’re looking to have a Website or blog for your offline business or make money online this knowledge will be an essential tool that you’ll use for every project you do.

You’ll pay less for this video course than you would pay a programmer for one hour to make changes to your blog or website.

*Important Notice: We are conducting a marketing test. A very limited number of units will be sold at this price during this test. As soon as we reach our mark the price will change without notice.

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