Homemade BBQ Smoker Plans
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I’ve specially designed my homemade BBQ smoker plans so that anyone can build a smoker in just one weekend. And yes, I do mean anyone!
Not only that, you can save a stack of money. How much would a smoker of this size and versatility cost you to buy? ……$400?…..$500? probably more.
Next weekend you could be smoking a pork butt or side of ribs over a water bath. Or maybe hanging fish to dry and warm smoking them to a beautifully moist and tender finish? Whatever your preference, this smoker has versatility designed into it.
I’ve spent a year researching designs, building prototypes, finding faults and continuous improvement to give you a product that is easy to build, cooks well can be made out of regular building materials.
“Hi Paul, I want to thank you for the homemade bbq smoker plans…….they were a real help in my project.” Ray K. Buffalo, KY
You get a set of plans, pictures and method statements with supporting videos so that you can easily fabricate the individual panels that come together to form the finished product.
Plans drawn by me so that you can cut the boards to size, make the drill holes in the right places and screw everything together.
Also included is a full bill of materials so that you will need so you only need to make one trip to the lumber yard or DIY store.
You’re right, anyone can use these homemade BBQ smoker plans to build a smoker. Before I started this project I’d never picked up anything more than a drill so I followed your step by step guide and I built the whole thing in a matter of days. Now I’m smoking everything and anything!”
You can see from the list of chapters that everything is laid out in a structured fashion so you can easily read chapter by chapter as your project comes to life. Your homemade BBQ smoker plans are in PDF format and here’s the full list of contents:-
Chapter 1…..About The Smoker Design Chapter 2…..The Building Materials Chapter 3…..Woodworking Tools Chapter 4…..Tips And Techniques Chapter 5…..Measurements Chapter 6…..The Base Chapter 7…..The Rear Panel Chapter 8…..The Side Panels Chapter 9…..The Top Chapter 10….Assembly Phase 1 Chapter 11….The Smoke Spreader Chapter 12….The Firebox Front Panel Chapter 13….Assembly Phase 2 Chapter 14….Firebox Door Chapter 15….Food Chamber Door Chapter 16….Assembly Phase 3 ‘” The Final Assembly Chapter 17….Fixtures And Fittings Chapter 18….Recipes And Recommendations
As a free bonus and so you get the best out of your smoker on your very first cookout I’m giving you my favorite smoker recipes in the last chapter!
I know it’s only a small financial outlay on your part to buy these plans but I want you to be comfortable that my book is worth every cent. So here’s your opportunity to try before you buy.
Use this link and take a look inside, you can read a couple of chapters in advance and evaluate how I’ve laid everything out and explained it all to your satisfaction.
In order to read your homemade bbq smoker plans ebook you will need to have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. This is free software and if you need to download it then click here Read more…