You Can Be A Wedding MC manual for success as a master of ceremonies at a wedding reception

You Can Be A Wedding MC manual for success as a master of ceremonies at a wedding reception

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Wedding MC jokes ‘” we have the best wedding MC tips and emcee jokes to make great wedding speeches ‘” it’s all here for you.

“Discover how you can be the most confident, funny and relaxed wedding MC … even if you’ve never done it before”

Look below for Sample Templates to Welcome the Bridal Party, Introduce the Speeches, what to say at the Cutting of the Cake, Bridal Waltz, Throwing of the Bouquet, Catching of the Garter, Farewell Circle, and Guard of Honor.(phew!)

If you’ve been asked to be the wedding MC ‘” you’re about to discover the key to a successful reception.

Congratulations! you’ve found the way to a great wedding Master of Ceremonies experience.

We are proud to present this Special Edition of YOU CAN BE A WEDDING MC ‘” the complete guide for anyone who has been asked to MC a wedding and needs to know exactly what to do to look good and sound great ‘” now!

Finally, a fool-proof system designed to make MCing a wedding an entirely hassle-free affair ‘” and save you money at the same time !

This guide has everything the wedding emcee requires to ensure the reception runs like clockwork.

You’ve agreed to be the wedding MC but the date is FAST approaching ‘” and you’re starting to feel the pressure build.

Soon it will be you at the lectern with the microphone in your hand ‘” and everyone listening to your every word.

Well, 10 years ago, that was me. I was absolutely panicked ‘” and it showed. I thought it was going to be my first and last wedding MC job because I never had anything to help me prepare. There was just nothing available.

But since then, guess what? I’ve been the Master of Ceremonies at over 1,000 weddings and I really adore it. It’s such a privilege.

Consequently, because there was no books on the subject, I started to write down everything I learnt as the MC so I wouldn’t forget it the next time.

And here it is for you. Instantly available as a downloadable hand-book. (Don’t you just love the Internet)

If you are a bride, the groom, a family friend or a practiced public speaker, here is your answer to a fabulous reception and a relaxed and entertaining time at the microphone as the perfect wedding Master of Ceremonies.

In fact, I will guarantee that your wedding MC experience will run smoothly ‘” as long as you follow the straight-forward path laid down in the eBook.

I know that is a bold claim to make ‘” but you’re about to find out why I can say that with so much confidence.

This easy-to-read guide to a successful wedding reception includes all the essential information you need to be the perfect Master of Ceremonies.

* RECEPTION RUNSHEET including Grace, Dinner, Speeches, Cake, Waltz, Garter, Bouquet, Circle, Archway.

In under a minute and a half, you can be on your way to cheers, laughs, hoorays, compliments, rave reviews and recommendations because you ‘” the MASTER OF CEREMONY ‘” was organised, told appropriate humorous jokes, and made everyone feel welcome with your ability to bring the group of guests together.

There are stacks of tips on how to handle nerves, and word-for-word templates on what to say and how to say it.

And it is easy to understand because it is written in straight-forward english ‘” so you can be on your way to performing as a successful MC immediately..

This is the short-cut you have been searching for. This is the answer to a happy, well-organised, original and memorable wedding reception.

PREPARATION As a beginner MC, don’t try and ‘wing it’ because you feel that over preparation might diminish your spontaneity. All the best MCs make it look natural, but you will find that they have spent hour’s polishing their performance so it looks ‘off the cuff’. Think of preparation as free insurance.

PRONUNCIATION Proper pronunciation of names is essential if you are to have any credibility in the eyes of the assembled audience. From the template called WEDDING PARTY DETAILS, note if any members of the Bridal Party have difficult or unusual names. Check the pronunciation with the bride or groom, write them out phonetically and practice saying them out loud.

THE LECTERN Lecterns (also called a rostrum) are very useful but are not the most attractive additions to a room that has been carefully designed for maximum effect. Once the speeches have finished and the lectern will not be needed again, move it out of the way or to the side.

STAY COOL Whatever you do ‘” don’t get upset if something goes wrong. Even though you are in a powerful position, remember that you are the chosen leader that everyone is watching. You are representing the families of the bride and groom, the venue’s reputation, and yourself.

No matter if there are drunks making rude noises and trying to put you off, or no-one is listening to you or laughing at your jokes, the music is too loud, or the children are running riot, never, ever lose your temper.

ARRIVE EARLY The one person who cant be late is the MC. You need to be inside the venue at least one hour before the time you welcome the bridal party in. The first duty is to tell the catering and functions manager you’ve arrived.

Then introduce yourself to the DJ or who ever is supplying your microphone. Test that the sound is ‘bright’ without guests in the room. Trust your ears. Walk around and make adjustments to the treble and bass to suit your voice. A good microphone is your best friend; I always bring my own.

NO SURPRISES Prior to the speeches, go around and introduce yourself to each of the speakers. Mention where they are in the order and how far away to hold the microphone. Use this opportunity to discover what kind of relationship they have with the bride and groom. This… Read more…