You Can Learn To Paint Faux Exposed Brick Breakouts and Paint New York Loft Style Faux Brick Walls

You Can Learn To Paint Faux Exposed Brick Breakouts and Paint New York Loft Style Faux Brick Walls

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“Discover What Insiders Already Know About Painting Exposed Faux Brick So You Can Get It Right The First Time”

Do you want designer exposed faux bricks on your walls, but never actually thought you could pull off designer looking results? Are you frustrated looking at designer magazines and books with all the instructions for painting broken plaster walls – written in what seems to be Greek? I feel your pain!

All your most challenging questions about painting faux brick will be answered. You will have access to my support email and can ask all the faux brick questions you want!

You can ask for help with all your exposed faux brick painting questions by email. You won’t find that kind of customer service with just any faux painting consultant.

You will have more fun and have better results if you know what techniques are prone to problems and what paint and tools you need to have on hand before you start to paint.

I am a painting contractor in Illinois, and I have been wanting to learn how to do breakaway plaster  for a while now and I was actually  ready to dish out a lot of money for someone to teach me.

I do many faux finishes and have been very successful, but this one had eluded me for a while until I found you online.

Are you just beginning to learn faux brick wall techniques and have been frustrated with the results? Would you love to find someone to teach you with simple – easy to follow instructions?

… And wouldn’t it be great if that someone would answer all your questions about designing and painting faux bricks?

I was a professional faux artist for 17 years, and I have learned a trick or three about painted faux brick finishes. I love to paint faux brick and trompe l’oeil (fool the eye) architecture. You can now get every one of those faux brick painting tricks. The first tip I’ll share now is…get it done! Quick!

To save my sanity I had to teach myself how to get beautiful painted faux brick results and quick. Wouldn’t you love to have new faux brick painted decorator walls in record time? You will have more fun and great results than you can imagine with these easy as pie faux brick templates and techniques.

You will get to see from start to finish how I used these beautiful faux brick techniques to create fantastic decorative wall finishes and absolutely realistic – Trompe L’Oeil – faux brick wall architecture. I know you can have the same results on your walls too.

Sometimes you might feel like you can’t get started on a new faux painting project, because you might not have time to finish. Just watch me paint, and see how fast you’ll be able to start painting a wall with faux brick. Many of your faux painting projects could be finished in less than 24 hours! When you see these faux bricks unfold before your eyes you will be thinking “This is so easy…Why didn’t I get started on this sooner?”

The Home Inspector Increased the Value of Their Home after I added these faux bricks. Until he touched the wall he didn’t believe it was just paint!

I was there while the bank loan inspector was doing his final walk through on this new home. I started to laugh when he added so much to the value of their home for all the brick architecture my clients had added to the house.

I thought he was joking with us, but we learned he wasn’t when he left the increased value on the paperwork. He was amazed when I told him to walk closer and touch the brick. He could hardly believe it wasn’t real. He left the higher value in the paperwork, saying something like “if paint can look that good it had to add value to this home.”

Even first-time faux painters will be able to have expert results. Every faux painting step is detailed in the ebook and includes close up photos of each faux brick technique.

If you have a problem getting your faux brick or faux exposed brick wall painting look right, the video tutorial will help you understand each detail of faux painting a brick wall.

These wall painting techniques will turn your walls from boring to brilliant with out having to break a sweat.

These step-by-step faux brick techniques are so simple and easy to follow you will be shocked at your own results. Wouldn’t you like to design and paint faux brick around arched openings, windows and doors?

Plus! Every bit of your faux brick training is painted on a real wall! Not on poster board lying flat on a table.

With this tutorial you will be able to go to the store one time, get every thing you need so you can get started right away.

Don’t you just love it when someone asks you to help them decorate their home? Do your friends ask your advice about decorating or paint colors?

My friends and family were WOWed by my new faux finishes bricks walls and now they all want me to help design their homes.

Me …a designer?? If they only knew how easy it was to do. Now you will also be able to change plain white boring walls into amazing faux painted works of art.

I have lived with “all white, boring” walls for years. I loved the look of faux finishes, but never thought I would have them in my own home.

I felt that faux finish painting would require more talent than I had. I mean really… where would I begin? How could I do faux finishing without all those expensive tools? What paint colors go with my flooring and furniture?

Then I found Debra and she taught me everything I needed to know… Read more…