eBook Covers ‘” eBook Cover Generator ‘” eBook Cover Software
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You can start creating your own virtual product designs, simply and easily ‘” with just one click! You don’t even have to be a graphic designer or take any special classes or tutorials to learn how to do this yourself!
Black Belt Covers is the most advanced tool available on the market today for virtual product cover creation.
Inside this incredible package is a number of Adobe Photoshop Actions ‘” also known as Plugins ‘” that work with your existing Photoshop software. These Plugins or Actions will help you convert a plain, flat image to a high quality, polished 3-D graphic in just seconds with a single click!
“great.. this is a professional website that i looking for… I feel become a professional designer. When I tried to made 1 box using manual or other book, I spent more than 1 hour. But, when I’m using this action script from Black Belt Covers, it is not take more than 1 minute, even just in seconds. Thank you Mario”
“I have spend a lot of time to search a software for my ebook cover that looking good and not too expensive. Thank you so much Mario, Your eCover software is absolutely awesome and very realistic to be looking at. This is the best thing from many options that are available on the internet. Thanks again so much! I truly appreciate your help”
“Hi Mario. I just wanted to send you an email about your action scripts package. Firstly, Wow! I can’t believe the value you’ve provided here! All of the cover actions that I’ve used look totally awesome.. and some even look like real life photos! Now, when I produce a new cover with your scripts, people stand up and notice. You provide so many great designs that in hindsight- this package really was an obvious buy! Let me know when you’re releasing your next version. Thanks Mate
Kieren M www.TrustyCovers.com
I purchased Black Belt about 3 days ago and really like the out of the ordinary styles such as the handled boxes, the shopping bags are great and the Computer screenshots are super useful. I have a huge arsenal of emarketing plugins for Photoshop, this one has been a load of fun to try out and clients are psyched to get new versions of older products. I also like the various book shots and perspectives, they aren’t off skew like some of the other actions on the market.
Each and every virtual product pictorial from Black Belt Covers has been designed with sales, marketing and online businesses in mind. Watch your website traffic and sales increase because your customers are more enticed to buy a better looking product!
“I don’t know what I must to say about Black Belt Covers… But what I know is BlackBeltCovers is an ebook cover software for dummies. Only with single click, your ebook cover will done! it’s only need 3 minutes, and result is fantastic”
“this software is so helpful for me to make a high quality ebook cover, the price is more cheaper in consederation with other products, and the quality is more than a hundred bucks like other sites that offering the same products”
“Hi Mario, Thank you so much for supplying such an awesome eCover package. Since I have purchased your packaged, my design skills have improved immensely. Not only is your product awesome, your 24/7 customer service is one of the best on the internet”
Valda West www.eBookPalace.co.uk
“OMG, it’s more than 30 variety that I can use! The price is not too expensive and the quality is awesome. I am 100% satisfied with your product Mario. I will recommend this complete pack to all of my friends”
Blackbelt Covers is an excellent tool for me as a book cover designer. I apply my artwork into the template and have an instant 3D image of the book to give my clients. Now they can use the 3D image to advertise their books wherever they go! It’s a time saver for me!
Use Black Belt Covers’ Photoshop Scripts to create graphics that are useable on websites, .pdf files, presentations, projections, and more!
Without Black Belt Covers, You’ll Be Spending Your Precious Time And Money On Graphics That You Can Create Yourself For Just Pennies!
Instead of spending hours or days creating an e-book cover from scratch using a blank document, you can use Black Belt Covers’ scripts to create a polished graphic in just seconds! You don’t have to be an accomplished graphic designer to add shadow, detail and sharp resolution to your image. In fact, you don’t have to be a graphic designer at all!
It’s so easy to use Black Belt Covers that even someone with no experience designing or even using Photoshop could do it! It’s faster, easier and more inexpensive than any other virtual product design template on the market today!
“I’m very pleased with your product and I hope it will bring me some extra sales
Last but not least; I’m impressed about your very fast answer, not every e-entrepreneur is that helpful. Once again thanks”
Philip Brandner www.eBook-Paradies.com
“Hi Mario, I just want to say thank you for your product! Very good and have a high quality! especially for me, because I always think about new designs and you like an oasis in the middle of sahara. thanks for your product, good work.”
Semmy Internet Marketing www.CopyAndPasteMinisite.com
Add Colorful Images To Your Graphics To Make Them Unique And Stand Out From Your Competitors!
Not only will you get… Read more…