Conquer 27 Frustrating QuickBooks Mistakes that Steal Your Time, Sanity & Money

Conquer 27 Frustrating QuickBooks Mistakes that Steal Your Time, Sanity & Money

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In all my years of offering QuickBooks help to people, I see over and over again the frustration, anger, and even the sense of betrayal people feel when their bookkeeping is not going well.

Do you get tired of sitting in front of the computer, inputting data and running reports? Maybe you’re just not sure which screen to use and when to use them, and maybe your reports don’t look right… but you can’t figure out why.

You’ve probably thumbed through one of those QuickBooks help books ‘” there are lots of them out there, and new ones come out every year. These how-to guides are great, but let me ask you something:

No? You haven’t? I’m not surprised. Most people who buy those books have great intentions of reading them…

We all have things we’re good at. You might be a lawyer, a plumber, or a doctor. You’re good at what you do, and because you’re an expert in your field, you often know when somebody is making a mistake, even if they don’t know it.

You know how to help them, and that’s why they come to you. Because you know things they don’t know.

Have you ever felt the frustration of seeing people make unnecessary mistakes, knowing you could help them?

I’ve been a professional, self employed bookkeeper for 13 years. Over time I discovered that there are common mistakes many people make in QuickBooks. I kept training clients on repetitive problems I was seeing over and over.

None of these people knew that they were making the same mistakes that many other people make. Many of them didn’t even realize they were making ANY MISTAKES AT ALL until I pointed it out.

I know you’ve seen the advertisements. Intuit, the maker of QuickBooks, makes it sound so easy and effortless.

But the reality (as you have probably figured out), is that QB is NOT easy or effortless, especially for the average business owner.

There are SO MANY opportunities to make mistakes in QB, it’s no wonder that there are common mistakes people make over and over.

Don’t assume that QB is automated. It’s NOT. Don’t assume that it will tell you when you’ve done something wrong. It WON’T.

Regardless of what the advertisements say, you still need to know WHEN to do WHAT, and WHY. QB doesn’t just automatically do what you need, when you need it.

Do hammers drive nails into wood on their own? Of course not. You have to do it. You have to know HOW and WHERE to use the hammer. You also know WHICH OTHER tools to use with it… nails, for example.

But driving nails into your DINING ROOM TABLE is probably not a good idea. Driving a nails into your WALL might be a good idea, if you want to hang pictures there.

The problem is that people don’t know where to “drive the nails’� (so to speak) in QB. So they just start “hammering’� and “hammering’�.

What I mean is that they just open the box, load the program, and start using it without help or guidance. This is fine for other programs, like Photoshop for example. If you make a mistake in Photoshop, you only make it on one file. Plus you can see immediately your mistake, and not make it again.

But if you make a repeated mistake in QB, it might take MONTHS OR YEARS before it becomes apparent. After that time, reports are seriously wrong, and the people are scratching their heads, wondering what happened. “Why is my dining room table full of nails!?”

This is a guide conceived and born of YEARS of experience, helping real clients just like you, with real problems just like yours.

It’s packed with over 120 screen shots! That’s an average of two per page. I really want you to understand what’s happening at each step.

I know that many of you have wanted the eBook, but because the economy is still so bad you’ve had to count each and every dollar you spend.

It sold great before, but I want my eBook to get into the hands of everybody who uses QuickBooks, and yes that includes you! In order to do that…

Now is the time. For this price you can’t go wrong, plus I offer a complete 100% guarantee. Love it or get your money back.

Jennifer Thieme has provided QuickBooks users everywhere with an easy way to avoid accounting headaches. Every QuickBooks user should take the time necessary to read her ebook.

Ms. Thieme’s eBook on “Get More From QuickBooks” is an outstanding reference tool that I intend to keep next to my computer! She has captured many of the confusing and less intuitive procedures in QuickBooks and presents those in an easy to understand format… the screen shots are especially helpful!

I highly encourage all business owners to take the time to get very familiar with their accounting. By looking at every line item on bills, customer invoices, profit & loss statements, balance sheets, etc., you get a micro view of what’s really going on in your business.

Knowledge indeed is power and by knowing the answers to these questions, you’ll have a better understanding of your business and sleep better at night.

Accountants and bookkeepers are necessary and important, but the more you know the better informed decisions you can make. QuickBooks is an excellent way to manage day to day accounting and “Get More From QuickBooks” is a must read and important reference tool. I highly recommend Ms. Thieme’s book.

Conquer 27 Frustrating Mistakes that Steal Your Time, Sanity & Money provides a great set of building blocks to help users build a firm foundation for their QuickBooks company files.

Jennifer, Your ebook is easy to read and understand. In a very conversational tone and beautiful screen shots, you provide a way for QuickBooks users… Read more…