Red Eared Slider Secrets ‘” The Red Eared Slider Secret Manual
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Your Red-Eared Slider is vomiting anything other than food from a recent meal, especially if frequent
Did you acquire your Red-Eared Slider with no intention of researching the animal and following up on instructions from the pet shop?
Okay, I will admit it I LOVE Red-Eared Sliders! I have owned and bred these wonderful creatures for a great number of years. In fact, I am one of the most renowned experts on these beautiful semiaquatic turtles.
Unfortunately, not everyone who purchases a Red-Eared Slider has the same level of expertise as me and other authorities on this particular reptile. All too often, an inexperienced patron will wonder into a pet store and purchase a Red-Eared Slider because it looks cool and easy to handle.
Many people believe that they are buying an animal that will be no more difficult to take care of than a goldfish. These people will inevitably make horrible mistakes that can seriously endanger the well-being of their cherished Red-Eared Slider.
In order to fully understand the reason Red-Eared Sliders require such special care and attention, it is important to learn as much about them as possible, starting with their origin. Turtles are one of the oldest living animals on the planet, existing for millions and millions of years!
The natural habitat of the Red-Eared Slider is on the bottom of streams, rivers, ponds and lakes, dining on mealworms, crickets, crayfish, flies, tadpoles and dragonflies. In addition, the Red-Eared Slider is quite the sun lover.
Now, just imagine tearing a Red-Eared Slider from its natural habitat in a large lake or pond, where the temperature is just right and moving them to
Unless you happen to live on the bottom of a large body of water, I doubt your living room has the same conditions as the Red-Eared Slider’s natural habitat.This means that you have to create an artificial environment that is similar to their natural habitat.
This is where the trouble starts! Most people not only have no idea how to mimic the natural habitat of the Red-Eared Slider, but also do not realize the expense that is involved. When you factor in all of the necessary equipment and supplies, raising your very own Red-Eared Slider can become quite an expensive pastime.
Fortunately, over the years as an owner and breeder of Red-Eared Sliders, I have worked out several tricks and shortcuts that I am willing to share with you, so you can save money, and perhaps your turtle’s life! Are you ready to learn how to create a top notch, comfortable environment for your Red-Eared Slider?
If you have been considering obtaining a Red-Eared Slider for a while now, you will agree that there are many, many websites and forums on the Internet related to Red-Eared Sliders. However, you can read them all and still not know how to provide the best possible care for your turtle. The reason for this is that most of the people who write for these websites and visit these forums are not experts like me. In fact, many are actually clueless on the subject.
Following the information you find on these websites and forums is like the blind leading the blind!
Why would you want to waste your time trying to learn from people who have no idea how to care for a Red-Eared Slider properly when you have the opportunity to pick the brain of a veteran owner and breeder who actually does it every day?
Stop worrying whether you are doing everything right and learn the proper way to care for your Red-Eared Slider! It is time to take advantage of
This information is available for instant download via the Internet. No matter if you are thinking of purchasing a Red-Eared Slider, of if you are already the proud owner of one or more of these amazing creaturesyou will be able to determine quickly whether you are treating your turtle right.
“I Own A Red-Eared SliderYour Book Showed Me Just How Much I Did Not Know!”
I am the proud owner of a happy, healthy Red-Eared Slider that is the greatest joy of my life! I thought I was taking proper care of him, but once I read Red Eared Slider Secrets, I realized that I was making a number of mistakes. I plan to recommend this book to other Red-Eared Slider owners I know!
“Thank Goodness I Bought This Book Before I Bought A Red-Eared Slider!”
I had decided that I wanted to buy a Red-Eared Slider, so I was researching it on the Internet. When I found your book, I thought, “Might as well”. I am so glad I made that purchase! By following the guidelines in this book, not only was I able to avoid being scammed by a shady pet storeowner, but I also saved money on supplies! Many thanks!
After I read Red Eared Slider Secrets, I went to a local pet shop to see their turtles. I was able to quickly point out a number of problems with the Red-Eared Sliders in the store. A lady and her son were paying attention to what I had to say, and the owner’s face fell when they told me “thank you” as they walked out without making a purchase. I was able to go to a different pet shop, where I found a healthy Red-Eared Slider! Thank you so much!
Here are just a few things that I will teach you in this book just about selecting the right Red-Eared Slider:
It is important to think about the place where you plan to purchase your Red-Eared Slider, and take the time to make sure the one that you bring home is healthy… Read more…