Make Perfect Cake Pops ‘” Cake Pops
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The truth is, cake pops may look easy to make ‘” and they are, as long as you’ve got the right skills to do them. Most people give it a try and end up with chocolate that seizes, misshapen pops. or they just make such a mess they give up. However, if you know the right techniques and tips from the beginning, you can start making amazing cake pops right away! I wasted hundreds of dollars and hours on trying to get it right, and my frustration led me to creating this online class so that you don’t need to make the very expensive mistakes that I did.
Miranda Piotrovska ‘” founder and owner of Sweet Sticks, Learn How To Make Cake Pops and Co-Owner of Capture Your Cake.
Miranda came into this world while pregnant with her son Jacob and while suffering insomnia in the early months of pregnancy. In the early morning she stumbled upon the ‘cake pop’ from an American blog and she knew at that moment that’s what she wanted to be making ‘” cake pops!
She was fortunate to visit London and learn from some of the best cake pop artist they have. Mixing her two passions ‘” desserts and creativity has been a dream come true for Miranda. Her motto ‘love what you do’ is her reason for Sweet Sticks.
Organization plays a big part in making the perfect cake pop. Without the proper equipment or ingredients (they aren’t hard to find, or expensive, no matter where you live), you’re fighting an uphill battle that you’re destined to lose. So in Video 1, we cover the basics ‘” all equipment and ingredients you need to make the perfect cake pop.
It should be obvious, but the perfect cake pop starts with the perfect cake recipe. I’ll reveal the 5-ingredient recipe that blows all others away. It took me weeks of trial and error to get this part right. You’re learning it in one short, simple video that you can use each and every time to turn out perfect cake pops without fail.
An often-overlooked aspect of the cake pop process, the frosting either makes your cake pop “just okay’� or truly puts it into another level. Again, a lot of trial and error was involved here, and you can learn from my mistakes. Don’t waste time experimenting. Try this one recipe and technique and you’re home free.
This is one of the steps that’s often-overlooked and it winds up making what would otherwise be a crowning achievement look like an amateurish mistake. Watch this video and you’ll understand the true techniques of the pros.
This is often seen as one of the hardest techniques to learn in cake pop making. In reality, if you follow the techniques and ‘recipe’ in this video, you’ll see how easy it can actually be. My ‘recipe’ will leave you with a beautiful, smooth, perfect coating consistency to dip your cake pops into.
The most popular brand by far but probably the most difficult to melt before knowing my “Merkens recipe.’� When complete, you will have beautiful, smooth, perfect coating consistency to dip your cake pops into so you can choose which is better suited for your particular style.
This is where I show you how to truly make your cake pops stand out. Dipping and decorating are normally reserved for only the most confident or advanced cake pop makers. That will all change once you watch this video.
I watched a few YouTube tutorials prior to taking the Learn How To Make Cake Pops course and always fell short of a perfect cake pop. After taking the course, I am now proud to take my cake pops to events and have in fact taken orders from friends and family!
Miranda taught me skills that I hadn’t seen elsewhere and I have the confidence to create exciting, fun and creative balls of tastiness!
Just a quick note to say thanks very much for the information and step by step tutorial which was fantastic to follow. I must say I have come along way with everything you have taught me and never thought I would be able to make professional cake pops! Your course was informative and most importantly relevant, plenty of information to take away and refer to as well. Thanks very much, highly recommend this to everyone.
I had tried doing cake pops a few times before purchasing Miranda’s online tutorials and although they turned out ok after watching the videos things became easier and the cake pops turned out better. It’s all the little tips and tricks and all her trial and errors that she shares in the videos that make the job easier and a little less stressful.
Before taking your cake pop tutorial, I could never get a nice consistency of coating on my cake pops. They were all ways too lumpy. After watching your tutorials, I found out how to properly melt the chocolate and coat the balls. They now look 100% better.The videos are very easy to understand and follow, and the pdf is excellent too. I would recommend this course to anyone, especially beginners like me.
Click the ‘Add to Cart’ Button below and within five minutes you can start learning the secrets to mastering cake pops. Remember, I either deliver on everything I’ve said here today or I’ll personally buy the entire course back from you, no questions asked. I want you to love making cake pops as much as I do! So let’s get started…
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