SuperSignUpSystem ‘” Accelerate Your Opt-In Rates Like Never Before!
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Luckily you don’t have to worry about this part because I’ve prepared all the landing pages and download pages and special offer sales page for you. All you have to do is insert your opt-in code, upload the files and drive traffic to that site!
The best way to get a high sign-up rate is to give! Whoever is looking for information on how to make money on the internet ‘” give it to them! Not only that, but make the page good enough so that they would be silly not to sign up to your list!
I’ve created a page for you which displays all the products they will be getting for free. Take a look below..
You will be giving away quality information products on popular topics that others could quite easily charge for. Doing this will place you as an expert in the field of multiple internet marketing related subjects whilst showing your subscriber that you provide REAL value to them!
Not only that but you will have access to the eBooks yourself, but you will automatically own master resell rights to them so you can resell them as your own. A resellers kit will be provided!
You will receive a full give-away landing page designed for high opt-in rates! Simply enter your auto responder opt-in code at the bottom of the page and you’re ready to upload! Add your own picture on the landing page to personalized it!
You will also receive a confirmation page to ensure that your prospect signs up! This part of the sign up process is very often overlooked! Many list servers require your prospect to ‘double opt-in’ before you can start Emailing them which is why a confirmation page is necessary!
Again this part of the process is very often overlooked because most marketers simply send their PDF report or zip archive straight through to their prospect. You will now be able use your auto responder to send your prospects to a full download page so they feel like they’ve been looked after!
Now I’ll leave this up to you how you want to go about using this sales page. I personally would send your new subscriber to this page first just before they are sent to the download page above.
Alternatively, you could let your subscriber download and read the eBooks, give them a couple of days to digest the information, then present them with this offer using your auto responder!
Again, if your subscriber invests in the one-time offer, you will have a ready-made download page to send them to. This will save you valuable time!
The Super Sign Up System was designed for the beginner in mind. Even if you’ve never set up your own squeeze page or built your list this step-by-step guide will tell you what to do! It doesn’t get any easier!
But your time is too precious to go through all the technical details. You’re a marketer and you want to get straight down to business and start promoting your landing page and to build your list because that IS where the REAL money is.
I spent ages trying to figure out how to build a list quickly, build a relationship with them and make money in the process. Now you’re going to take my knowledge and work and apply it with these 5 important HTML pages, information products and quick start guide!
Once you’ve got a good system like this set up and in place you’re set for life! All you need is a small funnel of traffic with a high converting one-time offer system and the rest is history!
You might be thinking to yourself.. why do I need to invest in the SuperSignUpSystem? Couldn’t I just create my own squeeze page or invest in a set of opt-in templates?
Whilst you can buy 100s if not 1000s of templates designed to help you build your list the sad fact is that they just will not perform like the one in front of you. A lot of them are generic templates which were there to make a quick sale. However if you look at the landing pages above you will noticed how focused and well put together they are.
Not only do they encourage a sign up with every visitor, but you have a chance to make an up-sell early on that is directly related to the original free offer. Putting this together yourself can take some time, but why start from scratch when I’ve already done it for you?
Order Your Copy Of The SuperSignUpSystem Today And Receive 100 Professional Written Emails To Stock Up Your Auto Responder!..
Maybe you want to do all three, but that would demand a lot of your time to write the Emails and find what you want to promote. This where the FollowUpSystem comes in!..
You get 100 lengthy and informative email messages in word format that target 10 areas of your business including..
If you’ve ever tried building a series of Emails for your list before you’ll know that you can spend a whole day doing this!
But I’ve outsourced ALL the work for you so you can simply copy and paste these Emails into your own auto responders to build a relationship with your list and to make back-end sales!
You asked for more information on how you can use auto responders to boost your sales, and here it is:
Auto responders are automated “sales people’� that tirelessly follow up with your customers so you don’t have to. You simply create a series of letters and decide… Read more…