Sales Rebuttals Overcoming Objections » Closing Techniques

Sales Rebuttals: Overcoming Objections – Closing Techniques

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�” Download 250 Word-for-Word Sales Rebuttals for Overcoming Objections + MP3 Audio Sales Training.

Try these sales scripts … The reason is because you have a limited amount of time to deliver your sales message. With that time you must say the most powerful things that are most calculated and most likely to get you the desired business result. And here they are for you, in an 85 page Guide and mp3 Audio Training.

These fresh and modern Comebacks and Rebuttals are BETTER and DIFFERENT than the standard stuff that has been around for years. You’re learning new and original TRUST-BUILDING, FAITH-GENERATING conversational comebacks designed for today’s informed clients and complex business world.

Frustrated by their stalls? … Sick of rejection? If you refuse to help yourself & keep doing what you’re doing now, then you can’t expect different or better results. The key to fatter paychecks is preparing yourself with intelligent comebacks that expertly overcome objections like:

“Let me ask you this, Jim – Now that you know everything there is to know about this, WHAT’S THE ABSOLUTE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN if you went ahead with it today?”

“I know you like the idea, but WHAT IS THE REAL REASON you won’t try this right now? … The monthly investment you make is less than what you might spend on a couple rounds of cocktails on a Saturday night! – plus we have a money back guarantee … ”

“OK, but hold on a second, Sarah – what I’d like to ask is this: If there is anything about our company, service, or price that you don’t like, I’D LIKE YOU TO TELL ME, because the last thing I want to be doing is annoying you about something you aren’t interested in. WOULD YOU DO THAT? Fine. So by the time we’ve had a 2 minute discussion, we’ll either be doing business or we won’t. Fair enough?”

“I know you’re busy, and so am I – but just take two minutes to get the info and then YOU BE THE JUDGE … I mean if you saw a hundred dollar bill sitting on the sidewalk, you’d take a second to stop and pick it up, wouldn’t you? … I know that’s a cheesy example, but I just want to introduce myself and LET YOU KNOW THAT WE’VE HAD A LOT OF SUCCESS in helping business owners just like yourself … Hear me out for a second, OK?”

“Margaret, there are usually three reasons why someone can’t make a decision when we first contact them. The first reason is that they don’t quite understand how it works and how it will benefit them. The second reason is that I might not have built enough credibility in my company … and the third reason is that they simply cannot afford us. WHICH OF THESE THREE CATEGORIES DO YOU FALL INTO?”

“Which company are you using? Oh, that’s a good company!! Who are you working with over there?? … Hmm, I haven’t heard of him. How did you happen to choose him? I see … Why do you think you should stay with them WITHOUT COMPARING WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER? – Seems like you’re taking a big risk by failing to compare value”

“Look, I’m not asking you to give me one penny from your budget, I’m asking you to invest in your business – and finish what you started. You’re the kind of person that likes to finish what you start, right? … You’ve already invested time and money building a business with a great product, but you won’t make the money you deserve unless you add a catalyst. What I’m showing you today could be EXACTLY THE CATLALYST you need … Listen to this story about our client XYZ …”

“Right. The question of price is an important one. I’m glad you brought that up and you’ll be happy to know we’ve thought a lot about it. SURE, There is a minimal amount that you need to invest in order to get going, BUT THE BEAUTY IS you’ll have it right away – and you’ll have solid concrete proof that it’s a good product. You would agree with me that if this thing could almost double your income then IT WOULD BE WORTH TAKING A NO-RISK TEST DRIVE, WOULDN’T IT?”

“EVERYONE HAS BEEN REALLY EXCITED ABOUT THIS MORTGAGE PRODUCT, and I can tell you that it’s really not about cost … IT’S ABOUT INVESTMENT. For instance, you buy six thousand dollars worth of stock so you can sell it for ten thousand a couple months later, right? … That initial $5k is not a “cost,” IT’S AN INVESTMENT – the smart investor knows this. Jim, I want to PROVE to you that what we do is a LOW RISK way you can leverage a MINIMAL CASH EXPENDITURE to earn a maximum return on your money. You want to increase your income, don’t you? … I know! Who doesn’t! … Right?”

“I can appreciate that. All of our current clients know that PRICE IS REALLY THE BEST PART about partnering with us. We can do small installment payments so your actual investment per month will probably be much lower than what you spend on your cell phone bill! If price was not an issue, WOULD THERE BE ANYTHING ELSE HOLDING YOU BACK from giving this a shot today?”

“I appreciate your need to wait and talk it over, and HERE IS WHAT I CAN DO. I can hold this discount for you if you put a good-faith deposit down and let me know your decision within 24 HOURS. I am sure your partner / boss / wife is not going to want to miss out on this – and I’m sure that if he were in your shoes – YOU WOULDN’T WANT HIM TO PASS UP THIS OPPORTUNITY EITHER … Throw down a 10% deposit and we’ll reserve this special pricing for you, OK?”

“I can definitely understand that, Mr. Prospect. You’re right. This is a business decision and you need to make sure that it’s cost-justified … Look, – I have a lot of experience HELPING… Read more…