My Ebook Blueprint

My Ebook Blueprint

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Dear Internet Marketer and Entrepreneur, Are you tired of all the hype about making money online and throwing your hands up in frustration, day after day? Continuously hearing about this method or that method and how you will become instantly rich? Unfortunately that’s the same story a lot of us online have experienced; empty promises that end up going no where. What if I could show you a real way to make money online that’s truly legitimate, a no-nonsense method that’s growing at an unprecedented rate with all signs indicating that it will be, now and into the future, for a long time to come. A proven business model with one of the largest companies in the world, and that company is Amazon! How would you like to tap into one of the Hottest Niche Markets on the Web? According to top researchers, nearly $1 billion dollars worth of ebooks were sold last year and by the year 2015 that number is expected to grow to over $3 billion dollars… Ebooks are changing the face of the publishing industry as we know it. Well I’ve done some extensive research and have developed a Killer product for you today that will reveal how you can make money online as a Kindle Publisher. A product that can generate non-stop Kindle Sales month after month on autopilot.

Unlike a lot of other Kindle courses this straight-forward system teaches you everything you need to know to publish profitable Kindle ebooks. What’s more, these videos explain everything in simple and easy step-by-step fashion so there’s no confusion about anything!

You get the inside scoop to understand the key differences between Traditional and Self-Publishing that’s made Amazon the virtual “Gold Rush” for new and upcoming authors!

Learn how the Kindle Book Store works and an overview of how to publish your ebooks on the Kindle Bookstore.

Every book needs a buyer. Here you will learn the different groups of readers, the importance of reader oriented writing and how to effectively write to specific reader groups.

Understand why writing to smaller groups, or niches of readers, could very easily double, triple and even quadruple your income versus writing to the masses.

Learn how to price your ebooks to sell by factoring in the cost associated with ebook publishing and reader expectations.

It doesn’t matter if you scraped by high school English… We’ll discuss the differences between self editing and professional editing and which method may be the best, and most cost effective for your project.

People really do judge a book by it’s cover. Discover how your ebook cover can make or break your sales and how you can get professionally designed ecovers at dirt cheap prices.

Create your ebook and you’re in the home stretch. Now let’s review the advertising methods available for Kindle ebooks and their differences.

You’ll quickly gain the knowledge you need to get your book published and ready to sell with this step by step kindle walk through.

Let’s review everything you’ve learned and get you on your way to publishing your own successful Kindle ebooks!

That’s just the tip of the iceberg of all the many tips, tricks and secret strategies you’ll find in this amazing program. You’ll get instant access to “My Ebook Blueprint” so you can get started right away! If you’ve been dreaming of becoming a published author and want the fast and easiest possible way to make it happen, then you MUST get this powerful system today!

As you can see you have absolutely nothing to lose. My rock solid 100% money back guarantee protects you in every way. You’re either 100% happy with your purchase or I’ll return every last cent. Fair enough? In fact I’ll be MORE than fair… Because when you grab “My Ebook Blueprint” today I will include these three valuable bonuses absolutely free!

The Kindle eBook Generator makes formatting your ebooks push-button simple. Save time and effort with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Amazon Kindle MANIA is full of killer strategies that will almost guarantee your Kindle publishing success.

Get a selection of Kindle resources specifically designed to make your Kindle publishing a whole lot easier! You get:

When you publish to Amazon to sell your book, you’re partnering with a marketing giant that is nearly unstoppable in terms of selling power, traffic, and exposure. Getting your book listed here is your ticket to unlimited sales and profits. But there is a downside… The Amazon marketplace is a huge place with hundreds of twisting turning paths you can wander down and be lost for days. And when you’re wanting to publish your own book on Amazon, you don’t have time to draw your own map. You need a blueprint! My Ebook Blueprint is just what you need to keep you on the right path from start to finish, while giving you just the information you need to get published and sold on Amazon. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and gain instant access to this amazing Program today for only $37. And remember ‘” your satisfaction is completely guaranteed with my No-Risk TOTAL GUARANTEE. If you don’t like it, just ask for a refund. Go ahead and get My Ebook Blueprint today!

I’m ready to learn how people just like me are using the power of Amazon to build their own publishing empire so I can too. I understand that:

If for any reason within 60 days I feel you haven’t delivered on your promise you guarantee a full and complete refund.

P.S: This is your chance to become the published author you’ve always dreamed of being. Amazon has made book publishing simple and easy and “My Ebook Blueprint” shows you how!

P.S.S: Remember: You are fully protected with my 60 Day Risk Free Total Guarantee. If you’re not 100% satisfied then I don’t want your money.

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