MegaMoneyEmails – Write Effective Emails Without Writing A Word!

MegaMoneyEmails ‘” Write Effective Emails Without Writing A Word!

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If you have been in this business for a while now and are not making the money you deserve or enough money to quit that job that you hate, I’m here to tell you what you need to do to make it in internet marketing and live the life that you deserve!

What I’m about to tell you will give you the key elements to making it online, and it all starts with something you may have been hearing about for age’s now ‘” building a list!

If I was to tell you one thing and one thing only about internet marketing, I would tell you the following: Build a list! And the reason is simple. It’s a lot harder to get a new customer then it is to sell to an existing one: Fact!

It’s all about control. When you have a list built you can drive traffic at will to any site you choose that is in line with what your subscribers want, and that means that you can effectively write your own pay check. Any time you want traffic, you have it there on tap without having to pay for it or write boring articles and make endless forum posts.

When you build your list you are creating an asset that is worth money. You are investing in your future. It’s time to stop thinking short term and let internet marketing look after you long term.

What would happen if your girlfriend or boyfriend didn’t contact you for weeks? Would you assume the relationship was over? Would you be annoyed? How quickly would you pick up the phone when they called again? Well here’s the thing. It works the same with your subscribers- you are in a relationship with them and you need to show them love!

You need to keep in contact with them and maintain the relationship to get sales. Your relationship and the quality of it is the most important thing that you have. Without it you are just another mail in their inbox waiting to get deleted.

The internet is one big bag of distractions so you need to maintain your presence in the eyes of your subscribers and keep in front of them. When you manage to keep in front to them and maintain the relationship the money will follow.

You may have heard a great deal about auto-responders and maybe you’re wondering why they are so important and why you need them. Well the answer is simple. They are the best way to automate the all important relationship building side of things and they will get sales for you while you are getting on with the job of finding new subscribers for your list.

When you have an auto-responder loaded with messages that are going to go out to your subscribers over the next weeks, months or year you can sit back knowing that you keeping in contact with your customers while you find new people for your list. The auto-responder is the most important bit of kit that you have in this business because it enables you to GROW and EARN MORE while you nurture and develop your best asset online i.e. your list!

Sign up pages (also known as squeeze pages) are an absolute MUST when it comes to list building. If you are sending people directly to product sales page you are missing out on a big opportunity. This is the opportunity to make real money online and develop your internet marketing business into something that will look after you in the future.

When you use a sign-up page instead of sending your customers directly to an affiliate site immediately, you can capture their information, build a relationship with them and market to them later on, regardless of whether they buy now or not.

If you are currently NOT using a sign up page you are simply leaving money on the table and putting the fruits of your hard work into the pockets the product owner.

When subscribers come to your page they are going to need an incentive from you to hand over their email address. Life is all about give and take and you will have a hard time getting their email address from them without something to give them in return. Not many of us can resist something for free in this life so if you have attractive offer you are one step away from getting that customer on board and building a profitable relationship with them long term.

So it stands to reason that you need a) a way of building your list, and b) well thought out and prepared emails that will strengthen the bond between you and your subscribers and make you money!

This is what I have prepared for you to not only save time, but embarrasment as well from sending out noobish looking emails!

Mega Money Emails will allow you to keep in contact with your subscribers while building that profitable list at the same time, with a custom made squeeze page and a set of powerful relationship-building high-converting auto-responder messages that promote high quality internet marketing products!

It’s all done for you! You just copy our campaign code, load it into your system and you’re good to go!

Once they’re loaded into your auto-responder system, and connected to our tailor-made squeeze page, you’re good to go! Honestly it couldn’t be easier!

So what will you be sending out? What is it about these emails that will make you money? Why not see for yourself what you’ll be sending out to your subscribers!

Besides a list of subscribers, what is the one thing that all great marketers have in common?

Yes! Every marketer has their own product and their own niche to promote their product to.

Not only that but they have their own affiliate program to allow others to promote their product too whilst earning a handsome commission!

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