How To Propel Your Medical Practice Income To Unlimited Levels In 6 Months
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Business Lesson #1 “When you are willing to do what it takes to reach your maximal potential as a physician and demand the highest profitability from your medical practice, you should be hell-bent to invest your time and money in credible business information and business strategies provided by business and marketing experts and designed specifically for physicians who need help. Right now you are a fingertip away from that perfect resource.”
This eBook was written because I can see clearly now why my own medical practice failed financially. My arrogance of, “I didn’t know what I didn’t know,” prevented me from understanding why it all happened. About 20 years later, I discovered the secret and made a commitment to point out my mistakes to other doctors who often face the same dilemmas I did, and tell them the truth about the factors that slowly eat away at the foundation of every medical practice when you likely aren’t paying attention.
The shame of it all is that the loss of medical practice because of financial difficulties is totally preventable. That happens by following the expert advice of business and marketing experts. Regrettably, the cost of hiring business management and marketing services far exceeds the cost most doctors can afford. The ammunition needed to enable doctors to do it themselves if they choose, at a much lower cost, is described in this eBook I’m offering to you today.
Please notice: The business and marketing principles and strategies contained in this eBook applies equally to all other professional healthcare providers and their practices for the same intended results.
$ It’s the basic business education in 350 pages that you should have received while in medical school'”and didn’t.
$ Your practice will build much faster if you know this information before you even start a practice.
$ Your income will rise faster and higher than doctors who never care to know about these powerful tools.
b. If you are a private physician wondering about how to earn more revenue faster to combat the unrelenting restrictions on your practice income from multiple sources:
$ You have the advantage of the advice of many business experts in print at your fingertips and immediately available.
$ You will know what to do and how to do it'”including references to much more information, which explains the step-by-step process.
$ Your mind will be opened to what you are truly capable of doing in your practice, should you not be locked-up in your “comfort zone.”
c. If you are a white-haired physician with a practice fading away slowly and worried about retirement funding:
$ You will find many strategies about how to increase your practice growth and income no matter how old you are'”but only if you plan to stay in practice a while longer and want to benefit from the remarkable results you will certainly obtain for the effort. $ To you as a professional and a bit stiff-necked about keeping to the “old methods” of running a medical practice, you will be awakened to the incredible value of many previously unheard of methods of medical practice business and marketing, because of what I will tell you. $ With the information in this book you will dominate the livelihood of all the doctors you may be working with and who need the knowledge you will have, but are afraid to ask you for your help (It’s called “positioning” yourself for ultimate success'”a marketing strategy.)
$ If you are bringing in a new practice partner, or you are joining a group practice, the knowledge you have from this book will enable you to teach them what you know'”and they don’t know. It’s especially important because most new, or even older doctors, have had no significant reliable business education to improve their practice with.
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1. Running a medical practice business can’t be done with any truly significant expectation of profitability, if you have no knowledge base about how to do it. Why did medical academics leave that out of your curriculum?
2. If every successful business person knows that essential business knowledge is always a critical element to their profitability and productivity, why don’t you? Is it just magic that accounts for any physician or other professional healthcare provider being able to earn a reasonable living, or is there a process available to insure it will happen? Yes, there is!
3. Graduation from medical school with a huge debt on your shoulders should be a wake-up-call to you that you might need some kind of business knowledge to pay off the debt and still start and maintain a profitable medical practice.
4. There must be a reason why a highly qualified and experienced medical doctor would bother to write such a book like this unless he had suffered himself because of his ignorance about how to successfully run a small medical practice business. Don’t you think?
1. Primary cause of medical practice failure = financial and business ignorance.
2. Essential business foundations = business principles and marketing strategies.
4. Maximum potential for profitability = using business systems plus marketing.
You probably haven’t yet found the time, energy, and desire to educate yourself about running your small business (medical practice). Since your medical school education neglected to teach you about business management and business fundamentals that all successful business people are required to know and use daily to stay on top. It leaves you with three options:
A. Hire people to do it for you (cost = approx. $30,000 plus per year). B. Continue on as you are and hope for the… Read more…